Welcome back from Spring Break! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Welcome back from Spring Break!

| Posted in Class News

Dearest Division 6 family!

I hope you had a most wonderful and relaxing spring break! I thoroughly enjoyed mine as I primarily spent time at home enjoying checking things off my to-do list, passion projects, and connecting with many friends over Zoom. I also celebrated my birthday over the break and felt so loved.

As we return to school on Monday, please continue to do the health check in the morning before coming to school and remind your child to wash their hands well at school. We will continue to remind them to do the same when at school. Click here to learn more about the Daily Health Check.

I hope you enjoyed reading the report cards with your child. It’s important to discuss and celebrate all of the strengths and growth areas. We write them from a strength-based perspective. I often tell people that although it takes numerous hours to write, this is dedicated time where I am intentionally thinking about each student, to celebrate their strengths, consider where they can be pushed for next steps, and how best to support each one of them moving forward. It’s a great time to stop to reflect. If you would like to meet to discuss any part of your child’s progress, please let us know and we will set up a time to meet over Zoom.

Here are some Mystery Doug videos you can enjoy with your family:

How Pencils are Made?
Could People Ever Walk on Walls?
How is a Rainbow Made?

We have an exciting first week back planned. I have done a lot of daily professional development over the break and I’m feeling even more impassioned with some new ideas to inspire your child. One thing we talk about every day is pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone. I would love for you to start having conversations at home about that too. So instead of asking your child, “What did you do at school today?” ask…

  • What did you do that was in your stretch zone today? Follow up with: Your stretch zone is where you grow more!
  • What did you do that required you to be brave today? Follow up with: You’re braver than you think. You can do hard things.
  • What did you do to help, support, or in service to others today? Follow up with: How does that make you feel when you show kindness?
  • How did you make someone’s day a brighter one? Follow up with: How does that make you feel when you made an impact?
  • How hard did you work today? Follow up with: How does it feel when you persevere and work hard to complete your assignments?
  • What are you most proud of today? Follow up with: What would you like to be proud of for tomorrow? What might a goal be?

I recently wrote a post as the first one to introduce a new monthly blog series called Many Gifts to Discover. Go to my livchan.com website to read if you are interested. I’d love to hear what resonated with you most. Thank you for reading and for sharing!

As always, thank you for your continued support at home. We treasure our partnership!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan


  • Sign and return report card envelopes by the end of the week, please.
  • Wednesday, March 31 is jersey day. Please wear your favourite jersey to school!
  • Continue to practice all math facts at home (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). As a mother, I know it takes time and effort at home to practice WITH your child but there is a direct positive impact because they can make calculations with greater speed, accuracy, and confidence. I know their grade 6 and eventually grade 7 teachers appreciate it!

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