About our Class – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

About our Class

Teachers in the room

Ms. Kim will be the teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Ms. Chan will be in the classroom on Thursdays and Fridays.

Curriculum Taught

We teach your child many skills in different areas. Social emotional learning and core competencies are integrated into all we do. We understand this information may help families know who to contact in terms of specific curriculum areas and many cross over, but feel free to connect with Ms. Chan and Ms. Kim if you aren’t sure.

Mr. Ho – Gym

Mr. Turpin – Music Education

Supporting Learning at Home 


You can help at home by reading to your child and having them read to you every day. A key part to their reading development is talking about what they’re reading. Ask questions and get them to share their views. More guidance will be coming your way!  

 They will be taking out books from our school library weekly. We encourage visiting our local public library to develop a love for reading too!  


Primary aged children work hard to learn the foundations of numeracy. You can help by talking about the math you use every day as well as playing games with cards or dice to help build their math fluency. There are many games on the class blog too: 



It is very important that children get enough sleep. It is recommended that children this age sleep approximately 10-11 hours each night.  Well rested children tend to have more energy and alertness for the learning activities that happen in a school day. 


Your child will receive planners to use. This is very valuable tool for communication and organization. All students are expected to use their Planners to learn how to organize daily activities, to write down the necessary information, and to keep you informed. Notices will be in your child’s planner. Students at this age are still learning to use a Planner and may require reminders to bring it to school each day.  

Please take a moment to initial the planner each night. This will help reinforce the importance of our communication and organizational skills as well as let us know you have seen it. Children need to know we are working together. Writing a note in the Planner is a great way to communicate with us and we will do the same. It is a good idea to check the school website for upcoming important days as well.

Sometimes when students forget their planners in the morning, they often say their parent forgot to pack it. We would love to encourage your child to take on this responsibility to pack their backpack the night before and to check to make sure they have their planner, snacks, and lunch before they head off to school in the morning. Please help foster this responsibility, thank you!

Lunches and Snacks

Please send healthy snacks and lunch each day for improved overall well-being. We are like athletes who need healthy food to fuel our bodies for optimal learning “performance”.   

Our school works hard to value the principals of environmental stewardship and sustainability so please do your best to send in a “litter free” lunch.  

Water in a reusable labelled water bottle is the best drink to enjoy at school. Children are encouraged to drink and stay hydrated throughout the day. Thank you! 


Encourage your child to re-read books to improve accuracy, practice fluency, and deepen thinking about the same book. Please ensure your child takes good care of the library books and remembers to return them in a timely manner so they can make a new selection. Any specific questions about the library, please feel free to contact Ms. Solomon or Ms. Ho, our Teacher-Librarians.

Scholastic Books 

One of the ways we have built up our classroom library is through the Scholastic Reading Club. The books in these flyers are generally wonderful and are very reasonable. Teachers are awarded points to use toward books and classroom supplies when students place orders. We will be sending home flyers regularly. Learn more.

Some of our class books were donated by previous students. This is so appreciated! If you have books at home that your child is no longer interested in, please consider donating them to the classroom. Children need an interesting variety of books to be motivated to read and we do a lot of reading! If we cannot use them, we know many new teachers who can. Any unwanted craft supplies or puzzles are also greatly appreciated. 



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