Social Emotional Learning – Page 15 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: Social Emotional Learning

Dear Div 6 family,

I really do see us as a family who comes together to not only spend time but to learn about each other and enjoy our company. Your child may have shared with you that one of our guinea pigs, Coconut, passed early Thursday morning. I thought it was going to be a difficult day at work because I was feeling so sad but as I shared with your children, I also knew I would be surrounded by people who make me feel happier. I knew being around your children would lift my spirits, that their smiles would bring a smile to my face, and their love and care would put a patch on my broken heart. They did just that. 🙂

As you know, every morning, we begin our days with our Community Circle time. We have Thankful Thursdays to remind us there are many things we can be thankful for. Everyone takes a turn to share something they are thankful for. I am a firm believer that gratitude leads to greater feelings of happiness so I see many things as gifts I am grateful for. Every day is a gift. Every interaction is a gift. Every child is a gift for me to teach and get to know better through every interaction. I shared how grateful I am because of how happy they make me feel every day. Thank you for having such wonderful children that bring me such true joy!

There were many lessons I hope your child took away from this: It is okay to not feel okay. Loss and sadness is a real feeling. Even as young children, they can provide valuable support to adults like their teacher, which helps them see their importance and how they can play a big role in caring and comforting others with their words and actions. I spoke about “today’s best” and how I may not be able to give them my usual “today’s best” but I will commit to giving them “today’s best”. It is unrealistic to believe that we can give 100% all of the time but if they can give the best they can at that moment, that is all we can ask for.

Friday and Hallowe’en
Friday was a fun day! Every Friday, we begin our day with Mrs. Pappapanagiotou for our Book Exchange. Feel free to pop that into your calendar so you can remind your child to return their books. When we returned to class, it was time for our Costume Parade. So many cool costumes! After that, we broke into groups for our Cup Challenge. Here, they were given 10 cups with 4 strings attached to an elastic band. They were asked not to use their hands and can only communicate through gestures and hand signals (no voices!). Their challenge was to work as a team to copy the structure on the board. They had so much fun and realized that they HAD to work as a team or the elastic would not stretch well enough to release the cup! In the afternoon, the entire school played BINGO with announcers calling the numbers of the PA. I wish you could see the excitement and smiles on their faces! So much fun!

We learned about decimals this week. In grade 5, they need to know their decimal places up to the thousandths place. We added to our Place Value game boards and practiced understanding decimals with a partner. We watched a couple videos to augment my lessons: Khan Academy and Math Antics. Please feel free to watch it with your child to review at home. We will be starting addition soon so please have your child review their addition facts at home so they will become more fluent. If they have an iPad at home, you can download a free app called Math Tappers: Find Sums. It’s great!

Students are on their way to diving further into their rock inquiry question. If your child has extra time at home, I encouraged them to work on their presentation.

As part of our Science curriculum, this Wednesday afternoon, we will have a virtual workshop with TJ from BC Sustainable Energy Association on Climate Change (over Zoom). Please click here to view the notice that provides more information about the 4-week home program.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support at home. We appreciate you! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Gratefully, Ms. Chan & Ms. Paulich

Dear students and families,

We hope you had a good Thanksgiving last weekend! Although I was happy to have an extra day to spend with family, I was sad that I missed a day with our students!

This past week, we focussed on kindness. We listened to a story called Ish (click to watch the story) by Peter Reynolds. It’s one of my favourite books!

As writers, we continued to work on paragraph writing. This time we wrote about what kindness means to me. We shared the writing of classmates that really showcase exemplary work. On Friday, I introduced the single-point rubric that I use to assess. They chose the paragraph they felt most exemplified their best personal writing and self-assessed their work. Next, I will review and provide my comments. From the exercise, they will learn about their areas of strengths and areas where they can improve.

In O365 Teams > Assignments > Writer’s Workshop, they are writing a story. At the bottom of their work online, you will see a different single-point rubric. This one is for creative story writing. You will see the targets students are working towards.

As Mathematicians, we continued to work on our understanding of numbers and place value. We began practicing skip counting by using graph paper to keep us organized.

As scientists, after choosing our rocks, we made and recorded our observations. I loved seeing and listening to their excitement about the small details they were noticing about their rocks!

Students were excited to continue to work on their Passion Projects. If you would like to see some of the previous projects, click here to go to last year’s blog post.

As always, thank you for your continued support at home! We appreciate you!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan and Ms. Paulich

Week 2 & 3 Updates

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Dear Parents,

Wow, what a fast two weeks! A lot has happened! Click here to watch the video update. No time to watch? Feel free to read our summary here.

This was two weeks ago but on Monday, September 21, we had a great turnout at our Meet Ms. Chan over Zoom. Thank you so very much for being there. I felt so blessed and honoured to meet so many of you! Then on September 23 and 24, we had the privilege to connect for our Meet the Teacher Conferences. Your sharing and insight are invaluable to us!

We continued to build our community and relationships through our Community Circle time. One day, we played Car & Driver. This activity helped us experience trust. Trust in each other. We talked about how trust is generally and generously given until there’s a reason to take it back. Our goal is to live our lives with integrity so that there is no reason for others not to trust you. This goes back to our three essential questions:

  1. Will you do the right thing?
  2. Will you do today’s best?
  3. What will you do for others today?

If we regularly ask ourselves these questions, and reflect on our mindset, language, and actions, then we will be well on our way to being positive role models and good citizens of the world! We have been using these questions after our tasks and reviewing them before beginning our new related tasks. We have seen improvements already!

On October 1st during our Community Circle, we shared our September highlights. It was so heartwarming to hear that almost all of them shared how grateful they felt to be back in school with their friends, learning, and in our class! I so love how comfortable they feel to share!

For Reading, we learned about the Say Something strategy. It is important for readers to have opportunities to talk about what they are reading in order to develop deeper understanding of text, characters, and meaning, for example. This is why we spend time practicing our “Say Something” strategy. Here, they practice their communication skills – speaking and listening, as they dive deeper into the book like what adults do during Book Club talks. They also will practice critical thinking skills as the year progresses. Many students continue to enjoy reading books on Epic. If you need more information, please reach out!

Last week, we read the story A Walk in the Rain with a Brain and tried our hand at sketchnoting, which has become very popular in the past few years in education. Here, students record key words and draw images that help them remember. It was my first time sketchnoting too! This story was about the importance of discovering how our brains are different and that everyone is “smart”. We need to spend time to figure out how we are “smart” and not compare ourselves to others.

For Math, we have been doing Number Talks. Through doing these, we used our critical thinking skills to learn what digits are, what the commutative property is (2+3=5 and 3+2=5, 3×5=15 and 5×3=15), the all about digital roots! I have loved seeing critical thinking in action during these math times as we processed our new information! We will be moving into learning Place Value this week.

For Science, we started our Rock unit by recording what we think we know and what we wonder about rocks. For this inquiry-based unit, we will learn about and dive into what interests them most!

In the Computer Lab, students have learned a lot in a short time. In the last couple weeks, they learned how to write an email using proper etiquette, became familiar with Assignments in Teams, learned how to navigate their online Class Notebook (which looks like a binder with tabs), started their Digital Portfolios in PowerPoint, and started writing their stories. We finally have our Computer Lab times set. We have the lab booked on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Students had a chance to spend some time flushing out what their Passion Projects will be. They spent some time talking to different classmates about their ideas. The hope was that the more they talked about their plans, the more excited they would get! That’s how we can tell if we have found the right Passion Project for us!

Ms. Paulich did a cool art activity with them that shows what is Behind My Mask. They wrote words that described them.

Last week, we went on our Terry Fox Run in the neighbourhood. As a school, we decided to walk as a class to keep our cohorts safely together. We walked the route twice and everyone represented Gilmore well. It was such a beautiful day! I absolutely loved all of the social interactions I saw happening as we walked!

We also acknowledged Orange Shirt Day. In the past couple weeks, they learned about residential schools and the meaning behind this day with Mrs. Siu and Ms. Paulich.

We are looking forward to a fantastic October! Thank you for your continued support at home! As always, should you have any questions, please ask! We are here to support you and your child as we work as partners! We feel SO fortunate to be teaching your wonderful children. We have the best class family ever!!

Gratefully, Ms. Chan & Ms. Paulich


Dear students and families,

What an awesome week together! First of all, thank you for arriving on time every day! Please remember to do the daily health check before sending your child to school. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in keeping us all safe!

If you prefer to watch than read, here is the update video! Click here (Sorry, it’s 8:46 min long. I didn’t realize it was that long when I was recording it!). These videos and blog posts are meant for your children too so please review and have conversations about what was learned in order to reinforce. Thank you for your investment of time in your child’s learning! Ask them to reflect and tell you from their point of view. This works on their communication skills!

Meet the Teacher Conferences are next week on Wednesday, September 23 (3:15 to 6 pm) and Thursday, September 24 (2:15 to 6 pm) with an early dismissal on Thursday at 2:00 pm. Please read the important email sent to you from our Gilmore office. In the email, you will learn about our new online booking system with attached instructions. We recommend that you create an account and add your child(ren) before the portal opens tomorrow at noon. It is first come, first serve.

On Thursday, after our Flextime, we started our morning with our Community Circle finishing this sentence, “I feel happy when… “. It was heartwarming to hear many comments about feeling happy when they come to school. After just one week, it feels like we’ve been together much longer. We are thrilled to see our classroom community show respect and cooperation!

Next, we learned about comfort zone circles. We went to the Activity Room where they were given scenarios. This was a fun, interactive way where they moved to a part of the room that represented their comfort level. It’s important to understand themselves when learning. I told them that they will be regularly pushed out of their comfort zone for optimal learning in their stretch zone.

  • Comfort zone: unchallenged, bored, stable, safe, easy
  • Stretch zone: This is the learning zone – excited, exhilarated, challenged, alive, willing to take risks
  • Panic zone: fearful, tense, stressed

Ms. Paulich finished the STEM activity with them in the afternoon. So MUCH fun! Here were a couple reflection questions:

What about your design worked well?

  • Our paper was all used up and our strips were skinny which made it long
  • It was strong and did not break
  • Durability and we used all the supplies

If you were to do this challenge again what would you do differently?

  • Try not to overlap the edges of the paper
  • Make the strips longer and thinner making the chain longer
  • Use thinner pieces so you have more to make the chain longer

Friday’s theme: Celebration Friday! After our Flextime, we gathered in our Community Circle to share our celebrations from the week and cheer for each other. Again, many comments about celebrating a great first week and feelings of happiness to be in the class. My heart was so full after listening to their celebrations!

Hooray for You! We read this book that celebrates “you-ness”, all the things that make you unique, special, and different! We spent some time working on our heart maps. I loved seeing all the things that make their heart happy!

We went back to the Computer Lab and learned about how to be a good digital citizen. They are now at an age where some have social media accounts or play online games where they talk to people they have never met in person. So it’s very important to teach them to THINK before they post or say things to others in person and behind a screen. What they post is permanent and may affect their future so we want them to build a positive online presence! We practiced in Teams in the Chat feature. I imagine we will have more conversations about how we use this space responsibly, respectfully, and with integrity.

Then we logged into Epic to do some reading. I will send you the class code in an email to keep it private and not post it here. I will be adding your emails this weekend so expect to see an email from Epic to invite you to sign up. This will allow your child to have an extra two hours of reading time at home outside of the free account which gives them free access from 7 am to 4 pm.

Finally, on Teams, they worked on a reflection assignment. They were asked the following questions:

  • What can I do better as their teacher for them or the class?
  • What can you improve on for next week? What is your goal?
  • What is your celebration from the week?

Not everyone handed in their work because they did not all finish so if you can find some time over the weekend to encourage your child to login to O365 to complete the work and to click on TURN IN, that would be so helpful so they won’t be behind starting next week. Thank you so much! If you need any support, please send me an email.

Finally, I introduced the idea of Passion Projects. We watched the video as a launch. Please have a conversation with your child and help them brainstorm different possibilities for what they might want to focus on for their Passion Project. It’s best to brainstorm some ideas first! Feel free to have them bring it to school next week! They do not need to make a decision yet. What they choose needs to be realistic given the parameters of our health and safety protocols. So looking forward to seeing what they choose!

Ms. Paulich and I feel so very blessed to be your child’s teacher this year! Thank you for sharing your child with us. Your children are happy to be back at school and so are we! We are so looking forward to meeting you later next week over Zoom! A Zoom link will be shared with you next Tuesday evening.

FYI… for students who like to bring their own device, we will visit the Computer Lab next Monday. We will be going to the gym on Tuesday and Wednesday, so please dress appropriately to exercise!

We always love it when parents reach out to connect! To parents AND students, what was your most favourite activity from this week? Please post a comment! Thank you! 

Thank you for your support at home. We appreciate you! Have a fabulous weekend! 🙂

Sincerely, Ms. Chan and Ms. Paulich

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