Lost Happiness by Olivia H. – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Lost Happiness by Olivia H.

Acorn the hedgehog and Daisy the rabbit were good friends. They attended Tree Tops Elementary together and they were in the same class. Acorn and Daisy always walked to school together and had lots of sleepovers.

One day as Acorn and Daisy strolled to school, they picked some beautiful bloodred roses for their teacher, Ms. Appleblossom. She loved roses and petals. Acorn held the bouquet while Daisy offered to carry Acorn to get to school faster. Acorn agreed and soon they were in their class on the forest floor. Daisy motioned Acorn with her white paw to give the roses to Ms. Appleblossom. Acorn agreed and she and Daisy walked up to the deer and said together, “Ms., we thought you would enjoy these roses”.

“Thank you,” said Ms. Appleblossom absentmindedly.

“That was strange,” Acorn commented at lunch. She and Daisy were wondering why Ms. Appleblossom was acting so sad. Acorn thought maybe she was having a bad day. Daisy thought their teacher was just sad.

The next day, Ms. Appleblossom didn’t even say hello to her students! She didn’t smile at all, talked quietly, and had no enthusiasm at all! Acorn and Daisy were shocked. Why was their teacher so miserable? The hedgehog and the rabbit devised a plan. They were going to make Ms. Appleblossom happy again! They tried to give her bouquets, gave her favourite food (mushrooms), acted perfectly behaved, smiled at her, volunteered for jobs that ms. Appleblossom did not like doing, but nothing they tried worked. Ms. Appleblossom was as sullen as ever.

Just as the two friends were going to give up, Daisy had news that changed everything. The reason Ms. Appleblossom was sad because her fawn had died because she had been too weak to survive!

They planned for days and finally, they had a perfect plan to snap Ms. Appleblossom out of her misery. They had the whole class in on it.

On Treesday, the class arrived really early. They set up their plan and prepared for the moment their teacher would walk in. At 7:00 am sharp, Ms. Appleblossom pranced in on her delicate deer legs. The class was all hiding and they waited a second before jumping out and saying, “SURPRISE!”

Ms. Appleblossom was so stunned she just stood still. Then she started laughing. The sound was very so pretty, all the class stared at her.

Then she said, “WOW! You are the best class ever!”

The class replied, “We wanted to cheer you up!”

“I know I’ve been sad lately. It’s just because my fawn died.” She smiled at them.

Daisy stepped forward and said, “We prepared this Happiness Party for you.” Everybody produced plates of food and steamers at dyed leaves. Ms. Appleblossom had a big smile on her face. Their mission was a success! Their class partied all day. Ms. Appleblossom thanks them deeply. Acorn and Daisy shared secret paw-fives of success.

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