Literacy Week – Guest Readers!

Our Guest Reader today was from the Burnaby Fire Department.  It was Deputy Fire Chief Bowcock!!  It was so very exciting to learn about life in a fire department as we heard the Deputy Chief’s story and were able to ask him questions about his life in a Firehall.  We were all super excited when Deputy Chief Bowcock invited us to visit his team’s firetruck in the parking lot.  

Thank you to the Burnaby Fire Department for fulfilling the dreams of our Kindergarten children!

Word of the Week! (But, we call it W.O.W!!)

This week we are starting to learn to read a new word each week – We call it W.O.W.

You can help at home.  If you look at the top of this blog page you will see a ‘Word of the Week’ tab that you can click on to go directly to see the words we will be learning each week for the rest of the year. You will also find some fun ways to practice at home!

Thank you for your support!

Grayson Smith Author Visit

We were lucky to have Grayson Smith, an author and policeman visit us to read his book!  His book taught us about the importance of being inclusive and of feeling included.  The children loved Grayson’s story and learning about his life.

From the book….What would happen if, on the first day of school, you took your seat right next to a wild and woolly barbarian from the Far North?  

If you are interested in purchasing this book an order form will come home on Friday!

Poem in your Pocket Day!

We all enjoyed Poem in Your Pocket Day!!  It was so much fun reading our poems to everyone we met that day!!  In the afternoon we went to David Grey Park with our Big Buddies from Ms Keilty’s class and read our poems in the park!  Thanks for all of your help with finding and writing up the poems!

Pajama Day & Drop everything and read! Drop Everything and Read!

We rolled out of bed and came to school in our Pajamas on Monday!!  So much fun!!  It was tempting to take naps all day but, we had so much work to do there was just no time for that.  In the afternoon the whole school Dropped Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.). Our class went to the library and joined Ms. Shuster, Ms Keilty and Mrs Fraser’s classes to read books.

Word of the Week ….but, we call it W.O.W!!

This week we are starting to learn to read a new word each week – We call it W.O.W.

You can help at home.  Just click on the link below and you’ll find some fun ways to practice at home.  You will also be able to see the words we are learning each week.  If you look at the top of my blog page you will see a ‘Word of the Week’ tab that you can click on to go directly to see our words for the rest of the year.

Word Of The Week

Thank you for supporting our learning at home.  Have fun!

Family Reading!

We have had a wonderful first few days of school!  The children are settling in to our routines and getting comfortable with their new school.  Our morning Family Reading has already become a fantastic start to each day.  The room is packed and the air is filled with the sound of joyful reading.  I took a quick video this morning …enjoy!