
Hello families of Division 4,

Thank for you checking in with me. It was great to hear and see how you are all doing. As we discussed in our check-ins, some things have changed. Content delivery, communication, and learning have changed. The goal of this blog is to let parents and students know our daily and weekly schedules along with any important news. I encourage students and parents to bookmark this website and check it at least once a day. I will be updating it on school days at 9AM.

My goal for this week (Week 0) is to check-in with all families to ensure that they know what to expect in the next coming weeks. No assignments will be provided until next Wednesday April 8. In the meantime, my goal for the rest of this week and for the first two days of next week is to have students set up two important tools that we will rely on this term.

They are:

  1. Their Burnabyschools based email – Instructions
  2. Microsoft Teams – Instructions (please ignore option 2 in the document)
  3. (Optional) Downloading the Office 365 Suite onto their computers – Instructions


Once set up, please do the following:

  1. Explore your email account and send me a joke!
  2. On Microsoft Teams, say something in our communication channel.

If you have any problems, please email me at Philip.Cheung@burnabyschools.ca. This will help me determine what tools I need to fix! We are all learning these new tools together, so please don’t stress out if you are finding it difficult to navigate through!

See you soon,

Mr. Cheung

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