Friday April 17

Happy Friday! It was great to connect with even more of you again yesterday. We are almost ready to have larger group conversations as a class – Thank you for your patience.

Just a reminder for students to regularly check your emails! I sent you all a document about Digital Responsibility yesterday. Please read over it.

Today is mostly self-guided, meaning there aren’t a lot of things that you have to turn in. I have placed trust in all of you to motivate yourself to do the activities that don’t need to be handed in.

For Current Events today, you will be seeing images of animals roaming within towns and cities due to people staying in to physical distance. There are some journal response topics that you can find on the assignment page. Please let me know if you would like to write about a different topic.

Please continue working on your typing! We have been using All The Right Type in class so this is definitely an option. If you have been using another program at home, feel free to use it today. What’s most important is that you are practicing your home row keys.

Please continue on your self-guided art project. You won’t have to share it on Teams, but I may be checking in with you individually during quiet time to either chat about your plan (and how well you’re following it) or I may ask to see it :).

The weather is great and this means it’s a great time to go outside! Of course, remain physically distanced from non-household members, but go for a walk! Walk with your siblings, parents, dogs, cats, fish?. Jump around on your trampoline. If you have a laptop, bring your laptop out there to work! Read outside! Fresh air is important and so is staying active. When I was your age, I stayed at home all spring and summer long and now I have a bad hip and back!

For French, please go on Duolingo and practice your French for 20-30 minutes. So far, I have 7/28 students sign up for an account. I may be checking in to see how I can help you make your account during quiet times tomorrow. Click HERE to sign up (class code: uruqcs). Make sure you click sign up and use your school email.

This week went by really quickly! I hope you enjoy the weather this weekend and most importantly, stay safe!
