Wednesday April 22

Thank you for a successful class meeting. For those who missed it, no problem! We will have another one this Thursday (tomorrow) at 2:00PM. 

I want to remind students and parents that if you need to contact me, I have provided students with a temporary phone number that they can reach me at. It is shared only on Teams for privacy reasons.

Here’s today’s schedule. Make sure to stay active and to reach out to myself and one another if you have any questions.

Remember to update your physical activity for P.H.E.!

For math: 2 new lessons on Math IXL. These assignments will gear you for a different type of math activity on Thursday. No additional math work on Teams. Again, tutorials for Math IXL can be found here.

For ELA, you will be reading a poem today. Keeping in mind of the 5 poetic devices we have learned about earlier, you will be asked to identify some of them in the poem.

In Social Studies, you will be looking at mining and minerals as a non-renewable resource. You will analyze and reflect about the benefits and drawbacks that come with mining.

Please continue working on typing. You may use All The Right Type, or a typing program that you are more familiar with. Again, remember to use those home row keys and know that all this practice is only going to help you be better at whatever you do in the future. (Who knew as a teacher, I would have to type this much!)

Questions? Email me, let me know on Teams, or call me if it’s more urgent 🙂 – Mr.Cheung