Let’s think about what we have learned this year.  These are some ideas that we could think of:

  • Math-fractions, multiplication
  • Science-heat energy, erosion
  • Social Studies-needs and wants, mapping and grids
  • Literacy-stories such as Winnie the Pooh, fractured fairy tales such as Little Red, read alouds such as the Wishtree
  • Arts-making the hot air balloons, learning the recorder

Can you think of your own idea?

Now, choose one thing from school that you remember really well–something you would like to talk about and discuss.

Draw a picture or write about this experience or activity.

After you finish writing or drawing your example, think of your learning goal.

What do you want to do to improve in grade 4? This is your learning goal.

Here are a few ideas for learning goals:

  • I want to get better at multiplying numbers 1-10 so that I can do every question
  • My learning goal for reading is to read a longer book and read longer words
  • My learning goal for reading is to read more smoothly and loudly and pronounce every word
  • I want to get better at playing the recorder and I will know that I am better because I will know all the notes

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