with Mrs. Nicoll and Mrs. Leroux

Author: nicollt (Page 2 of 3)

Tuesday, May 26th

Good morning Division 8! Today we have a group chat with Mrs. Nicoll at 1:00. We will be talking about your reading group assignment and I will introduce a new math concept called perimeter and area. Please join me on Zoom by using the code in Teams.  **The zoom meeting originally planned for Wednesday has been moved to Thursday to accommodate a last minute staff meeting. Sorry for the inconvenience. **

Here is today’s morning announcement presented by Ms. Hall.

#1. Reading Groups: We won’t be using the regular reading programs today. Instead, read aloud the following stories based on your reading group (students should know their group):

  • Blue Group: What is Covid-19 (Level 1)
  • Yellow and Purple Group: What is Covid-19 (Level 2)
  • Complete the questions below based on your reading group. If you are in the green or purple group, make complete sentences by using the question in the answer. For example, if the question is “Why shouldn’t we touch our face?” The answer would start, “We shouldn’t touch our face because ____”. I am leaving the sheet open to editing so students can type their answers on the sheet. When you save it, please hit “save as”, not “save” or you will change the file and everyone will see your answers. Submit the worksheet to Teams when completed.
  • Blue group questions
  • Yellow and Purple group questions

#2. Math: 

  • Grade 2’s: Today will be a review day. The first sheet is two digit adding with regrouping. Don’t forget to carry any tens over to the tens column and add them into your answer. The second sheet is writing the hour hand (the small hand) on the clock.  Worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s: Today we will talk about millimetres (mm for short). Millimetres are quite small. There are 10 mm in 1 cm. Most of you have already figured out that the little lines on a ruler between each centimetre are millimetres. The order of measurement from smallest to biggest is mm, cm, m, and km. On the first worksheet, you will choose the best measurement by circling the answer.  On the second sheet you will also choose the best measurement. Question 14 asks, How far can you run in an hour? Most kids could probably run about 5 km an hour. Worksheet 1 and 2

#3. Music: Join Mr. Smith for his Zoom class at 2:30.

#4. Art: (for fun-optional!) Art For Kids Today’s art lesson: drawing a turtle! If you would like to share your drawings with the class, please ask a parent to email me (Mrs. Leroux) your picture and I will put it into the Gallery.  Just like before,  you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with.  Please put a spare piece of paper underneath your paper to protect your table.  The artist does the lesson with a marker. You may wish to do your drawing with a pencil in case you’d like to erase and make improvements.  You can always fine line the edges with a marker after you are done.

Wednesday, May 20th

Good morning Division 8!  Great job on your reading. On Epic Books our class has now read 500 books! Amazing!!

Please join Mrs. Leroux for a Zoom meeting at 1 o’clock today. The link will be in Teams. To join the conversation, highlight and copy the web address, paste in the web search bar, add the access code and wait to be admitted. Mrs. Leroux is going to be talking with you about an assignment that will be included in your report cards.

Here are your morning announcements from Ms. Peters.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: finish your first story of the week or start a second story                                                      (or)
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. Record yourself reading 1 story this week.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Math: 

  • Grade 2’s : Today you will decide if an object should be measured in metres or centimetres. Remember that there are 100 cm in a metre. If an object is less than 100 cm you would measure in centimetres. If an object is bigger than 100 cm, you would measure in metres.  Worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s: Your first sheet is the same as the grade 2’s. Please read the grade 2 lesson for how to do your first sheet. Your second sheet requires you to count by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s or 10’s to figure out the answer. For example, if a floor in a building is 4 metres high, you will need to think about how many floors are in our school and  count that many times by 4. I don’t want to tell you the answer, so I’m going to give you a similar question. An apartment building is 4 floors high, how many metres is it? I would count by 4’s, 4 times: 4, 8, 12, 16 . An apartment building is 16 m tall. If you are counting with a adult, think of how many adults would fit across our classroom floor. Count that many times by 2. If you are counting by buses, think of how many buses would fit across the school field and count that many times by 10.   Worksheet 1 and 2

#3. Physical Education:

  • Kidz Bop Dance try a few different dances or play the same one a few times until you get good at it.
  • Soccer Drills at home work on your foot handling skills from the comfort of your home.

Tuesday, May 19th

Good morning everyone, we hope you all have a good long weekend!

Thank you to all the families who have submitted their work on Teams. We’ve really enjoyed reading about the pet you want and are impressed with the amount of ideas in your writing! Last week was a big writing week, so we are going to skip the Tuesday writing assignment.

Here are your morning announcements brought to you by Mrs. Chan and Mrs. Mihaylova.

We have a Zoom chat today at 1:00 for everyone who would like to join.  Please go to Teams and click on the link in the Posts to join  at 1:00! Also, pick out a show and tell you would like to show the class. Be prepared to share three things about your show and tell.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: read your first story of the week                                                          (or)
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. Record yourself reading 1 story this week.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Math: 

  • Today you will be learning about metres. There are 100 centimetres in a metre. You will need a ruler and an object that is 1 meter long to complete today’s assignment. How will you do that? A string or piece of yarn are the easiest ways to make one. You could also find a long stick and get your family to help you cut it to size. How can I be sure it is 1 metre? Watch this quick video of Mrs. Nicoll to see how to make one!
  •  Please copy or draw out today’s  worksheet. In the first column you will write if the object is measured in cm (centimetres) or m (metres). In the second column, you will measure the object. To measure the door or height of the ceiling, you will need to ask an adult to help you. Watch this video of Mrs. Nicoll to see how to measure a large space.

#3. Music: Join Mr. Smith at 2:30 for this week’s music lesson.

Tuesday, May 12th

Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoyed the hot weather we had and were able to get outside with your family. Today we will have a Zoom chat at 1:00 with half the class. If you have signed up, please go to Teams and click on link.

Here are your morning announcements from Ms. Hall.

#1. Reading: If you are using MySciLearn, finish your first story of the week and answer the questions. If you are using RazKids, read 1 story and answer the questions, then move to Epic books and read 1-2 stories of your choice.

#2. Writing: You will be working on persuasive writing today. What is persuasive writing, you ask? Well, it means convincing someone of something. Today you will write to convince your mom or dad to get you a pet. Some of you wrote about wanting a pet and being told you couldn’t have one, so here is your chance! If you don’t want a pet, you are still going to work on your convincing skills. It could be something that’s not even possible to have (like a dinosaur or an elephant). Think of your favorite animal or an animal you think is really neat (like a Koala Bear). This is the first part of this lesson.

  • Listen to the story, I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff
  • Complete a brainstorm of all the reasons you want this pet. In the center put the pet you want and in the outside circles put your reasons for wanting this pet. Here is an example of my writing:

#3. Math: Today you will be learning about measuring in centimetres. If you have a ruler, take a look at the numbers on it. A regular length ruler has the numbers 1-30 on it. Those numbers are centimetres. If you put your finger on the centimetre mark, you will notice that it is about the width of one finger.  Just like when we skip count using a calendar, we skip count when using a ruler. You don’t start at 0 and count that as one. Instead, you jump from 0 to 1 and count that as 1. In today’s work you will skip count the centimetres (you don’t need a ruler as the sheet has rulers on them).     Worksheets 1 &2

#4. Music: Join Mr. Smith at 2:30 for music. I will post his information in Teams in case parents have lost the information. This is optional.

#5. Art: Work on a poster for the teacher parade happening this Thursday afternoon. It could say something like: We Miss You, We Will All Be Okay, See You Soon, We Are In This Together, or anything of your choice! This is optional.

Monday, May 11th

Hello Class! We hope you had a great weekend and did something special for Mother’s Day. Happy birthday to Daniel!! Have a wonderful day filled with cake and presents!

Listen for the morning announcement from Ms. Foy, Mrs. Vaughan and Mrs. Mann’s pets!

#1. Reading: As usual, continue using either MySciLearn or RazKids. If you are using MySciLearn, read your first of 3 stories this week. If you are on RazKids, read for 20 minutes (2 books can usually be read in this time).

#2. Math:  Both grade 2’s and 3’s are moving onto measurement. Today everyone will complete the same sheets. You will need to know that width means across or left to right, while height means up and down or north to south. Of course, when you turn an object the width and height change. On the third sheet, you will be measuring a table or desk at home. You will measure it with your hand, cards,  lined paper and any paper you can find in a different size. See the picture at the top of the third sheet (pg. 156) and notice that you are measuring the longest part of the table. First with your hand in one direction, then with your hand in another direction. You will then use a card in one direction and then the card in another direction. Make sure you count as you go and then record your findings.          worksheets 1, 2, and 3

#3. Library: follow the library link above to hear Mrs. Field read. We aren’t able to put the code on the blog (as it is a public site), so if you forgot it, please email either myself or Mrs. Leroux and we can give it to you.

#4. P.E.: Go for a neighbourhood walk and complete this scavenger hunt as you go!


Monday, May 4th

May The Fourth Be With You!!

Happy Monday everyone. It’s hard to believe it’s May and it’s been a month and half since we have been together. We miss you and love being able to connect on our weekly chats. If you have not yet signed up for a time, please go to Sign Up Genius and choose a day.

Please enjoy today’s morning announcement presented by Poe and Leia from Starwars!

#1. Reading:

  • Choose either Raz Kids and read and answer questions for 1 book, or choose  MySciLearn and begin the first book. Be sure to complete the questions and record yourself reading.

#2. Math: Students will be reading time to the hour using the hour hand. In this lesson they will recognize that the hour hand moves between two numbers as the it gets closer to the next hour. Have your child use a ruler to follow the hour hand to the edge of the clock.

  • Grade 2’s: students will recognize that when the hour hand is closer to the lower number, we say “a little after ___ o’clock”. When the hour hand is closer to the higher number was say “a little before ____ o’clock”. worksheet 1 and 2 
  • Grade 3’s: Please read the lesson at the top of the first worksheet. On the first worksheet,  the hour hand is pointing directly to the hour. On the second sheet the hour hand between two numbers. On the second worksheet, students will learn that when the hour hand travels between two numbers, we say the smaller number. Students don’t need to fill in the minute hand, only the hour hand.         worksheet 1 and 2

#3. Library: Listen to Mrs. Field’s Monday story time by clicking on her blog in the top link.

#4. Art: At the top on the blog there is link that says Mother’s Day Art. This is a project kids can do on their own or with the help of an adult other than mom! I realize that not all students in our class have a mom, but I know they are close to their grandmothers and I’m sure they would like it. If they don’t want to, that’s okay too! Today students will complete step 1.

#5. Physical Education: Get active for at least 30 minutes. Go for a walk, ride a bike, kick a ball at the park, play floor hockey outside, go on Go Noodle or do P.E. with Joe.

Wednesday, April 29th

Good morning class!! A lot of you have been handing your work in through Teams, which is awesome! I will put an assignment on Teams to hand in 4 math sheets of your choice this week.

Here are your morning announcements from Mrs. Chin, Mrs. Mann, and Mrs. Kumar!

#1. Reading: First, please finish your Reading Program book  from yesterday. Once it is complete you will have the option to read a second story or to try a story from a different program called Raz-Kids. You will find the website link under the Online Reading Program tab at the top of this page.  Your username and password are the same for both reading programs.   When you have chosen a book to read, please follow the same three steps: listen to it, read it, answer the quiz.  Happy Reading!

#2. Math: We are starting to learn about concepts of time. Today we will start with how long does it take to do things.

  • First play a game: You will need to get some Lego (hopefully everyone has some) and a sand-timer (from a board game). Flip the sand-timer and see how many pieces of Lego you can put together in a minute. Take a break and see if you can put beat your previous number. You could also play against someone and see who can put the Lego together the fastest.
  • Grade 2’s: The second worksheet will require a partner. You could ask any family member to join you in doing the activities. You will also need to get a sand-timer for the 2nd sheet.

worksheet 1      worksheet 2

#3. Physical Education: Find an activity to do for 30 minutes. You could go for a walk, bike ride, follow Go Noodle (my kids did this for about an hour yesterday), or P.E. with Joe.

Tuesday, April 28th

Good morning class! I hope you all had a nice weekend and were able to do something fun. Thank you to those who have submitted work from last week. If you haven’t submitted work, please hand it in through Assignments in Teams.

Here are your morning announcements from Mrs. Lusignan.

Your assignment today is:
  1. Writing: we are finishing learning about money in Math. Today you will watch and listen to two stories about earning, spending and saving money. While you are listening to the stories, think about something you want to save your money for and how you will be able to save for it.

Please click on the links below:

  • Just Saving Money, by Mercer Mayer
  • The Berenstain Bears Money and Sense, by Jan and Brett Berenstain
  • Using a piece of lined paper, write a journal entry about what you would like to save your money for and how you will earn money. Make sure to include details by asking yourself what, why, when, where, who, and how questions.
  • Grade 3’s should have at least 5 sentences and Grade 2’s should have at least 3 sentences.
  • When your child has finished their writing have them read their work and check for their own mistakes. Then circle some mistakes they did not catch and have them correct it.
  • When you’re finished please submit your writing assignment through Teams.


  1. Math: As mentioned, we are finishing up with money and today will be the last day before we move onto concepts of time.  I have attached answer sheets for parents. Feel free to circle their incorrect work and have your child make corrections.
  • Grade 2’s: You will be buying items with coins and discovering how much money you have left. Cross out the money you would use and count up the money you have left for the answer.

worksheet 1         worksheet 2          answer sheet 1        answer sheet 2

  • Grade 3’s: You will by buying items and will need to add up the money it would cost to buy more than one item. When we add money, it is very important that the decimal lines up (don’t worry, the sheets already have all the decimals). All you need to do is add the numbers.

worksheet 1         worksheet 2         answer sheet 1        answer sheet 2


3. Reading: complete 1 of 3 stories this week from the online reading program.

4. Read Aloud: Please join Mrs. Field by clicking on her blog at the top of this screen. Don’t forget you need the password that was sent out to parents by email.

5. Please join Mr. Smith at 2:30 for an online music lesson on Zoom with the information sent via email.


Wednesday, April 22

Good morning everyone!! Here are your lessons for today. Mrs. Leroux and I have put a link on Teams to connect to our blog; and have put a link at the top of  our blog, to connect to Teams. Hopefully this makes it easier to navigate between the two groups. In Teams, I have set up meetings for students to connect with us and each other on  Thursday and Friday. If you already signed up for a time on Thursday or Friday, you are added to the group. If you did not sign up for a time, I put your name in a group and hopefully we can connect. After two days of challenges with group chats, I’m hopeful the third time will be the charm!

Sorry for all the challenges with the morning message, lets hope it works today. Please click here and listen to the announcements from Mrs. Chan.  You may also go back to yesterday’s post and listen to Mr. Stefanek’s announcement!

  1. Math:

Grade 2’s: You will add the coins and write the answers in two ways using the cents symbol and the dollar symbol.

worksheet 1        worksheet 2      worksheet 3

Grade 3’s: You will add the dollar bills along with Loonies and Toonies.

worksheet 1     worksheet 2        worksheet 3

2. Reading: Please read or finish reading your second story this week. If you are already finished your second story, go to Epic Books (class code: bed2840 ) and read your choice of books for 20 minutes.

3. Physical Activity: It’s supposed to be a rainy day, so find an activity you can do inside to stay active. Some options are:

  • Make an obstacle course in your house. Have someone time you, to see how fast you can complete the course. Then do it again and try to beat your time.
  • Do the indoor recess on Go Noodle
  • YouTube PE with Joe
  • Or, put on your rain boots, coat and umbrella and go for a walk

Have a great day and stay healthy!

Love, Mrs. Nicoll


Tuesday, April 21st

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Mrs. Leroux and I got a chance to chat with some students from our class and it was so nice to see their faces! Please make sure you answer when your phone rings if you are joining our chat at 1 pm today.

Sorry that most of you were unable to see Mrs. Kimmie’s morning message yesterday.  Mr. Leech and Mr. Stefanek have us ready for today’s!

Morning Announcement!

Today’s assignment is as follows:

  1. Reading: Finish reading the story from the reading program. If you finished yesterday, you can start a new one (students will be reading 3 books a week from the program).
  2. Math: Grade 2’s and 3’s will have different math today. Feel free to complete all the assignments if you wish, but the grade 3’s need to learn about dollar bills and the grade 2’s aren’t required to know this yet.
  • Grade 2’s: You will be adding up the coins and will write the value in cents if it is below $1.00 (for example 35¢) and in dollars if it is above a $1.00 (for example $1.32)                                                                                                                              Sheet 1            Sheet 2
  •  Grade 3’s: You will be learning about the value of dollar bills and will add the bills up. The first sheet is to teach you the value of each bill. You don’t need to print it, just read it.                                                                           Learning sheet                 Sheet 1              Sheet 2

3. Writing: Tomorrow is Earth Day. It is a day we celebrate the earth and all the things it provides for us. Listen to a reading of one of my favourite picture books, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

In this story the tree gives and gives, and boy takes and takes. This is like how people treat the earth. The earth gives and gives, and we take and take. If we don’t stop taking, there will be nothing left. On lined paper, write a journal entry about what things you can do to help protect the earth. For example, you can plant a tree or garden, walk instead of drive, use reusable containers, and use a reusable water bottle. What else can you do?

You can start your writing with:

I can do many thing to help protect the Earth. I can_____________. 

Grade 2’s: write at least 3 detailed sentences.

Grade 3’s: write at least 4 detailed sentences.


Have a great day,

Mrs. Nicoll

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