Good morning Division 8!  Great job on your reading. On Epic Books our class has now read 500 books! Amazing!!

Please join Mrs. Leroux for a Zoom meeting at 1 o’clock today. The link will be in Teams. To join the conversation, highlight and copy the web address, paste in the web search bar, add the access code and wait to be admitted. Mrs. Leroux is going to be talking with you about an assignment that will be included in your report cards.

Here are your morning announcements from Ms. Peters.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: finish your first story of the week or start a second story                                                      (or)
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. Record yourself reading 1 story this week.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Math: 

  • Grade 2’s : Today you will decide if an object should be measured in metres or centimetres. Remember that there are 100 cm in a metre. If an object is less than 100 cm you would measure in centimetres. If an object is bigger than 100 cm, you would measure in metres.  Worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s: Your first sheet is the same as the grade 2’s. Please read the grade 2 lesson for how to do your first sheet. Your second sheet requires you to count by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s or 10’s to figure out the answer. For example, if a floor in a building is 4 metres high, you will need to think about how many floors are in our school and  count that many times by 4. I don’t want to tell you the answer, so I’m going to give you a similar question. An apartment building is 4 floors high, how many metres is it? I would count by 4’s, 4 times: 4, 8, 12, 16 . An apartment building is 16 m tall. If you are counting with a adult, think of how many adults would fit across our classroom floor. Count that many times by 2. If you are counting by buses, think of how many buses would fit across the school field and count that many times by 10.   Worksheet 1 and 2

#3. Physical Education:

  • Kidz Bop Dance try a few different dances or play the same one a few times until you get good at it.
  • Soccer Drills at home work on your foot handling skills from the comfort of your home.