Good morning everyone, we hope you all have a good long weekend!

Thank you to all the families who have submitted their work on Teams. We’ve really enjoyed reading about the pet you want and are impressed with the amount of ideas in your writing! Last week was a big writing week, so we are going to skip the Tuesday writing assignment.

Here are your morning announcements brought to you by Mrs. Chan and Mrs. Mihaylova.

We have a Zoom chat today at 1:00 for everyone who would like to join.  Please go to Teams and click on the link in the Posts to join  at 1:00! Also, pick out a show and tell you would like to show the class. Be prepared to share three things about your show and tell.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: read your first story of the week                                                          (or)
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. Record yourself reading 1 story this week.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Math: 

  • Today you will be learning about metres. There are 100 centimetres in a metre. You will need a ruler and an object that is 1 meter long to complete today’s assignment. How will you do that? A string or piece of yarn are the easiest ways to make one. You could also find a long stick and get your family to help you cut it to size. How can I be sure it is 1 metre? Watch this quick video of Mrs. Nicoll to see how to make one!
  •  Please copy or draw out today’s  worksheet. In the first column you will write if the object is measured in cm (centimetres) or m (metres). In the second column, you will measure the object. To measure the door or height of the ceiling, you will need to ask an adult to help you. Watch this video of Mrs. Nicoll to see how to measure a large space.

#3. Music: Join Mr. Smith at 2:30 for this week’s music lesson.