Lessons for April 20-24

Cher parents, thank you for your feedback from week 2. We have continued with our math and science curriculum. As per the email sent out by Mrs. Ajula, K classes are to receive approximately 5 hours of instruction per week. That works out to about 1 hour a day. For some of our working parents, we understand the struggle of facilitating these lessons. We ask that you focus on the language activities to help build their French and supplement with the additional math and science components. Thank you for all the Freshgrade videos! We love watching them!

NEW! We have approval from the District to use ZOOM. There will be a trial ZOOM class on Friday Morning, 10am. Attend if you can! Our first session will be just a check in to see how everyone is doing and to give students a chance to see each other. The class will be approximately 30 minutes. I will attempt to read a story or sing a song, barring no technical difficulties 😛

THIS WEEK (April 20-24) 
Language  Calendrier, letter de la semaine, printing « X », Letter poem, Earth Day lesson, Spring, Chantons and journal  
Play  Kindergarten students need amples amount of free play. Its how they do their best learning. See here for ideas on what play looks like in a Kindergarten classroom. We typically designate 1 hour per day.  
Art  Earth Coffee Filter. See lesson here: https://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/earth/mcoffeefilter.htm, Shape drawing 
Math/Science   Chickens and Plants, Les formes 
Outdoor Learning  Play outside, GoNoodle, cosmickids.

Voici les leçons de la semaine. Here are the lessons for the week. 

**Please save all work in a folder to keep track of assignments. We may ask to see them for assessment purposes. 


LUNDI: April 20 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Language activity   Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs 



Letter of the week list of words for “X” 

Throughout the week, try to use these words as you see them around. Look in your house for the words or new words! Add any new words to the list and draw the words.  


-Read a book : in English and/or french 

What pattern do I see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 





-How many words can I find in my house that start with X? Are there other words that have X in them? 




-What did I learn from the book ? 

Math activity:   Nouveau 2D formes: 

Watch Video for review of shapes and explanation of new shapes 

Use this picture of the shapes for reference 

Worksheet: Trapeze OR pentagone. Do both only if you have time/want to.  

-Try to find these shapes in your house or outside.  

-Take a picture of your finished worksheet and post to fresh grade.  

What is “un trapeze’? What does it look like? What is “un pentagone” How many sides does it have? Combien de côté est-ce qu’il y a? 
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Go outside and look for shapes in nature. What shape does a tree trunk look like? What shape is a stop sign?  

-Follow a video by GoNoodle, Cosmickids, etc 

How can I explore and have fun outside while appreciating the nature around me? 



MARDI: April 21 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Language   Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs  


Printing page: letter of the week: “X” : link below


Trace letter and color.  

If you cannot print the document: you can recreate your own tracing on a piece of paper and try to draw the pictures. 


-Read a book : in English and/or french 

What pattern do I see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 












-What did I learn from the book ? 

Math Activity:  Nouveau 2D formes: 

Worksheet: hexagone OR octogone. Do both if you have time/ want to 

Create your own worksheet if you don’t have access to a printer.  

-Try to find these shapes in your house.  


-Take a picture of your worksheet and post into fresh grade.  


How many sides does a hexagon have? 

Have many sides does an octagon have?  


Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Go outside and play! Enjoy le joli soleil! Bring a soccer ball if you have one! 


Or follow a video by GoNoodle, Cosmickids, etc 

How can I explore and have fun outside while appreciating the nature around me? 



MERCREDI: April 22 – Earth Day 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Language   Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-Sing the calendar songs:  


Practice the letter of the week poem 

Watch video for “X”. Repeat as necessary. 

Can you spot my little helper? 


-Post a video of you saying the poem 


-Read a book : Watch video of Mme. Marando reading Todd Parr, J’aime la Terre. 


What pattern do I see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 

What song am I most comfortable singing? 



What new words did we learn from the poem? What other words start withX”  that I learned this week ? 

Math+Art  Create a drawing with the shapes you learned this week: pentagone, octogone, trapeze et hexagone. You can add other shapes you already know into your drawing as well. 

Here is an example of what Mme. Giugliani created! Can you spot the shapes I used?  

-take a picture of your drawing and post in fresh grade.  

How many shapes are in my drawing? How many pentagons do I have? How many circles do I have? Etc.  
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement   Explore nature! Come up with some ideas on how you can take care of the Earth!


How can I explore and have fun outside while counting what’s around me? Can I count by 2s?  


JEUDI: Le 23 Avril avec Mme. Marando 


Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar  Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs.  


-Read a book : in English and/or French. Try Epic Kids 

Optional: Create your own mini book using spring vocabulary and the term “J’aime”, inspired by the Todd Parr book, J’aime la Terre

What pattern do you see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 




Language Activity with Mme. Marando  C’est le Printemps! 

Science Activity  Connecting Farm life to plants 

 Watch another video from Mme. Marando’s nephew as they bring us on a tour of their farm and chicken coup! Marando Chicken Farm

Grains are an important part of the chicken’s diet. Did you know there are many different ways of feeding and raising chickens? The Marando Farm uses Whole Earth layer pellets. Its what gives eggs the yellow colour. 

Complete Farm Animals worksheet by following the directions! 

Optional: Read along with Mme. Marando, “Dans L’oeuf”

Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  What can you do to help the Earth today? Here are some ideas to try: 

  • Plant some flower or vegetable seeds. 
  • Minimize waste at home
  • With adult permission, grab a garbage bag and pair of tongs and collect any garbage around your home or neighbourhood


VENDREDI: le 24 Avril avec Mme. Marando 

Le Sujet  Les instructions  Les questions? 
Calendar  Follow the calendar script and draw the weather on the date.  

-sing the calendar songs.  

– review Chantons 

ZOOM SESSION with Mme. Marando! 

Anna Maria Marando is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maternelle – Get together
Time: Apr 24, 2020 10:00 AM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 2447 3950
Password: 851214

What pattern do you see today?  

What is the weather like? Is it different or the same as yesterday? 




Language Activity with Mme. Marando  C’est le printemps 

  • Watch video of Spring Vocabulary lesson.  
  • Vocabulary list

  • Complete journal assignment following template

  • Send complete assignment via Freshgrade 


What sentence starter can you use to begin your sentence? C’est, J’aime, Il y a or Voici?  


Can you make several sentences? What symbol do we use to end a sentence? (a period.) What word do we use to connect two sentences together? (et) 

Science Activity  Importance of Plants 

  • Download: parties d’une plante worksheet. Using the chantons as reference, label the worksheet accordingly. If you are not able to print, make your own version of a flower and label  

Extension: Gather items from nature to make your parts of a flower!

All living things have a life cycle and all living things are connected. What do you know about life cycles? Feel free to send Mme. Marando a video sharing what you know! 
Joue Dehors ( Play outside) OR inside movement  Help the Earth! Here are some ideas to try today: 

  • Cut back on plastic! 
  • Reuse and repurpose items in your home! 
  • Lights out! Turn off all lights and devices for one hour to help save energy! 


How can I explore and have fun outside and stay safe? (social distancing, not using playground equipment, etc. ) 

 Reminder: Monday the 27th is a Professional Day. There will be no instructions planned for that day as teachers will be engaged in professional development. Lessons will resume Tuesday the 28th. 




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