Number Fun

In grade one we are learning about number words.  In this activity, we worked with a partner to:

Sort the numerals and number wordsdsc03133

Place them in numerical order

Represent each numeral/word with the correct number of manipulatives



In Kindergarten we are building our number sense as well.  We are working on quickly recognizing a number dot formation (on a die) and finding the corresponding number of manipulatives.  In this game we used the manipulatives to make a tower.  

We had to:

  • roll the die
  • count the number of dots (or say it if you recognize it)
  • count out the correct number of unifix cubes
  • add your unifix cubes onto your tower

Sorry, but there are no pictures for this one!  But this is a fun game you can play at home, all you need is a die (or two if you’re really good!) and some building blocks (Lego works great for this…).

We also made a great Lego Man today with dice (yes dice)…come check them out on the bulletin board outside our classroom!  Here is the outline and the key to play the Lego Game.  Enjoy creating!

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Class Jobs

To help build a community and to keep our classroom running smoothly, every week we each choose and are responsible for a class job.  The jobs vary in difficulty, frequency, and popularity!  Probably a lot like chores at home!

Some of the jobs include:

“The Messengers”-take the attendance to the office and any other notes or messages to other teachers-this is a daily job.

“The Technician”-helps with the listening centre, the ipod dock, and any IPad troubleshooting-this job depends on whether classmates need help.

“The Lunch Helpers”-help to distribute the hot lunches to their classmates-this job only happens once a week.

“The Gym Helpers”-help to get out and tidy up gym equipment during our gym periods-this job happens four times a week.

Other jobs include: The Librarian, The Table Wipers, The Paper Passers, The Electrician, The Door Holder, The Caboose, The Song Leader…and many more!

Sweepers, Supplies Managers, Recyclers, Mathematicians, Mail Assistants, Mess Monitors, and Board Cleaners–We are very busy showing ownership for our classroom environment.  We cooperate with classmates that share our jobs, and ensure the classroom safety by keeping our areas clean and tidy.

Ask your child what their job is this week–and which one they want for next week…Do you have a chore board at home?

Coming Soon…a new job…“Yoga Leader”!

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In the past two weeks we have been learning Yoga in our physical education class.

We are learning that “Yoga is a system of total body movements that incorporate stretching and poses with breath, relaxation and imagery. Yoga develops body awareness and improves flexibility, strength, balance and mental focus.” (ACtion Schools BC)

What does Yoga look like in Division 9?

• We reduce lighting, use calm relaxing music, and set the volume low.

• We have introduced the poses one or two at a time and are gradually creating a sequence of poses.

• We are learning to “listen” to our bodies and help them understand the healthy sensation of stretching.

• We are being reminded frequently to breathe and are learning to use breath to consciously relax (e.g. in through nose, out through mouth).

• We are learning all the poses so that we can add “a Yoga Leader” to our class jobs.

This is our last week of Yoga in the gym–and then we will participate in the classroom twice a week.  We have found that participating in yoga often has a calming effect–you can ask your child to teach you some of their favourite poses.


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Pattern Worms

We have finished our unit on Patterns!dsc03126

So…we celebrated by making patterned worms!  We used pipe cleaners and pony beads…with awesome googly eyes!  As you can see, we made a lot of great different  patterns.

‘AB’ was very popular with a lot of the Kindergarten students–but some tried even more difficult patterns like: ‘AABB’ and ‘ABCC’.

The Grade Ones tried some difficult patterns as well, like: ‘ABC’, ‘ABB’, ‘AABC’ and ‘ABCD’ just to name a few.  Can you find your worm in the photo?


Our next math unit is on numbers…and so begins the practice of correctly forming our numerals!  Watch for some fun games you can play at home…

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More Musical Math

In our last few math lessons, we have been working in groups of three to create a musical pattern using a variety of instruments from the music room.

untitled-0-00-00-05 Our Criteria:

  • your pattern must use three different instruments (3 elements)
  • each person in your group must choose and play one instrument
  • each person in your group must help to record your group’s pattern
  • your pattern must repeat 3 times
  • your group must practice preforming your pattern, and then perform it for the class

untitled-0-00-05-23Our Instrument Choices:

  • finger cymbols
  • tambourine
  • hand drum
  • wood block
  • maracas
  • jingle bells
  • guiro
  • triangle

We’ve posted our patterns on the bulletin board just outside the dance room if you want to check them out!

We had a blast performing our patterns and watching our friends perform, and trying to identify their pattern ‘cores‘.

Categories: Arts Integration | 1 Comment

Word Work

In Division 9 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays we have a ‘Daily 3’ hour where we concentrate on building our skills in reading, writing, and spelling.  We have 3 ‘rotations’ (which means we do three jobs each day…)

In addition to language skills, we are also learning to:

  • get our materials ready independently
  • get started right away
  • work quietly
  • work the whole time (20 minutes)
  • tidy up our materials independently

So far our choices include:

  • Read to Self (we’re up to 10 whole minutes!!)
  • Work on Writing
  • Meet With Teacher (Spelling & conferencing)
  • Word Work

“Word Work” is a way to help us build our knowledge of letters, sounds, and sight words.  It includes a variety of fun and engaging activities (even IPads eventually!).

Here are a few of our Work Work Games…ask your child about their favourite–and why!

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Musical Dancing Math

This past month we’ve been very busy learning about patterns in Math.

We’ve been reading stories with ‘ascending’ patterns like the ones below…

books pie bat





We’ve been practising finding the “core” of patterns (that’s the part that repeats) that we make, our classmates make, and our teacher makes.

We’ve also been learning about ways to “translate” patterns.

For example:


This pattern is orange/blue/orange/blue/orange/blue, but it can also be translated:

  •  using letters: ABABAB
  • using numbers:121212
  • using actions: clap/pat/clap/pat/clap/pat


Finally, we’ve been learning about how patterns can be found in music and dance.  We’ve learned how to do the Chicken Dance, Any  Turkey Can  Tango, and Turkey In The Straw.

Ask us to show you our fancy dance moves!!!

Tomorrow is our Pattern Day–we’re going to create pattern t-shirts based on our clothes!  Don’t forget to wear your pattern shirt!







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Math with Nature…

In our first math unit this year, we are learning about patterns.

So far we have been:

  • using a variety of manipulatives in the classroom to create patterns
  • recreating patterns using our bodies (action patterns, chicken dance)
  • creating patterns using crayons to colour
  • cutting and gluing pictures to make patterns
  • translating patterns at calendar time (colours, letters, words, numbers…)

Today we worked in small groups to create patterns with items found in nature.  We were assigned groups and had criteria we had to meet:

  1. choose a pattern to create with your group (e.g. ABAB, ABCABC…)
  2. decide what ‘nature’ items you would use to represent your pattern
  3. collect enough of the nature items to make sure your pattern repeated 3 times
  4. create your pattern together
  5. show your pattern (to Ms. Fischer for a photo)
  6. use a chalk to circle the core (the part that repeats) of your pattern
  7. REPEAT!

Check out our work!

i love math face

Categories: Math, Science | 2 Comments

We Love Games & Choices!

Each day we devote a chunk of time to “games & choices”.

We start with a sharing circle, where a few students take turns sharing their plans for the upcoming session. This is an excellent way to develop our ability to tell a story.

Some things we might include:

  • Where am I working today?
  • Who am I working with?
  • What will I do there?

After our ‘story’ is told, we have an opportunity to choose 3 classmates for “questions or comments”.   (As an audience we must concentrate on our speaker so that our questions and comments make sense..)

Then we head off to explore our invitations for learning.  This is a great time for us to practice our R.O.C.K.S. rules.  As our session ends, we clean up our own areas (Ownership) and we work together (Cooperation)  to make sure our whole classroom is neat and tidy by helping others (Kindness).

We end with another sharing circle…this time a few students share what they learned/did during games and choices–again having 3 classmates share questions and comments at the end.

Here are a few pictures of our time together…

[metaslider id=1947]

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Welcome Conversations

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Division 9!

It’s been great these last few days meeting all of the new families in Division 9–and reconnecting with families I already know.  It’s been so wonderful to listen to your stories and to find out what you have been up to since I saw you last!

I look forward to having a fantastic year together, and getting to know you all even better.

Also a big Thank you for helping out with the ‘helping hands’…our arts and crafts area is starting to fill up–and we have already made some bracelets with the pipe cleaners and beads!

Remember I post a few times a week, so keep checking back–and I love to hear what you have to say so feel free to make comments!

Stay tuned…next week I’ll be posting about our time in the gym…GYMNASTICS!

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