Drama Fun

In language arts we have been reading stories with different versions.  For example, the ‘Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly’ has become a series of books with the old lady swallowing just about anything you can think of!  (My favourite is the pie one!).  Another story we looked at was “We’re going on a bear hunt”.  There are a few new versions of this one too!

These stories morphed into drama activities as well…

We began by acting out the story “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”.

After working through it a few times, we added our own creative ideas of where we could go:

  • inside a library
  • around a bubbling volcano
  • through Mexico

We have since added a new twist, by looking at the story “We’re Going On A Ghost Hunt”!  We also added some new creepy places to search for this story as well.

Can you think of a story we could try?

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Patterns With Nature


Our Big Idea:

We use patterns to represent identified regularities and to form generalizations: Repeating elements can be identified.

We have been working hard learning about patterns in math and decided to use our knowledge to create some patterns outside in nature. 

We had the choice to:

  • work alone
  • work with a partner
  • work with a group       to create our patterns

We had to gather materials, choose a pattern to represent (the core), and then create that pattern (making sure to repeat it 3 times).

Here are some of our results.  Try some of your own at home…








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Our Schedule

Our schedule has been set.  It is of course subject to change…although we try to stick to it as much as we can!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

parent timetable 2017

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Division 9 R.O.C.K.S.!

We have signed our class charter!!!  In the past few weeks we have been talking about how to make our class into a community of learners.  In order to accomplish this task…we have a set of rules that we follow:

Respect: we listen to and respect others

Ownership: we are in charge of our actions

Cooperation: we work, learn, and play together

Kindness: we care about others

Safety: we are careful in work and play

Throughout the year, we focus on living these rules to help us regulate our behaviour.  Students have an opportunity to earn R.O.C.K.S. tickets for displaying positive behaviours.  At the end of each month, we have a draw (from these tickets) and the students chosen win prizes.

Yesterday we all signed that we would “do our best to follow these class rules”


Take a few minutes and ask your child about our class rules, and how they can earn tickets!

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Welcome Conversations

Hello Everyone!

It was great to meet you all over the last few days!  I know we are going to have a fantastic year–growing and learning together!  

 We have a lot of exciting events happening in the next few weeks (really throughout the whole year!!!)-so buckle your seatbelts–here we go!

A few reminders for next week

(okay maybe more than a few…)

  • Monday is a Professional Development Day–students DO NOT attend
  • Tuesday is the first full day for K students
  • Please send your child with an extra set of clothes and  their gym shoes ASAP
  • We are going to the public library on Thursday–don’t forget to send your child’s card!
  • School wide field trip notices are due Monday the 25th 
  • The Terry Fox Run is Thursday  28th at 1pm (all parents and siblings are welcome to attend) don’t forget your “Toonies for Terry”
  • School wide field trip is on Friday 29th

I’m looking forward to a great year!


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Creative Writing

April was poetry month, and to celebrate we have been writing poems.  

We have had mini lessons on:

  • the steps in the Writing Process
  • ideas for a topic
  • how to give feedback to classmates
  • using repetition
  • types of poems (e.g. list poems)
  • using punctuation
  • using juicy words

We have learned a lot about creative writing and have created some really magnificent poems!  We all love it so much we just can’t stop!!!

Check out some of our poems below:


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Door Art

We have finally finished our classroom door design for 2017!  We created a collage of smiles with photos from our class.  We each had an opportunity to learn how to use a digital camera and take photos of our classmates smiles for this project.  

We then worked collaboratively to glue ALL those pictures onto our door. Glue, then add the picture, then fix the picture, then glue some more…it took us about 3 hours to complete the gluing.  Our finished product was well worth it.  Please take a moment to come and check it out!

An extra thank you to our sign language hands (S-M-I-L-E)!

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Growth Mindset 2

Gaining awareness of how we view ourselves and the process of learning and thinking can change how we react to new challenges and life’s inevitable setbacks” (A Mindset For Learning).

With this in mind we have started to identify the traits of a learner with a growth mindset.  

According to Mraz & Hertz (Authors of A Mindset For Learning) these traits are defined as:

  • Persistenceyou try and try again even when it feels hard
  • Empathywhen you feel someone’s feelings in your own heart
  • Optimismwhen you do something new, you think ‘I can try,’ and give it your best shot because that’s how you grow
  • Resilience “when you have trouble, you bounce back and try again
  • Flexibility “when one thing doesn’t work, you can try a different way

We began with persistence (like Maru the cat trying to swing!).  After a group discussion sharing our personal experiences with learning skills that were ‘hard’ (required lots of practice), we engaged in a writing activity: Then and Now.

Here are some samples.

Persistence Writing

Then our group created our persistence poster!  They said “persistence means we keep trying. We don’t give up.”

We looked at empathy by reading  Hey Little Ant by Hannah Hoose.  

Our next poster group said “Empathy means we know how other people feel”.

Finally, over the past few weeks, we have been reading the Frog & Toad stories by Arnold Lobel.  Anyone who has ever read these stories knows that Frog is very ‘optimistic‘ while Toad is rather ‘pessimistic‘.  After reading the last story, we did a character comparison of Frog and Toad.  We all decided that we would rather have Frog’s attitude of optimism!  Our group discussion came up with a lot of “Frog-isms” (I can do it) and “Toad-isms” (Blah, I’ll never get it).  (So when you hear negative talk, you can remind your child to be more like Frog than Toad!!)

Our last group said “optimism means we think positively”.

Thanks to all our poster creators so far…you can check them out on our classroom windows!

Watch this week as we define resilience and flexibility.

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Growth Mindset

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted, but we’ve been so busy with the film festival…I can’t wait for all of you to see what we have accomplished!  Our theme for the film festival is A Growth Mindset, so we’ve been talking about what that means in many different ways in our classroom.

For example, in gym, we’ve been learning about skipping!   We started with single ropes; learning to skip forwards, backwards, on one foot, while we walk, and with a partner.  

Then we tried long ropes.  We’ve been introduced to; ‘the snake’, ‘the ocean’, ‘the mountain’, ‘blue bells’, and full on skipping.  Turning the rope together is also a huge skill.

We are now experimenting with ‘Chinese Skipping Ropes’.  We are learning to work together, take turns, and respect everyone’s diverse abilities.  As we continue to practice we recognize that we are all in a different place on our learning journey–but we are all working hard to master these skills!

Whew–what a great bunch of athletes.

Another way we have been developing our Growth Mindset is by building musical instruments for our science unit on sound.  We each had to; experiment with, research, choose, design, and then build a musical instrument that would make 2 sounds using various household materials.  

WOW!  We spend two hours on the building portion–and the students worked together to figure out challenging parts–helping when others needed it.  You’ll have a chance to see them all displayed at the Film Festival.  You’ll also see the process we went through to make them!

We have also been looking at examples of A Growth Mindset in others.  One of our favourite characters is “Maru” the cat on Youtube.  We recognize that he has A Growth Mindset in everything he does.  We recently watched him learning how to get on a swing–YES, A SWING!  

Check it out together here: Maru Swings

Our next challenge is “Reader’s Theater”…

And just like Maru, we’re learning: Don’t Give Up!

We look forward to seeing you all at the Film Festival April 11th and 12th!

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Exploring Sources Of Light

“Light can be produced and it’s properties can be changed.”

We have been exploring light and shadows in science, and this week our experiment was related to different sources of light.  Thank you to all the students who brought in a variety of lights for us to use!  We had night lights, flashlights, lamps, string lights, and candles.  We closed the blinds, turned out our overhead lights, and turned on all our new light sources.  It was amazing.  We even had blue, purple, and orange lights.  After making our rounds to observe all the light sources, and count how many we had (21!) we gathered together to share our observations and predictions.  

We discussed the types of light (natural and artificial, incandescent and florescent).  We noted the coloured lights–and made predictions on how and why that occurs.  After recording our observations as a group we headed to our science books to draw and label 3 light sources.  

 This exploration highlighted the following curricular competencies:

  • Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world
  • Observe objects and events in familiar contexts
  • Ask questions about familiar objects and events
  • Make simple predictions about familiar objects and events
  • Make and record observations
  • Compare observations with predictions through discussion
  • Identify simple patterns and connections
  • Transfer and apply learning to new situations
  • Communicate observations and ideas using oral or written language, drawing, or role-play

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