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Cloud In A Jar

Another new science experiment for you to try at home.  Make sure you have adult help and supervision as this experiment uses hot/boiling water!! Materials: hot or boiling water glass jar with a lid ice cubes hair spray (aerosol)       Instructions: Pour the hot/boiling water into the glass jar (about 1/3 cup) Quickly … Continue reading »

Categories: Science | Leave a comment

Sidewalk Chalk Paint

I have an new science & art experiment you can try…you can mix your own sidewalk chalk paint! This three ingredient sidewalk chalk recipe is so easy you can make it yourself!  And the making is half the fun! Ingredients/Materials: corn starch water liquid food colouring small plastic bowls or a muffin tin (as many … Continue reading »

Categories: Arts, Arts Integration, Science | 1 Comment

Animal Research

As we near the end of our animal research it is time to start collecting items that you will use to showcase your learning.  Next week we will be building a habitat for our animals.  This is called a diorama… “A diorama is a 3-dimensional scene created to illustrate an academic subject, a plot of … Continue reading »

Categories: ADST, Arts Integration, Science | Leave a comment

Growing Project

This week’s challenge for Games & Choices invites us to use our green thumbs and grow something either inside or outside our homes.  (I like the idea that we can grow our own food.)  Once again we are able to combine science, math, writing, and maybe even some art. I know that some of you … Continue reading »

Categories: Arts, Core Competencies, Math, Science, Writing | Leave a comment

We Gather Information…

I know you have been hard at work on your animal research project, and as you work through it, you are gathering information from a variety of sources: Internet (Canadian Geographic or other reliable sources) Non-Fiction Resource Books Live Video Cams You are organizing your information into your own Non–Fiction Report.  But there are many … Continue reading »

Categories: Reading, Science, Writing | Leave a comment

Play Dough Learning

Looking for something fun to do across  the curriculum?  Play dough is a great choice!  Here is my never fail recipe: Math (Measurement) & Science (Properties of Matter) coming up if you make it together… Combine dry (solids) ingredients in a medium pot: 1 Cup flour 1/2 Cup salt 2 tsp. cream of tartar   … Continue reading »

Categories: Arts, Math, Science | Leave a comment

Leaf Hunt

Each Wednesday we have been participating in ‘nature school’ from 9-10:30.  We have had a great time exploring our senses.  We’ve participated in a ‘listening walk‘, a ‘looking walk’ (scavenger hunt), and a ‘touching walk’ where we explored the texture of items in nature with paper rubbings and crayons. The last few weeks we have … Continue reading »

Categories: Arts Integration, Nature School, Science | Leave a comment

Patterns With Nature

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Our Big Idea: We use patterns to represent identified regularities and to form generalizations: Repeating elements can be identified. We have been working hard learning about patterns in math and decided to use our knowledge to create some patterns outside in nature.  We had the choice to: work alone work with … Continue reading »

Categories: Math, Science | Leave a comment

Growth Mindset

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted, but we’ve been so busy with the film festival…I can’t wait for all of you to see what we have accomplished!  Our theme for the film festival is A Growth Mindset, so we’ve been talking about what that means in many different ways in our classroom. For example, in … Continue reading »

Categories: Science, Technology | Leave a comment

Exploring Sources Of Light

“Light can be produced and it’s properties can be changed.” We have been exploring light and shadows in science, and this week our experiment was related to different sources of light.  Thank you to all the students who brought in a variety of lights for us to use!  We had night lights, flashlights, lamps, string lights, … Continue reading »

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