Halloween & Health Checks

Happy Halloween families!

Today, our students arrived to school dressed in their costumes and we had our second assembly of the year.

We want to make sure all our students stay safe tonight, check all candy before consuming (if trick-or-treating), and most importantly… have a good night’s rest!

Here we are, plus Omar and Srinithya’s pumpkins for our carving contest!

Secondly, as a school, we have been having a large amount of absences due to illness this flu season. This is just a friendly reminder for parents to check the health of your child every morning before coming to school. Due to our classroom dynamic, cold and flu viruses can spread very easily. It is important for us to stay at home when we are displaying symptoms so we can keep each other safe!


And lastly, it finally feels like fall (brrrrr)! Dressing appropriately for the rain is important for the kiddos as we go outside, rain or shine. In Kindergarten, we want to foster independence at school. Please take some time to teach your child to put on their own jacket and shoes/boots (as it can be hectic with 18 children asking for help to put on their jacket and shoes!) Thank you so much!

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

– Ms. Elhalhuli

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