Zones of Regulation

Hello Families,

Something that will be used routinely throughout the year (and most of their elementary years) is something called Zones of Regulation. (This is actually great for adults, too!)

All our emotions can be categorized into a zone: Blue, Green, Yellow, or Red.

We are working on having our children identify their emotions (ex. I am in the blue zone), and finding ways to navigate back into what we call the “green zone”. Ideally, we would our students to be in the green zone during class time. But it is important to understand that being in the blue, yellow, or red zone is OK! As long as we take the steps to navigate back to green.


In our classroom, the students have been introduced to designated break areas if they need to take a break during class time. We also take breaks as a class to do breathing exercises and other body breaks to help us stay green :).

To go along with the zones, we often read the following books.

It would be great if parents can integrate the zones at home and have your child think of ways to get back to green. Here are some ways some our students identified how they like to get back to green:

  • Taking deep breaths
  • Dancing
  • Listening to music
  • Drawing
  • Drinking a beverage
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