Mrs Chin - Kindergarten and Grade One

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Week of May 4th – 8th

Hello Everyone,

It was so lovely to see each other through Zoom Thursday afternoon with Mr. Smith for Music. It made my heart feel so happy to see your smiling faces and to hear your voice. I hope you all enjoyed our time together! Please remember to raise your hand to speak and keep your mic muted during the meeting so that we don’t talk over each other. We will be unmuting students individually so that everyone gets a chance to be heard. It helps make the meeting run more smoothly when we all speak one at a time.  Ms. Shaennen will be helping me every Monday.  We hope to continue our Zoom Classes every Monday at 11:00 am – 11:30 am.  Thank you for being patient as we navigate this new online platform together. 🙂 This week I will do an opening routine. We will set weekly goals, do a check in and Question of the Day.  For the upcoming weeks we can have dress up / show and tell. Please bring a favourite toy or something special to share with the class. If we have some time, we may play Simon Says. You might want to even share a joke or two. I loved Katie’s joke. You can check out her joke on the Joke section. It was so funny! Keep up the great job!

Remember Grade Ones, please record two readings a week on Raz Kids.  Happy Reading everyone! Don’t forget to continue reading everyday! 

Please see Mrs. Ingham’s blog for ways to support your family’s emotional and mental health.

Week of April 28th – May 1st

Dear Division 11 Friends and Families, 

What an incredible week of remote learning we have had together this week.  We have been able to make learning together at home fun, meaningful and exciting.  This week I received many great stories from your home story workshop studios.  Some stories were told orally, some with puppets, some painted, some drawn on paper, some typed out, some written down (scribed), some created with loose parts and some with various household objects.  They were all so unique and it was fun to see your child’s creativity with creating settings and a few of you had a beginning, middle and an end to your story.   Everyone remembered to give a title to their story!  A few of the titles were Fairlyland and The Man who Could do a Handstand.  I love all the stories!

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