Week 4 Physical Education

Mr. Stefanek has designed weekly activities for our Montecito School Comnunity.   Feel free to challenge any of your family members to some some fitness.  It’s good to stay healthy and be active. If you would like previous weeks 1 – 3, please email me and I’m happy to share ideas with all of you.  I will try the challenge with my family! HAVE FUN!  Again, thank you so much to one of our Buddy Classes; Mr. Stefankek’s Gr. 6 /7 Class!

Action Kit as a kit that was specifically created by Mrs. Chin to help children get active in our classrooms when we needed a movement break. Scheduled times twice a week for thirty minute sessions was promoted for fitness within our classroom. Now that we are not able to be physically together we can adapt and be creative in our different ways to promote physical activity at home.


1.  O’ Canada – We sing O’ Canada – Wave scarves in the air in a circular motion. (up and down, side to side)

  • If you do not have a scarf you may use a hand towel.

2.  Bean bag throw and catch – Your child can toss and catch a bean bag in the air. Objective is to catch five in a row. If you can catch five in a row, you can then find a partner and play catch. Sometimes children can sing the alphabet, or count the number of passes without dropping the bean bag. Challenge: You can count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s etc. to 100

  • If you do not have a bean bag you may use a rolled up sock or a soft ball / stuffy

3. Balance bag – Your child can balance a bean bag on various parts of their body while working on posture / walking or sitting position.

4. Hand weight – Your child can use a foam hand weight and do bicep curls (five on each side), tricep pull downs, side to side.

  • If you do not have a hand weight you can simply curl up your fist

5. Tennis ball – Your child can bounce and catch a ball using a hard surface if possible.

  • If you do not have a tennis ball, you can use a small rubber ball.

6. Skipping rope – Your child can do skip using a skipping rope or an invisible rope. (Two feet jump or even try double jump or running on the spot)