Just another Burnaby School District Blogs Sites site




Our Family

I hope you had a restful and lovely Easter weekend with your family. My family continues to enjoy our family walks.  During our walks, we notice rocks that people have painted and windows decorated with encouraging messages for all of our essential service workers.  Do you notice anything different about spring? I am also noticing the brightly coloured yellow daffodils. I also love seeing the pink and white cherry blossoms too.


This week I would like you to work on a few fun activities:

Coronavirus: Kids say thank you to Calgary first responders ...         By: Jayden Deo, Kindergarten

Make a poster or a sign to share a word of encouragement or a positive message to our friends in the community. You can write something like ‘stay strong’ or ‘thank you’ to essential service workers (grocery store workers, health care professionals, mailman, etc.) to lift up everyone’s spirits. Don’t forget to write your name and message clearly in big letters so that your neighbors can see what you wrote. You can also draw pictures to decorate the sign. When you are finished, you can stick this sign on your window or your door or somewhere in your house. Please send me a picture of what you did through email!

Please click on the menu bar to find activities through the week.  Week at a Glance, Question of the Day, Blast Off Book Reports just to name a few. Please email me at amy.chin@burnabyschools.ca if you have any questions, comments or concerns.


  1. Ms. Field

    This is wonderful, Ms. Chin! I love that you are starting a class blog for your class of darlings! I will be interested in all the fabulous posts coming!

  2. Chelsea Cole

    Awesome idea!!!

  3. Sam Elkabbany

    good work miss chin thank you for your hard work with my kids .if you need any thing (computer setup work)let me know
    Sam Elkabbany

    • china

      Thanks Mr. Sam! Thanks for always offering to help.

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