Welcome to our class! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Welcome to our class!

| Posted in Class News

Dear families,

I am so excited to be your child’s teacher for this year! I am passionate about building relationships and developing connections with children and families. This is my first year at Kitchener as the new Head Teacher and loving it so far!

For the previous three years, I was the Head Teacher at Gilmore Community School. I have been teaching for 25 years and love it more and more each year! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved it since my very first year of teaching too! In fact, I still keep in touch with some of those students!

I get so much joy spending my day with children by seeing their smiles, hearing their laughter, and witnessing their growth every day. I also love to spread joy, love, kindness, and gratitude too!

If you would like to get to know me better, please have a look around this blog. It has posts from the past few years but it will give you a sense of what I believe in and what I value. If you’d like to learn even more about me, please check out my website to read some blog posts or listen to some podcast episodes: livchan.com

Your child will go home with the Families as Partners Information Form today. The children thought that it was funny when I told them they get to give YOU homework to hand in to their teacher! Please take your time to fill it out in consultation with your child. It would be greatly appreciated if these are returned by the end of the week. Thank you for your time and for sharing about your child so we can get to know them better. This information is invaluable so we can better support your child’s learning and development.

CLICK HERE to download an electronic copy of the Families as Partners Information Form. This is available because I know some people prefer to type their answers.

Some notes:

  • We are Division 13.
  • For Monday, September 11, pick up after school will be back at their original class just for today.
  • Pick up and drop off will be in the undercover area on the west side or back side of the main building starting on Tuesday, September 12.

As the Head Teacher, I have some Admin time in the office. During this time, my teaching partner, Ms. Wat, will be in the classroom. This time will be on Tuesdays from 9:00am until 1:48pm. I am still in the building but not in the classroom to teach. Our classroom is Room 8 which is just right of the main office.

I look forward to meeting you at our Meet Your Teachers Night on Wednesday, September 13th at 7:00pm on Zoom! I am excited to share a little about ourselves including our teaching philosophy, expectations, answer questions, and to greet you as a group before we meet you in person the following week for our Families as Partners conferences. The link to join the meeting will be sent to your email on Wednesday.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Livia.Chan@burnabyschools.ca or speak to me after school. We can set up an appointment to meet as well. I firmly believe that we work as partners in your child’s education.

I regularly update this blog so you can stay informed about the fun, engaging, and meaningful learning we will do this year. I will add in your email addresses so you will receive email notification every time there is a new blog post published.

We are looking forward to meeting you very soon this week during drop off/pick up or next week during our Families as Partners conferences! Sign up for appointments will open up sometime this week but please save the dates: Tuesday, September 19 (3-5pm) and Thursday, September 21 (3-6pm).

I am grateful for the opportunity to teach your child this year and to work with you! 🙂

With a heart full of appreciation, Ms. Chan

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