Week 9 Learning – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 9 Learning

| Posted in Class News, Core Competencies, We are authors., We are communicators., We are critical thinkers., We are mathematicians., We are readers.

Dear families,

It’s only been two days this week but we’ve already done so much that I wanted to share!

MONDAY: Students completed a self-reflection on their attitude about school, work habits, social awareness and social responsibility. This exercise reinforces the importance and value of regular self-reflections; how they feel about their own learning and self-development. Many heartwarming thoughts were shared about how much they enjoy school.

In Math, we practiced our fractions with a new app named Fractions. Click here for the link to download (free app). Students were able to quickly create examples of various fractions of a whole. They took a screen shot of their pages and used it in their Fractions book using Book Creator to prove they understand fractions. To learn more about what we are learning about, go to our We Are Mathematicians page. Grade 4’s are diving back in to decimals now. For students who wanted to extend their learning, they tried Math Tappers: Equivalents (free app). It was certainly a good challenge!

TUESDAY: Fun with LEGO challenge: Sneak Peek team building activity. Built a structure for students to replicate. One from each group looked at model to memorize and returned to team to instruct without touching. After one minute, sent next person from group to see model and repeat until team succeeds. Students wrote “I can” statements.

  • Tyson: I can work well with others.
  • Alex: I can help my group.
  • Kiana: I can communicate well with others.
  • Lucas L: I can work with people.
  • Kyle: It was hard because we sometimes forgot where to put the pieces. Our team worked together as a team.
  • Sophia: It was fun but challenging because it was hard to explain without touching the Lego pieces.
  • Lucas C: I think it was hard to remember the blocks because it was only for 10 seconds. We had to remember what it was.
  • Jeyvion: It was funny because we kept on putting the red on the same side. We had good teamwork.
  • Jebrael: It was fun because I like working with different people.

Remembrance Day

We have been learning about why we observe Remembrance Day. We listened to Master Warrant Officer (Ret’d) George Chow, CD tell us about what it was like. What struck many of us was his story about how they were trained to use a gun – they were given brooms!

I feel quite emotional every time I watch this song video called Pittance of Time about how taking two minutes to remember the people who served in the war is just a mere pittance of time. “This song was written for and about our veterans, peacekeepers, and the heroes at home.” – Terry Kelly

Tomorrow, we will have a guest speaker, Danielle Wong, Captain Training Officer of 746 Lightning Hawk Squadron, come speak to us. She is one of our EA’s at Brentwood Park!

Our Remembrance Day assembly will be this Friday, November 8 at 10:45 am.


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