Week 6 Updates – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 6 Updates

| Posted in ADST, Class News, Field Trips, We are authors., We are communicators., We are creative thinkers., We are mathematicians.

Being your child’s teacher brings me so much joy. I am blessed to have the privilege to work with them this year.

TUESDAY: In Math, we have been practicing our skip counting by 2s and 10s using a deck of cards to create random numbers. Students flip over three or four cards to make a number; they call out 2 more, 2 less or 10 more, 10 less with speed. This concept helps their addition and subtraction fluency. For grade 3s, they practiced numbers up to 1000 and for grade 4s, they practiced numbers up to 10,000. For Math addition fluency, we practiced a new strategy of making tens by playing Making Tens Go Fish. To learn more about how you can support your child at home in Math, click on our We are Mathematicians page.

WEDNESDAY: Music teacher came in to ask if I teach students to be friendly-yes! He noticed they greet him by saying hi, his name, and look at him in the eye. They have been greeting me in the mornings by saying my name too! They understand how nice it feels when they hear their name. #heartwarmed
*I love it when I hear them greet each other and say their names with a smile too!

THURSDAY: Students didn’t appear to mind walking in the rain to Revs Bowling. They were placed into mixed groups with the other grade 4/5 classes. Here were some of their appreciations: I appreciate Mr. Peters for planning the field trip. I am grateful for meeting new people. I am thankful for my friends who bowled with me.

FRIDAY: This week, students worked on heart maps, story maps and dove in to our inquiry into what makes a good story. Students are becoming more proficient in using O365. Can’t wait to use the commenting feature to provide descriptive feedback and see how they respond and improve in writing over time.

Optional: To access Office 365 at home, use the O365 link or go to our Brentwood Park website and click on Office 365 tab (black menu) on the top bar. Students will need to know their student number. Login looks like this: ######@edu.burnabyschools.ca

Students were so excited to meet our little buddies in Ms. Brolin’s class for the first time on Friday. Another heartwarming event to watch them all in action as they shared about things they have in common and shared a book with them too.

Healthy eating: With Hallowe’en approaching, this is a great time to talk about bringing healthy foods to school. Click here to read about Kids, Sugar, and Healthy Eating by Dietitians of Canada. For the remainder of the year, please refrain from sending snacks that have high sugar content like chocolate and lollipops, for example. Thank you for your support.

Please continue to bring in non-perishable food items for our We Scare Hunger campaign. Thank you.

Inside shoes: With our Westcoast weather, it would be very helpful for your child to bring or keep a pair of inside shoes at school. Wearing shoes is more comfortable than wearing boots all day and it helps keep our classroom cleaner. Thank you.

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