Week 3 Together – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 3 Together

| Posted in Class News, Indigenous Education, We are critical thinkers., We are mathematicians.

Dear Div. 6 families,

Wow, has it already been 3 weeks? I thoroughly enjoyed my full days with them on Wednesday and Friday. Being with them brings me such joy!

CLICK HERE to watch the video recap about our week!

This week we learned more about Truth and Reconciliation by reading a book and watching a video. We had deep conversations about residential schools too.

We also learned about Terry Fox and had a fabulous sunny afternoon for the run. Click here to make a donation. To learn more, click here.

Gr. 5 Math

We started the week by sharing how they feel about math. I was thrilled to see so many of them have positive attitudes and quite enjoy math! Math is one of my favourite things to teach because it is so much fun! I will have a series of math videos teaching you and your child some activities you can do at home to practice math facts, strategies, and various concepts. I recognize it does take time to practice and memorize them but learning them makes ALL calculations quicker with greater accuracy in their years ahead even into high school. It’s worth the time spent so your child isn’t struggling with newer concepts AND calculating facts at the same time.

We learn through play. Click here to visit our Mathematicians Play page. The strategy we learned this week:

  • +1 and -1 strategy (click to watch video) – Take a piece of paper. Write numbers 1-20 randomly on the page. Point to different random numbers and say the answer out loud. Example: Point to 15. Think 15 + 1. Say 16. Repeat and watch them become quicker and quicker! Make it fun! Take turns or do it together!

If your child builds a habit of practicing 2-5 minutes every day, imagine how much quicker they can add, subtract, multiply, and divide by the end of the year! We are working on speed and accuracy for automaticity!

Looking Ahead

We will begin learning research skills with Mrs. Papapanagiotou, our Teacher-Librarian, on Mondays and Wednesdays. We will learn how to become a more effective researcher, about plagiarism, and how to cite resources properly.

We will begin to talk about Passion Projects this week. Excited to start thinking about possibilities! Feel free to start talking about possibilities at home too!


Masks – Please pack an extra 1-2 masks in your child’s backpack. Thank you.

Planners – Please help your child take ownership and build independence by bringing their planner to school every day. Tip: Have all materials packed in backpack the night before.

Snacks & Lunch – Please send enough food to keep your child nourished throughout the day. Especially with warmer weather outside, they are more active and get hungry in the afternoon. We prefer they bring healthier choices to school. Thank you.

Thank you for your continued support at home. We appreciate you for being our partners!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

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