Week 12 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 12

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips

Dear families,

On Monday, we had a visit from the tooth fairy. Tanya came by to teach us quite a few things. Students had an opportunity to practice holding and flossing false teeth! We also learned about how to take good care of our teeth along with the various parts of our teeth like how enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body. Here is a message from her:

I had the privilege and an amazing opportunity to share with your children my passion and the importance of taking care of their dental hygiene health. My name is Tanya (the tooth fairy) and I am a Registered Dental Hygienist and owner of Olive Branch Dental Hygiene and Teeth Whitening. My goal is to educate your kids on the importance of preventative dentistry to achieve the best overall health and wellness for their smiles. We talked about the importance of flossing before brushing, brushing twice a day for 2 minutes, choosing water as a main drink throughout the day, and incorporating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables into their daily routines. If you are interested in more information on keeping your kid’s teeth healthy or on what we discussed, please feel free to call our office at 604-918-5420 at 4658 Hastings Street.

Every morning, we gather together to meet in our Community Circle. It is often a time to share something about ourselves like what we did on the weekend or how we are feeling. On Tuesday, they finished the starter: “I feel happy when…” and the next day, “I feel on top of the world when…” There were some really endearing ideas shared like:

  • when I get to spend time with my dad/mom/family. *This one melted my heart every time I heard the different reasons why.
  • when I play with my friends.

As a review, here are the habits covered so far:

  1. Be Proactive – Take initiative. You’re in charge!
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – Focus on goals and have a plan!
  3. Put First Things First – Work first, then play!
  4. Think Win-Win – Everyone can win!
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Listen before you speak!

#6: Synergize – Together is Better

Synergy: “valuing differences and then working together to create a better solution than what anyone could do alone. It’s when 1+1 = 3 or more.” This last statement lead to some interesting conversation. At first they couldn’t get over the literal and mathematical aspect of the equation but after further discussion, I believe they understood it better. TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More so we talked about how our class is very much like a team and how we all work together to support each other each day.

Here is Tyson’s reflection: Teamwork is a very important skill. For example, most of the characters were individual groups in the soccer game. When they worked as a team they tied the game and won. For my example, I played a hockey game and I made great passes to my teammates and we won. After the hockey game, I felt proud of my team for helping my team win. Teamwork is a very important skill because you could get lots of things done faster and better.

#7: Sharpen the Saw – Balance Feels Best

“We all feel better when we are balanced, when we take time to renew the four parts of who we are: body, heart, mind, and soul.” The main lesson here was about how it’s important for us to give attention to and balance our time with our activities so that we do not do too much of the same thing. Examples: You use your heart when you play with your friends, your body when you exercise, your soul when you find something quiet to do that makes you feel fresh inside (like going out into nature and thinking about what makes us happy), and your mind when you read.

Click here to learn more about the 7 habits.

Students wrote a Math test to show what they know about Fractions and Decimals (grade 4). Tests are just one way for teachers to find out how well students understand concepts; it informs me of which concepts may need more time. We will review this week. Click here to learn about the learning outcomes on our Mathematicians page under We are Learners.

Thursday was fun with Young People’s Concert in the morning and a featured game at the World Ringette Championships. Click here if you want to learn more about the game or watch a video produced by Ringette Canada. Ringette is truly a Canadian-born sport created by Sam Jacks in 1963. Now, there are over 30,000 players who play across Canada and in different parts of the world.

Each student received a bandana to wear or wave and keep as they cheered on the Czech team or Team USA. The final score was 17 -3 for Team USA so they got to see a LOT of goals scored! Thank you again to the parents of Kyle, Yunsoo, Max, Lucas L., and Liliana for driving us to and from the rink.

On Friday, they had their first session of yoga with Ms. Gomes. I am looking forward to participating with them next Friday!

We had the privilege of having Ms. Innes as our TOC on Thursday and Friday. She was one of our Indigenous Education support teachers who I worked with on our District Staff Development team. She will be our TOC on Monday again as I will be away. I asked her to share her personal stories and knowledge. I wish I could be there so I can learn from her too.

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

Please continue to support the Sock it to Poverty campaign by bringing in new warm socks for those in need. Thank you.

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