Week 10 More Learning – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 10 More Learning

| Posted in Class News, Core Competencies, Field Trips, We are authors., We are communicators., We are critical thinkers.

Dear families,

Wednesday was World Kindness Day. We talked about the different ways we can choose to be kind – simple things like choosing to say hello with a smile or choosing to hold the door for someone or showing your appreciation to others. In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind. Feel free to watch and listen to the story we enjoyed:

After the story, Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed, we were inspired to spread our kindness by writing appreciations for at least five people. Many wrote many more! When they were finished, they were like little elves delivering their kindness notes to people all over the school. Some wrote notes to their previous teachers, some to their siblings, big and little buddies, and some to Mr. M, our custodian. You should have seen the big smiles they had on their faces when they returned to the classroom! One student walked back in the door proclaiming, “I feel so happy!” It was a real life lesson to learn that when they spread kindness, they also gain happiness. I don’t think they realized how happy they were going to feel when they started writing these notes. Here are some of their reflections:

  • Zia: It warmed my heart because Kiana made one for me and when I read it, it made me feel happy.
  • Liliana: I feel so happy because when we went to the custodian to give him the letters, he felt appreciated and the smile on his face made me feel happier.
  • Eva: I felt happy because when we went to Ms. Yap’s class, she was so happy and she gave us a hug and that made me feel happy.

THURSDAY: During our regular activity breaks, we have been doing various stationary exercises. To change things up today, I made exercise strips for students to choose a random exercise for the rest of the class to do. They got to choose how many we did too! They loved the choice and the challenge. Their jumping jacks definitely look way better than in the beginning of the year!

We continued to talk about kindness after we watched a video about how sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference in other people’s lives. Sometimes it is a small sacrifice and sometimes it’s a bigger one but it is a choice we make to be kind. The result? It’s varied but one common result is the happiness we gain as we discovered for ourselves or an unexpected effect because of our kindness. We spent some time writing about what kindness means to us. Click here to read reflections by Lauren, Jeyvion, and Yoyo.

FRIDAY: Students are really enjoying using O365 Word for their story writing. One student exclaimed today, “My writing keeps getting better and better!” They really enjoy reading the descriptive feedback on their writing. Students always working so hard during these writing blocks. Loving it!

The kids were introduced to an image that would help them share how they were feeling. This is called the Blob Tree. It was interesting to see who they chose and why to represent their feelings. Our class goal is for everyone to become more comfortable at speaking in front of the class. They each had their turn to go up and share their feelings. Next week, we will start our Focus Students rotation. Stay tuned to learn more!

For our kindness video today, click here.

We currently do not have enough volunteer drivers for our field trip to watch the World Ringette Championships on Thursday, November 28th. We plan to leave the school at around 12:10 pm. If you can help drive us to and from but not stay, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much!

Enjoy your weekend!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan



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