Superb 6th Week! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Superb 6th Week!

| Posted in ADST, Class News, Core Competencies, Field Trips, We are communicators., We are mathematicians.

Dear families,

We are excited that will be performing a song at the Hallowe’en assembly on Tuesday, October 31 with Ms. Santorelli’s Div. 14 class! We will start loading the gym at 9:15 am. Please feel free to have your child dress in an appropriate costume that do not involve any weapons.

This is from the School District’s website: Halloween is also an opportunity for conversations about how culture is not a costume, as seen in the poster and this resource created by staff leading Indigenous Education and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion work in Burnaby Schools. These resources were also shared with schools to help support how to be creative and fun without causing unintentional harm.

We are communicators and writers.

We learned how to brainstorm and write with more details that include examples, reasons, explanations, thoughts, and feelings.

Students enjoyed reading Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen. Then they wrote about how to be a better listener. Click on the image below to watch an animated version of this story:

Check out some of our writing!

We are mathematicians.

We will be moving into developing our understanding of number concepts next. Please visit our Mathematicians page to learn more about the specific content learning standards we will be covering in the next while.

Here are some of the curricular competencies we will continue to develop:

  • Understanding and solving
    • Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving
    • Visualize to explore mathematical concepts
  • Communicating and representing

There will be many ways you can support at home. Please continue to read the weekly blog posts to learn how. We appreciate your support!

We are scientists.

We learned about gases. It has no shape or volume but does take up space. They fill the container it is in.


It is so important that children learn how to be great digital citizens. We discussed the importance of thinking before we post or share anything in the digital space.

We learned how to email Ms. Chan! If your child does not know their login username and password, please continue to support them by spending time to memorize it. Almost everyone can login successfully now without referring to a piece of paper.

How to support at home: Help them memorize their full email address. It looks something like this:


  • We did an earthquake drill on Thursday. Please speak to your child about what you would do at home to stay safe. Learn more here on the Great BC Shakeout.
  • Hip Hop starts tomorrow! We will be performing with Ms. Santorelli’s class. Please have your child dress in comfortable clothing they can dance in plus proper footwear. If they wear boots to school, they should also bring a pair of runners so they can dance properly. Dancing in rubber gum boots can be extra challenging!
  • Please return the student consent forms. Thank you to everyone who already returned them.

Upcoming Dates

  • October 23 to 30: Hip Hop lessons
  • October 31: Hip Hop performance at 1:00 pm (Gym)
  • November 1: PJ Day
  • November 2: Photo re-takes
  • Friday, November 17: Bowling at Revs. We will need parent volunteer drivers so please save the date. Thank you! The notice will go home this week.

We are super grateful for your support at home! Your help matters. The more you can be curious and talk about what they learned in school, the more they can solidify their understanding. Ask them to teach you what they learned! This helps to them work towards proficiency.

With appreciation, Ms. Chan

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