Some Updates – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Some Updates

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips, We are athletes., We are scientists.

Our little scientists started learning about Water and States of Matter last Friday by witnessing the life cycle of a snowman. Since we have had no snow in our forecast, the learning must go on so we gathered some “snow” from the skating rink last Tuesday to create our snowman in the classroom. They watched it go from a solid snowman to liquid water and end up as a gas (steam). Students learned that solids keep its form while liquids take the shape of its container and gases expand to the size of their container. They have also learned about the molecules in solids, liquids, and gases.

We watched Ms. Frizzle teach her students about molecules. Click here to watch the video “Magic School Bus Meets Molly Cule” together at home as review. Ask your child what they already know! Check out our Science page to learn more about what students are expected to learn. Feel free to make a comment to add any questions your scientist at home may have about the states of matter or molecules.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to come by the classroom, we have some cute, unique snowmen hanging by our windows. Come check them out during our Family Reading time this Friday. They sure brighten up the room!

Our other experience with frozen water ended yesterday with our last ice skating session at Bill Copeland. We are so proud of the great improvements our athletes made over only three sessions! Many went from little confidence and experience to skating around on their very own. We are so very grateful to our parent volunteer drivers; without you, this triple field trip would not have been possible. Many thanks to the parents of Fisher, JeanBenoit, Katherine, Leo, Lucas, Myel, Priscilla, Charlotte, Gabby, Hanna, Jeffery, Olivya, and Sasha.

If any families have an overabundance of plastic forks or spoons, please feel free to send to school as our stash has been depleted. Just a note that no utensils are provided for hot lunches and a gentle reminder to pack a fork or spoon with your child’s lunch if they need one. Thank you.

Family Literacy Week begins next week. Be on the lookout for more information about our planned activities including a dress up day! Please save the date and join us for our Celebration of Learning on Thursday, January 31st at 9:00 am.

Arriving Early –  Thank you so much to the families who make the effort to arrive on time every single morning. Unfortunately, we also have a number of different students arriving late on a regular basis on many mornings. Some days, we may have up to eight students who are not on time. We love starting our lessons right at the bell. If your child is six minutes late every day, that equates to 30 minutes of lost instruction over a week and over the course of a month, that is over two hours missed. So, we are requesting that families readjust their mornings and plan to arrive early, rather than just on time, please. We really appreciate your support in reaching our class goal. 


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