So Proud of Students! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

So Proud of Students!

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips, We are athletes., We are scientists.

Dear families,

My heart was feeling so full as I observed your children during our Student Led Conferences last Thursday. They took so much care and time to explain their learning with you. Thank you for giving your gift of time and attention to encourage and uplift them for the hard work they have invested in their learning this year. I am deeply grateful for your continued support at home.

Summer Session at Kitchener

Registration for summer session opens this Tuesday, April 16 at 10 AM! There are a lot of engaging courses offered!

Some courses fill up very quickly so if you plan to register, I highly recommend you plan to do so right at 10 AM to avoid disappointment. This year, both Mr. Hunter and I will be the Site Supervisors at Kitchener. We are excited to work together to make summer session a fun place to be!

For more information, CLICK HERE.

From Ms. Kapusta

This week, we continued to work on our springtime animal art project, this time focusing on the elements of art: texture and contrast.

Students picked a bunny or bear template and filled it in with sharpie lines to create texture-like fur. They were asked to do this in black sharpie so that when the animal is glued onto their colourful flower backgrounds, it will create contrast.

The class has also been working on some sequencing in Language Arts, retelling what they did during Spring Break using the terms “first, then, next, finally” to share their highlights in order in a paragraph. To complement this, students then drew “selfie” pictures from their Spring Break. 

We are athletes.

This upcoming week, we have lacrosse lessons on Tuesday and Thursday. Please have your child dress appropriate for movement and exercise.

We are scientists.

On Wednesday, we invited Naomi from Douglas College to do an in class field trip. She is the coordinator from the Institute of Urban Ecology from Douglas College. We learned about what it means to live in a coastal temperate rainforest and how that differs from a tropical rainforest. She showed us samples of different leaves we can find including a sample of a large maple leaf. They loved how BIG it was! Then we had an opportunity to go to Willingdon Park to look for things on our scavenger hunt sheet. We learned a lot and will be looking forward to more signs of spring in our neighbourhood!

Next Field Trip

We are excited to join Ms. Santorelli’s and Ms. Tai’s classes for a visit to the Vancouver Aquarium on Friday, May 10! The notice will go home this week once it has been added to School Cash Online. The cost will be $11 per student thanks to the fundraising efforts of our much valued PAC. We will need parent volunteers, please. Thank you!

Your children bring me and each other so much joy. I really do love and adore them. Thank you for sharing them with us and for your partnership in their overall development at school.

Gratefully, Ms. Chan

Dates to Note

Thursday, April 18 – Class photos
Monday, April 29 – Pro-D Day; students do not attend
Friday, May 17 – Sports Day & early dismissal
Friday, May 31 – 2 PM Early dismissal

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