Sharing on Valentine’s Day – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Sharing on Valentine’s Day

| Posted in ADST, Class News, Core Competencies

Dear Parents,

All the kids seemed extra happy on Valentine’s Day. One student exclaimed, “This is the best day of my life!” 

We hope you have heard all about our Stone Soup making experience. As part of our ADST curriculum, students all had an opportunity to cut various vegetables which they really enjoyed. Great success when no one cuts their finger! We have deemed that they “passed the test” and are all ready to help chop vegetables at home now so feel free to solicit their meal prep skills. Children were encouraged to try different vegetables and give ones they had already made up their mind they didn’t like another chance. We discussed what having a closed mind versus open mind meant. As a result, some discovered they have a new liking for mushrooms! So many of them really enjoyed the vegetable soup, shouting, “This is sooo yummy!”

Core Competency connection:

  • I can keep an open mind to try new things.
  • I can contribute to my classroom community by helping out.
  • I can use tools in a safe manner.

Thank you so much for your contribution to our soup! Your ingredients made it taste simply delicious! And thank you to Manoj’s mom for helping us out in the morning; we appreciate your time. 

Dear students,

What did you think about making our Stone Soup? How did you feel about cutting the vegetables? How do you think making Stone Soup helps to bring people together like in the story we listened to? What is your “I Can” statement? 

We would love to read your reflections on our soup making day!

Thank you, Ms. Chan & Ms. Cowan

18 thoughts on “Sharing on Valentine’s Day”

  1. Isla & Hanna says:

    Dear teachers,
    We had a wonderful day making stone Soup. Isla & Hanna now love mushrooms thanks to the soup. The potatoes were very tasty and mushy. We are glad we didn’t cut our fingers. Your pot is big & you left it at school. The rock soup was awsommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme! Thanks so much for the soup.
    From, Isla and Hanna

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Hanna and Isla,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on our soup making experience. I am so glad you enjoyed the soup! Thanks for your reminder that my pot is still at school. It’s coming home with me today.
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  2. Olivya and fisher says:

    Dear teachers,
    We enjoyed cutting the vegetables with you. it was very fun to make soup with you on Valentine’s Day. We feelt happy because we never made soup in school before so we had a wonderful valentine with you.
    From, Olivya and Fisher

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Olivya and Fisher,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on our soup. I am so glad you thought it was fun and that it made you feel happy. I really enjoyed my Valentine’s Day with you as well because it made me feel happy too.
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  3. PrisciLLa&Jeffery says:

    Dear class,
    We liked the stone soup because we learned how to chop vegetables .We liked the stone soup because stone soup tastes good.‍.8&9
    From, Priscilla and Jeffery

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Priscilla and Jeffery,
      Thank you for letting us know about what you thought about our soup. So glad you enjoyed the soup.
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  4. Owen and Dustin says:

    Dear teachers,
    We love the stone soup. We also liked cutting the vegetables. It makes us feel good inside and it is nice.
    from Owen and Dustin.

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Owen and Dustin,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on our soup. I am glad to know that you loved the soup and that it made you feel good inside.
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  5. Kailan and JeanBenoit says:

    Dear ms chan and ms Cowan,
    We liked cutting the vegetables . It was fun to cut. Were happy that we didn’t cut are fingers.

    1. chanl says:

      Hi Kailan and JeanBenoit,
      We are glad you enjoyed cutting the vegetables. I’m glad you didn’t cut your fingers too!
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  6. Farbod and Jeffery says:

    Dear teachers,we loved ❤️the stone soup because it was soooooooo delicious . We’re glad that we didn’t cut off our fingers. We enjoyed cutting vegetables because it was fun. Sincerely,Jeffery and Farbod.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Farbod and Jeffery,
      We are thrilled to hear that you thought the soup was so delicious! Sounded like everyone enjoyed cutting the vegetables. We will have to look for another opportunity to do some cooking in the future!
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  7. Charlotte and Kira says:

    Dear miss chan and miss Cowan,
    We loved making the stone soup. We are happy that we did not cut our finger off. Because we don’t want to loose our fingers.

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Charlotte and Kira,
      Thank you for sharing that you enjoyed making the soup. We were happy that everybody used the knives to cut very carefully. Being safe is very important.
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  8. Olivya and charlotte says:

    Dear Ms. Chan,
    We loved the soup. We enjoyed cutting the vegetables. The mushrooms were tasty and charming as a star. The soup was DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. From Olivya and Charlotte .

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Olivya and Charlotte,
      Through your comment, we can tell that you felt very enthusiastic about how tasty the soup was. Great simile you used to describe the mushrooms.
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

  9. Vicki Chen says:

    Dear teachers,

    Lucas went home and told me he could help me to cutting the veggies. He said he had two bowls of soup and he loved it. He was really excited and happy. Thank you so much.


    1. chanl says:

      Hi Ms. Chen,
      Thank you so much for letting us know what Lucas told you about our soup making. It was a great experience for all of them! Glad he enjoyed it so much.
      Take care, Ms. Chan

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