Scientists at Work Learning about Sea Creatures – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Scientists at Work Learning about Sea Creatures

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips, We are scientists.

Our little scientists’ inquiry on local sea creatures is well on its way! They have been enthusiastically and diligently researching websites on their animal. This week, we will be receiving a Virtual Reality kit which include Google glasses to virtually dive deep into the ocean to take a closer look! 

In support of our inquiry, Division 8 and 9 had an exciting field trip to the aquarium. We had some free exploration time on our own. Otherwise, we came together to watch the sea otter feeding, dolphin, and sea lion show. Our classroom workshop experience focussed on learning more about our local coast animals. Students had an opportunity to touch a jellyfish, sea cucumber, sea urchin, and try on a turtle’s shell to name a few things.

We are very grateful to parents who have volunteered to help drive and supervise students. 

Dear students,

What were your highlights of the trip? What was the most interesting fact you learned? Please feel free to write a comment on this post. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Scientists at Work Learning about Sea Creatures”

  1. Vicki Chen says:

    Lucas was really excited about the filed trip. Thank you so much for all your work. He told us he had a great day with sea animals. He taught his little brother about sea otter feeding. That was an amazing trip for him.

    1. chanl says:

      Thank you so much for your comment. We are so glad to hear that Lucas enjoyed himself and shared his new learning with his little brother!

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