Process of Inquiry – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Process of Inquiry

| Posted in Class News, We are communicators., We are scientists.

During last Friday’s assembly, students had an opportunity to proudly showcase our process of inquiry on various sea creatures. It all began with asking questions and lots of them. Then with access to resources like books, websites, videos, and a visit to the Vancouver Aquarium, students researched information together with a partner. They took notes on paper and then organized them using Kidspiration:

Click to enlarge.

which helped them publish their writing:

Click to enlarge.

and eventually, supported their formal presentation. Here is one by Isla on Starfish (click on image):

Pacific White Sided Dolphin

Click on image to view Owen’s presentation.

Click on image to view Riley’s presentation.

2 thoughts on “Process of Inquiry”

  1. Bryony says:

    This is outstanding and so helpful as a means to organize research and develop thought

    1. chanl says:

      Thank you for comment. Students regularly begged us to give them time to work on their research projects! It was thrilling to see how motivated they were.

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