Ms. Chan's Class Blog – Page 2 – Working Together – To better ourselves, each other, and the world around us

Dear Division 11 Families,

We hope you’ve been enjoying the beautiful sunny days we’ve had recently—it’s hard to believe we’ve had nearly a full week of sunshine!

This week (January 20–24), our school will be celebrating Literacy Week by exploring different types of literacy, such as media literacy and numeracy literacy. Students will learn how each type of literacy plays a crucial role in navigating the world, empowering individuals to communicate effectively, think critically, and engage with various aspects of life.

Family Reading Cancelled on Tuesday:
As part of Literacy Week, Family/Sibling Reading will take place in classrooms on Thursday from 9:00–9:30 a.m. Please join us on Thursday this week instead of our usual Tuesday session. Students are encouraged to bring their favorite book from home.

Our Jasper Johns-inspired 2025 art bulletin board is now up! We are so proud of the hard work and creativity the students have displayed.

Last week, the students learned about Jean-Michel Basquiat and have been busy creating drafts and sketches for their Basquiat-inspired “One Word” art. Basquiat often used text and symbols in his artwork. Please take some time to discuss with your child the words, phrases, and symbols they are planning to incorporate into their project. We will continue working on this exciting art piece in the coming week.

To make their writing more interesting and engaging, the students have been exploring how to add dialogue to their stories. They investigated how dialogue is written in picture books and chapter books from our classroom library and then shared their discoveries as a group. The students have enjoyed applying this knowledge to their own writing and watching their stories come to life!

To improve their efficiency with addition and subtraction, students have been practicing doubles facts and doubles +1/-1 strategies. We will be learning strategies that our students can use for double digits addition and subtraction.

How to support at home: Ask your child about the doubles and doubles +1/-1 game we’ve been playing in class—they’d love to share!

Thank you so much for your continued support with their learning at home.

Upcoming events

  • Friday, January 24 – Family movie night @ 6 PM
  • January 20 to 24 – Literacy Week
  • Tuesday, January 28 – Bowling at Rev’s

Ms. Kim and Ms. Chan

Dear Division 11 Families, 

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and time spent with loved ones. We had an excellent first week back, and the students really enjoyed the performance at Michael J. Fox Theatre. We were in awe of the incredible talent displayed by the performers. A BIG thank you to our parent volunteers for driving the students and staying with us on such a cold and windy day. 

Here are some of the exciting learning activities our students explored this past week: 

One Word for 2025

Our students chose one word to focus on for this year. On Monday, they brought home a handout about their chosen word to discuss with their families. If you haven’t had a chance to talk about it yet, please ask them why they selected this word.

The students have written about their reasons for choosing their word and outlined some action steps they can take to achieve their goal.

You might also ask them if their word and plan align with the SMART goal framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). We will continue working with their “one word” next week. 


This week, our students were introduced to the artist Jasper Johns and his piece titled “0 Through 9.” They were inspired by how he used everyday objects in his art to challenge viewers to see them in new ways. In celebration of the new year, the students used the numbers 2, 0, 2, and 5, layering them in the style of “0 Through 9” to create their own piece. 


We reviewed the writing goals we’ve been working on this year. The students practiced descriptive writing by reflecting on the highlight of their winter break, using their senses to vividly capture the experience. 

Social Studies

We learned about how New Year is celebrated around the world. Please chat with your child about whether they’ve noticed any similarities with other countries they’ve learned about, and please share with them any New Year traditions you know of. There are so many fun traditions, I really enjoyed researching and learning about them myself. As the Lunar New Year approaches, it would also be great to start discussions about how it’s celebrated worldwide. We will dive into this topic as we get closer to the date. 

Story writing

We read The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli. Feel free to watch it read to you with your child. I absolutely love this story. I use it when I do teacher presentations on the writing process. What I love about this story is the message. This story was to reinforce the idea that the stories we write come from our hearts. Students worked so hard on a heart map to show all the things that have a place in our hearts. They will use this as inspiration for when they write their stories.

Ways to support at home: Talk to your child about what they wrote on their heart maps. Discuss what you would write on yours.


We practiced our next math fact fluency strategy: Learning combinations that make 10 and played Making 10s Go Fish. Here’s how to play at home:

  • Making Tens GO Fish – The goal is to have combinations that equal 10. Take a regular deck of cards. Remove the Jack and King. The Queen represents zero because it looks like a zero. Combinations that make ten: 0+10, 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5.
    • Each player starts with 5 cards. If any of the cards they hold make a combination of 10, they can put the pair of cards down for all to see. For example, if you have a 3 and a 7, you can put the cards down because they equal 10.
    • Then just like how you would play Go Fish, the first player asks anyone playing for a matching card that equals 10. If they have a 6 in their hand, then say, “Do you have a 4?” If they have a 5 in their hand, then say, “Do you have a 5?” If not, “go fish” and take a card from the central deck.
  • Math Tappers – Continue to have your child practice addition and subtraction facts so they can become more fluent with accuracy. If your child has an iPad at home, please download Math Tappers. It’s free! Have them practice different sums up to 20. For Making 10s, simply change the sum to 10. Make it fun! You take a turn to see how quickly and accurately you can complete the board and compare it with your child’s OR play together!

Report Cards

If you have not logged in to MyED BC to view your child’s report card, please let us know how we can support you. The last day to view the report card will be on January 31st so we always recommend that you download a PDF if you wish to keep a copy.

If you need your password reset, click here. It may take a few days for our office to reset it for you.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out as we are happy to discuss. Report card writing time is one of our favourite times of the year because it gives us an opportunity to deeply and intentionally think about each child as we celebrate their strengths, growth, and consider goals with clear next steps. When we look at what they have learned and accomplished collectively in 13 weeks, it’s incredible how much they have improved in so many areas…and this does not happen without your support at home.

We deeply appreciate you for your continued support.

We hope you had a wonderful weekend! We are looking forward to another fantastic and fun week together!

Gratefully, Ms. Kim and Ms. Chan

Upcoming events

  • Friday, January 24 – Family movie night @ 6 PM
  • January 20 to 24 – Literacy Week
  • Tuesday, January 28 – Bowling at Rev’s

Dear Division 11 Families, 

Our skating sessions have officially come to an end, and it has been amazing to see how much confidence and skill the students have gained over the course of our trips. Thank you for your support in making these sessions such a success! 

Thank you for parents who came today on Tuesday, as we resumed our Family Reading. We had materials ready for some of the math games that the students have been playing in class. What a fun time!

We are writers.

In writing, we’ve been focusing on making our stories more engaging for readers. The students have been using creative similes and are learning to think like writers by pausing to consider ways to add more details to their work. See the chart (This will continue to grow.) that we use at the start of our lessons to help set writing goals. 

We also read the book If I Built a School by Chris Van Dusen. Students were very creative! They learned about nouns and adjectives that describe nouns.

Ways to support at home or try this during your car ride: Name different nouns and challenge your child to come up with interesting adjectives. Be playful with your words and have fun together! Then it’s your turn! Ask your child to give you a noun for you to come up with interesting adjectives. Have fun!

For example: cat (noun) and here are some adjectives to describe the noun:

  • Color: fluffy, striped, golden
  • Size: tiny, enormous, chubby
  • Personality: curious, playful, sneaky

We are mathematicians.

In math, we have been continuing our learning on rounding. We want our students to understand why we round down with 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and round up with 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. To help with this, we’ve been using number lines to provide a visual understanding of the concept. Now, many students have progressed beyond the number line and are able to round numbers quickly and accurately in their heads. 

We continued to practice our math fact fluency by learning about working with a 10.

Ways to support at home: Continue to practice all of the strategies taught so far.


A simple way to practice at home is to create a random numbers chart.


On Friday, we had the greatest privilege and blessing to have Juliette’s mom, Anna, come into our class to teach us about Hannukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights with Juliette. They told us about the miracle of the oil that lasted eight nights when it only had enough to last one. The menorah (special candle holder) was lit which illuminated our classroom. We learned about what each one represents. Students were given an opportunity to play with the dreidel. Anna and Juliette also surprised us with delicious latkes (potato pancakes) served with apple sauce! They were scrumptious!

Thank you so very much, Anna and Juliette, for sharing with us. We are grateful for your time and hard work!



Our students have also been working on creating 3D snowflakes. Although there were many steps involved, they picked up the process quickly and created some beautiful finished pieces. 

On Friday, we met up with our little buddies! Thank you to the hard work and dedication of Ms. Pasqualetto, the Kindergarten teacher, children were given 5 cookies to decorate. They did a great job of making sure their little buddies received help if they needed it.

Learning Updates (aka Report Cards)

Your child’s Learning Update will be available on Wednesday, December 18. You should have access to login to MyEducation BC to access it. If you cannot, then you can request for a password reset by clicking HERE. Should you have any questions or would like to meet with us, please let us know.

We are incredibly proud of all the learning your child has demonstrated since the beginning of the school year. We hope that you enjoyed listening to your child teach you about patterns, place value, matter, and the transfer of thermal energy last week when they brought home their learning. They practiced by pretending to be each other’s parent and had fun doing it!

Feel free to scroll through the 14 weekly blog posts since we started our journey together at the beginning of September. We commend each child (and you) for your contribution to our cohesive and caring community. These blog posts are a great way to connect with your child about what they are learning in class. When I asked them how many have seen them, not many said they did. These posts are written for you both to share in their learning so feel free to have them read it as practice for reading. When students can tell you what they are learning about, they have to remember and explain; this exercise helps them solidify their learning.

Pancake Breakfast 

This Thursday, it is pajama day! Your child doesn’t have to change in the morning and is welcome to come to school in the same clothes! Our pancake breakfast time with our little Kindergarten buddies is at 9:05 AM. Please be on time so that our class can go to the gym on time.


Your children are growing!! We are noticing a number of students going to the office asking for snacks. They are saying that they finish their snacks but are still hungry. In January, please have your child bring extra snacks. Thank you!


On Thursday at 1 PM, there will be a sing-a-long for odd divisions. The Intermediate Choir will also perform. You are welcome to join us in the gym at this time!

Friday Party

On Friday afternoon, we will be having a class party. Children are encouraged to bring a board or card game from home to teach and share with their classmates. It’s a great way to introduce a fun game to others so that they may buy it to play at home too! It’s also a phenomenal way to practice their verbal communication skills as they try to teach others how the game is played.

If your child would like to bring a treat to share (nothing with nuts, please), they are welcome to as well! Thank you so much for your contribution!

In case we don’t get a chance to see you, we wish you and your family a wonderful winter break. Enjoy this extra time with family and friends. Thank you for reading these blog posts each week and for your continued support. We appreciate you! We love your children and care deeply for them. What a joy and blessing to be their teachers!

With grateful hearts, Ms. Kim and Ms. Chan


Dear Division 11 Families, 

We’ve been having so much fun during our skating field trips! It has been wonderful to see the students’ confidence grow in just two sessions. We’re sad that this Tuesday will be our last session, but I know they will enjoy it to the fullest! One of the staff members last week mentioned that this group of students is easily the most helpful and kind group he has ever seen. The students assisted with cleanup and returned the skating bars without being asked. I couldn’t agree more and am so proud of our Division 11 students! – Ms. Kim

Please note: Family Reading will be cancelled this Tuesday but will resume next Tuesday, December 17th. We are looking forward to having you back in our class!

Here is some of the exciting learning happening in our class: 

We are writers.
In writing, the students have been learning how to make their writing more engaging by using similes. After a group matching activity, they used similes to describe a car they would like to build—they came up with so many creative ideas! In class, we read My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks. The author also wrote My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil, and McGill Library has a copy if you’d like to check it out. 

Ways to support at home: Bring your child to visit the library often. It used to be our weekend family outing when my children were growing up. They have such a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books to choose from!

We have been working on another piece of writing to further develop our own identity. One of our core competencies of building a positive personal identity: identifying personal strengths and abilities. “Students acknowledge their strengths and abilities, and they intentionally consider these as assets, helping them in all aspects of their lives. Students understand that they are unique and are a part of larger, and often multiple, communities. They explain how they are using their strengths and abilities in their families, their relationships, and their communities.”

Last week, we read the story “What’s My Superpower?” by Aviaq Johnston. Click here to watch an animated storytelling of the book.

We followed up this week with two books written, illustrated, and published by one of my best friends, Jillian DuBois: Liv’s Messages and Destiny’s Amazingly Different Dreams. All highlight how what makes us special and different can also be our superpowers (strengths and abilities). There was a lesson on acceptance too.

From Amazon about Liv’s Seashells – Beyond the collection of her treasured seashells, Liv knows that there are people around that need to be shown compassion and empathy. She carefully crafts a plan for a journey that promises to reach out and share hope past the limits of the warm sunshine and sandy beach. Liv has a chance to make a difference and uplift others with joy.

From Amazon about Destiny – The story of one amazing girl who understands that being different is BETTER than being ordinary. We each have different gifts + talents to celebrate. Remarkable human beings deserve to be accepted for WHO they are with great JOY.

Ways to support at home: Follow up this learning by talking about your child’s superpowers and your own. What makes you shine? What are your strengths, abilities, and core values? How can you help your child discover their own? This is such an important understanding to develop especially when we face challenges because during hard times, we can anchor into our strengths and core values as our base. As they grow and become immersed in social media, when children have a strong foundation in who they are and have a strong sense of self-worth, then it takes a lot more adversity to shake how they see themselves.

Word Sorts

We introduced word sorts to the class and started with the spelling rule for regular past tense verbs: We learned about base words (aka root words) and how we add “ed” to the end of regular verbs.

When we sorted the words, we discovered that there are 3 sounds of the past tense ed. They cut and then sorted their own words. We practiced sorting the words so we can see the patterns. They were getting faster and more accurate as the week went on.

When we finish with this word sort, it will go home. Please continue to practice until they are proficient. They can practice spelling these words too.

When looking at the words, there are some with two vowels next to each other. We learned a new song that reinforces that when two vowels to walking, the first one does the talking and says its own name. It’s the same tune as the Addams Family song and catchy. I had it stuck in my head many times over the weekend! Ask your child to sing it to you! Here’s the song:

When two vowels go walking, 
The first one does the talking.
When two vowels to walking,
The first one says its name.

We are Mathematicians.
During Wondering Wednesday, Division 18 students joined our class, and our students helped them learn about fractions. In pairs, they looked for fraction cards hidden in the classroom and compared each fraction to 1/2, deciding whether it was greater than, equal to, or less than 1/2.

Afterward, they played a place value game we’ve been practicing in class. I’ve attached a link below so you can try it at home. To extend the activity, you can include a fourth card to create numbers in the thousands. 

For place value, we did an assessment to check for understanding, and we were so very proud of how well they learned these number concepts!

This week, they will bring home their Patterns booklets from earlier in the year to show you.

We learned our next math fluency strategy: Adding or subtracting by 2’s is like skip counting by 2’s.

Using our random numbers chart, we practiced adding by 2’s and subtracting by 2’s. It is not as efficient to calculate + or -2 but instead, it is quicker to see a number and see the next number before or after by 2.

For example:

If I am adding by 2, then when I see a 6, I automatically see 8 without thinking, “What is 6 + 2?” Instead, If I know how to fluently count by 2’s, then I know that 8 follows 6.

Ways to support at home: Using a random numbers chart, have your child practice +1, -1, +2, -2. Even if your child practices for a few minutes each day, they will definitely gain fluency by the end of the school year!

We are scientists.

They are excited to bring home their Matter & Thermal Energy booklets to show you what they know too! When they bring these booklets home, ask them to teach you the concepts learned. This solidifies their learning.

We started a new science unit about biodiversity and ecosystems. Stay tuned for more of our learning shared with you!

ADST – We are developing our tech skills!

On Friday, we logged into Office 365 and learned a few tools on Microsoft Word. To reinforce their learning, I encouraged them to practice logging in at home. To do this, go to our Kitchener website.

On the drop down menu, click on Microsoft 365. A sign in box will appear. Have them practice typing in their email address which is their Click Next.

A new box will ask for their password. It is the same one they memorized.

Then they were directed to find the list of apps using the icon on the top left corner and find the W (which stands for Word):

Once they launched Word, they were taught to create a new document, rename their document, type their name, and then play! They played with the size, font, colour, alignment, highlighting, bolding, italicizing, or underlining their names. They loved it and thought it was so cool!

I highly recommend that you support your child’s learning by practicing logging into Word at home and having fun together playing with the tools available. This will help them become more proficient at logging in and using Word the next time we use the laptops this Friday. Thank you!

If your child has not memorized their usernames and passwords yet, please spend some time at home to memorize them. It really diminishes their frustration at school when they struggle with the first part of using laptops. The ones who have become proficient are able to have more time on the task too. Thank you.

We are a interconnected community of learners.

One of my favourite tried and true activities that I, Ms. Chan, love to do is our spider web activity. I started with a ball of yarn and shared what I love and appreciate about our classroom community. Then I passed it to someone across from me. Then that person shared what they love or appreciate about our community and so on and so on until everyone had an opportunity to share.

It built a beautiful web which resulted in a powerful visual to see. We talked about how we are all interconnected, which is one of the Indigenous ways of knowing and being. We discussed how what we say and do affects others maybe not directly but indirectly.

Then I gave an example of someone saying something mean to someone else as I shook the yarn. They could see that when I shook the yarn, others were impacted. Others could hear what was said (or see what was done) and that makes others feel sad and bad. We dove into talking about emotional contagion.

Next, I demonstrated how when one person says something kind (they got to go on their knees) and the another person does something thoughtful (they got to go on their knees) until everyone’s name was called and everyone was on their knees. We stood up to demonstrate how we all can uplift each other through positive actions and words. They visually got to experience how since we are all connected, small actions and words uplift not only the other person but everyone else in our community.

When we were finished, we reflected on this activity. My heart melted when I heard about how they enjoyed listening to each other share. They experienced the impact of their actions and words, and how they all contribute to making our classroom community a great place to be. They got to hear exactly what their classmates appreciated about being in our class. One child mentioned how what we shared touched his heart and how he felt teary (and emotional) because of our shared positive emotions.

I reinforced how every interaction makes a difference.

Thank you for your continued support at home! We appreciate you!

Events to note

  • Ice skating on Tuesday, December 10
  • PAC meeting on Thursday, December 12 at 6:30pm (virtual)
  • Reports are available online on Wednesday, December 18. Please ensure you have your login information to access before the date. If you do not, click here to have your login and password reset. It may take a few days.

With hearts full of gratitude, Ms. Kim and Ms. Chan

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