We continue to grow in many ways!
Student Led Conferences
On Thursday, May 4, we have an early dismissal at 1:45pm for our Student Led Conferences which start at 2:00pm. Please CLICK HERE to read the notice with detailed information on our conferences or view image (click to enlarge).
CLICK HERE to fill out the form to choose your appointment times.
You will find a link in the notice to choose your first and second choice for appointment times. Please fill out as soon as possible. Thank you!
Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month
This week, we continued to read stories that support our Autism Awareness and Acceptance month. We have reflected on our learning through our writing. Please feel free to have conversations around what we’ve been learning about this month.
- All My Stripes by
- Destiny’s Amazingly Different Dreams by Molly Schaefer
- Don’t Laugh at Me by
Read How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath. This is one of my favourite stories. It teaches us that we all have an invisible bucket above our heads. When we say and do kind things for others, we add drops to our bucket and theirs. This lifts us all up. So, every interaction with others either uplifts and adds to positivity or it does the opposite.
We are passionate.
Since students may not have seen many presentations, I worked on my own Passion Project on capybaras as an example. I demonstrated what their presentations can look like. We talked through having consistent title font sizes, using relevant images that match the information on slides, information you put on slides, and including a Resources slide. I mentioned how we don’t write too many words on a slide. Also, we can share more information on the slide than what we have listed. We talked about criteria but we will co-construct it this week.
Click here to view my Capybara PowerPoint.
Everyone is working hard on their Passion Projects! They really enjoy this time! We learned how to share PowerPoint presentations with our partner and with me. During our demonstration, they learned the power of working on a live document where two people have access.
We are cooperative communicators.
On Friday, we played a Copy Cat cooperative communication game. Students were divided into teams randomly chosen. There were five groups with four on a team.
One person from each group came up to view the hidden design they were to copy. The communicator was only allowed to use words to describe the design and were asked to keep their hands behind their backs when explaining to prevent pointing. Each person on the team had an opportunity to be a communicator.
Each turn, the design got progressively more challenging.
I was impressed with how their communication improved each turn they had. I was proud of how well they worked on each team!
Ask your child about their experience!
Thank you for your continued support at home! We appreciate you!
Gratefully, Ms. Chan