October 18 to 21 Update – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

October 18 to 21 Update

| Posted in Class News, We are communicators.

Dear Division 6 families,

I sincerely apologize for not getting this week’s post out earlier this weekend. Some things came up for my family that I needed to attend to. This post will be written form with no video. You’ll see me again in video form next week though!

What a quick week!

We continued to visit Mrs. Papapanagiotou for our learning about research. This week, they learned how to cite books and images we find on websites. Please review the Library blog page on Referencing Sources. Watching the video again with your child will benefit them as review.

Grade 5 Mathematicians

Wow! I was very impressed with how everyone did on the number concepts test on Monday. Everyone in the class demonstrated a PROFICIENT understanding of the concepts taught so far! I commend the students for working so hard to learn and practice. Thank you for your support at home. Your child should have brought home the test for you to sign. I loved reading the positive and encouraging messages you wrote to your child.

This week we introduced decimals to the thousandths place and practiced reading these numbers. Before diving in further to decimals, we need a solid foundation in fractions so we reviewed fractions of a whole and fractions of a set. Your child should have completed pages 199, 200, and 201. Please ensure these are completed. Thank you!

Math computational fluency strategies for this week: +10 and -10. Using the random numbers page your child created at home, please ask them to practice or have fun practicing with them! For -10, only choose numbers between 10 to 20.

Since we will be learning multiplication in January, it is important to start practicing now so they will be able to focus on the concepts of multiplication without having to struggle with recalling facts too. The goal is automaticity with ALL math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). You will be helping your child immensely by encouraging them to memorize these facts. This week, using the random numbers page, please have them practice multiplying by 0 and multiplying by 1.

We are readers and writers.

We read the next chapter in The 7 Habits of Happy Kids. Put

As a review, here are the habits covered so far:

  1. Be Proactive – Take initiative. You’re in charge!
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – Focus on goals and have a plan!
  3. Put First Things First – Work first, then play!

The lesson this week was to not procrastinate and to put first things first. After great conversations on this topic after listening (pre-writing strategy), they were asked to review their single-point rubric from their gratitude writing last week. The expectation was to take one thing they need to improve and to write it down on their current page at the top or bottom as a goal. For example,

Goal: Write a closing sentence.

I like to have them write it on their current page because it is a great reminder they can refer to. They are to show me they made an effort to improve their writing from last time. All students brought their writing books home to work on and complete their paragraph to hand in on Monday.

The basic criteria: a clear opening and closing sentence. Sentences in between offer some details, develop their ideas by diving in deeper with reasons, explanations, and examples that can include thoughts and feelings. Write in complete sentences with proper use of punctuation, grammar, and spelling.

We are artists. Art is in full bloom! Students experimented with watercolour techniques to create Spooky Cats.

Please check the planner for the upcoming week. Thank you.

We appreciate you for your continued support at home,

Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich


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