November is here! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

November is here!

| Posted in Class News, Social Emotional Learning, We are mathematicians., We are scientists.

Dear Div. 6 families,

It’s hard to believe we are already into November! Sorry for the late blog post. I was away all weekend for my daughter’s ringette tournament in Vernon.

Click on image to view the video update.

TWO updates not mentioned in the video: Math & Spider Web activity. Please read below.

Thank you for watching the video updates week after week. The hope is that you get to know what we are doing in the class so you can better support your child at home.

We are mathematicians. Last week we continued to work on furthering our understanding of equivalent fractions. We are solidifying this knowledge about fractions as a whole and fractions in a set. Our goal is to be able to explain and teach these concepts to someone else. This demonstrates true proficiency. Students will be bringing home their fractions work this week to review. Please ask them to explain to you different fractions and how they are equivalent. For example, ask them to demonstrate how 1/2 is equivalent to 2/4 or how 1/3 is equivalent to 2/6 – for both fractions of a whole and fractions of a set. If they can explain this simply to you, then you will know they have proficiency. Ask for pictures to help them explain.

Students absolutely loved our very visual Spider Web activity! We tossed white yarn to a classmate sitting across from us on the carpet. Each time sharing one thing they appreciate about each other as classmates. What they shared was heartwarming. Then when our spider web was complete, we talked about how building the community we want to see takes a collection of positive actions and words and it takes time to create.

Next, with just one person adding negativity to our “web” (=classroom community), one person shook the web to show that it affects us all. It was such a visual representation of what I believe in: Every interaction is an opportunity to uplift others through our kindness, empathy, and gratitude. Each one of us plays a part in building a positive and caring community.

Ask your child about the activity. So many of them said it was fun!

Library Research – We are ready for research now! Students were asked to complete their citing of resources due on Monday. This was recorded in their planners. To access, they were to login to O365 > One Drive > their personal folder > Practicing Resources file. If they don’t have access to a printer, that is ok, we can print it out at school.

NOTE: If your child has not memorized their login information, please spend some time this week. Almost every has memorized theirs. Thank you!

We are scientists. We continued to meet in our groups this week to decipher which questions most appealed to us. This week, we are ready to dive into their inquiry questions!

We are passionate about Passion Projects! Students were introduced to a recording sheet to keep them accountable each week we work on them. They will record what they do and reflect on what they worked on and set goals for their next steps.









We also started learning about Remembrance Day. If you’d like to make a donation for the poppy your child will receive on Wednesday, please feel free to have them bring a loonie or toonie. For any larger donations, please go to

Please have your child keep an extra mask in their backpack in case they forget or just need a new one during the day. Thank you!

We are so grateful to be your child’s teacher and to have an opportunity to work with you. Thank you for your continued support!

Gratefully, Ms. Chan & Mrs. Paulich

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