Not a Farewell – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Not a Farewell

| Posted in Class News

Dear Div. 6 parents and students,

This will be the last blog post sent to you before you join your new teacher and classmates on Monday morning. As I sit here reflecting on an incredible year of growth filled with love, fun, and laughter, I can’t help but have such bittersweet feelings…sad I will not be teaching them anymore but joyful and proud they worked so hard that their wings grew bigger and stronger to help them fly higher in life. They are well on their way to continue to build a strong relationship with themselves as people who know their strengths, values, beliefs, and how they shine!

All last year, I shared how much we enjoyed being together. During our last community circle on Thursday, everyone had an opportunity to share what they are grateful for our class one last time. They shared such heartwarming reasons. Please feel free to ask your child what they said and what they heard others say.

These mixed feelings made me think about a popular quote by Dr. Seuss: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

I will always have such fond memories and I believe your children will too.

When you think of our year together,
My hope is that you will SMILE,
Feel the warmth in your heart because of the LOVE we shared,
And remember how much FUN we had as we enjoyed each other’s company.


Thank you for trusting us with your child every day and for your continued support all year. It was a true pleasure being partners in your child’s learning.

This isn’t a farewell. It’s a “can’t wait to see you again soon”! As I shared at the end of last year, I am your child’s forever teacher and will be here, happy to support you and them when needed.

Have the most wonderful and exciting fresh start to a brand new class! Welcome to grade 5 and 6!

Miss you already!! Please come visit!

With much love and gratitude, Ms. ChanĀ ❤️

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