January 17 to 21 update – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

January 17 to 21 update

| Posted in Class News, We are authors., We are communicators., We are mathematicians.

Dear Division 6 families,

What an awesome week we had together! We really do bring each other joy when we come together at school! My heart is filled with joy anytime I get to spend my day with them!

We are good digital citizens.

Last week, we were reminded of the importance of being good digital citizens. We reviewed our THINK acronym and talked about our digital footprint and how what we post is permanent. Our words and actions today may make an impact on our future so we need to be IMPECCABLE with our words (from The Four Agreements; see last week’s post as this was discussed).

Sending emails was introduced and students had a few opportunities to compose and learn how to write a professional email. There should be short subject line, an opening (like a greeting plus a name), the body of the email, a closing, and a signature. They have been receiving feedback on how professional their emails are looking. I know this meant that I have been receiving an extra 30 emails each time we practice this but I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with your children beyond the walls and time in our classroom! Please reinforce the importance of being a good digial citizen who is impeccable with their words. Thank you for your support at home! You can always ask them to show you their emails too.

We are public speakers.

We finished all of our All About Me presentations last week! Wow! My socks were knocked off from the presentations! They have learned so much about how to create effective slides, how to have an engaging presence as a presenter, and how to improve for next time. I have loved the honest feedback they have provided to their classmates. They truly have been impeccable with their words in their compliments and suggestions for next time. They are bang on!

I also loved how they have learned from each other. One student who went first commented on how many people copied his idea for his ending slide. The student responded, “I was inspired by you.” That warmed my heart so much!!

Many have been asking about when they will be presenting their Passion Projects. We will review the criteria again so they are clear on what is expected. Then they will review their slides and presentation independently and then practice with a friend. I will also review with them to provide feedback. My best guess is that some may be ready to present in about 2-3 weeks.

We are mathematicians.

We continued to have fun as we learned more geometry concepts. Our goal is to always understand these concepts well enough so we become confident to teach someone else. Here are some vocabulary words that your child learning to understand and hopefully be able to explain and teach!

  • lines, vertex and vertices, polygon
  • right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle
  • triangle, quadrilateral, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram
  • parallel lines, congruency

I plan to have a pre-test sometime this week just to check their understanding and for them to see how well they understand the concepts. When they bring it home, it will be clear to you what concepts will need further review. Thank you so much for your support at home!

We are ALL mathematicians!

What a great way to spend an evening! I felt SO grateful to have so many families join us for our Math night! I recorded the session and will be sharing that via email to everyone to review. I realized afterwards that I forgot to explain the Making 10’s strategy. Here they can play Go Fish. Each player has 5 cards. Instead of asking if you have a matching number, you ask for the number that makes 10. For example, if I have a 6, then I would say, “Do you have a 4?” because that equals 10. The game is played exactly the same as our traditional Go Fish except you are trying to match 2 numbers that equal 10.

Similarly, take a deck of cards. As they flip each card over, they say out loud the other addend that equals 10. For examples, if I flip over a 3, I say 7. If I flip over an 8, I say 2. If I flip over a 9, I say 1. The two numbers equal 10. The faster and more accurate they get, the more confident they are! Take turns or create two piles. The person who finished the pile first wins!

Thank you again for your support at home! I already heard some feedback and it made my heart feel so happy to know that you have already been playing these games at home! I appreciate you!

If you want a refresher without having to review the video, go to our Mathematicians Play page!

We are creators.

We continued to work on our Writer’s Workshop stories and started a new document in Word. Anytime you are looking for some work to do at home, they can always work on the following:

  • their story in Word
  • Passion Project
  • send someone an email to brighten their day!

In addition, they can also practice typing in All the Right Type and make sure they go to .ca and NOT .com. They can always practice their math facts too! Check out some games on this page.

We are kind.

We have been practicing being impeccable with our words. On Friday, I challenged them to be someone who brightens someone’s day. My heart was warmed when we shared the things we did. It could be as simple as telling a friend how thankful they are to be friends or doing something kind for someone. I hope they remembered to brighten your day over the weekend too! 🙂

Looking forward to another great week together! Should be fun seeing that it will be Literacy Week!

We appreciate you.

Sincerely, Ms. Chan (and Mrs. Paulich)

This upcoming week is Literacy week! Your child should have come home with a Family Literacy week BINGO sheet! The last day to return it will be on Monday, January 31.

On Tuesday, students are asked to bring a towel and flashlight as we will be heading to the gym to read.

On Wednesday, students are asked to wear shirts with words on it. We have a chance to win prizes!

On Thursday, it is dress up as a word day! Brainstorm some ideas and be creative!

Please see the notice about litterless lunches at Gilmore. It was sent home on Friday.

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