Happy First Full Day of School – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Happy First Full Day of School

| Posted in Class News

Dear families,

We had such a great first day of school! I know there can be a lot of uncertainty as you send your child back to school so I hope this helps give you a glimpse into our day together. Click here to watch a video recap that runs through our day. If you don’t have time to watch, here are a few of the highlights:

  • Thank you for sending school supplies and Parents and Partners Information forms!
  • We had our Community Circle time in the gym to learn each other’s names and play “Would you rather”.
  • We have 3 essential questions:
    • Will you do the right thing? – character-based learning
    • Will you do your best? – pursuit of excellence
    • What will you do for others today? – service
  • FAIL = First Attempt In Learning (It’s ok to fail. We learn from mistakes. Growth mindset!)
  • Graffiti art to practice our letters in preparation for our name tag art. video 1 video 2 video 3
  • Mystery Doug
  • Ishi, a book by Akiko Yabuki about optimism and choosing and sharing happiness!
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament. This was to demonstrate to them that we all need cheerleaders!

Not mentioned in the video but we talked about safety throughout our day and washed our hands numerous times!

I absolutely adore your children!! Thank you for sharing your child with us this year!

The weather looks like it is turning. Click here to learn more about our West Coast recess and lunch hours.

We are looking forward to having another great day tomorrow! Ms. Paulich will be their teacher in the morning and I will see them in the afternoon.

Sincerely, Ms. Chan and Ms. Paulich 🙂

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