For the upcoming week of June 8-12 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

For the upcoming week of June 8-12

| Posted in Class News, Continuing Learning at Home

Dear students and parents, (please read this with your child, thanks!)

We welcomed back some students on Tuesday. It was so nice to spend the day with you! I also got to see others who came after school to pick up belongings. It was so nice to see you too! If you have not picked up your belongings yet, I will be in the Portable on Monday, June 8 after 3:15pm. Please let me know if you plan to come by. Thank you!

We had our last Book Club meeting last week. I asked the students if they would like to continue and an overwhelming majority did not but this does not mean they stop reading. They should still continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Just like they should be getting some form of physical activity daily too. Thank you for your support with this!

We had our first Passion Project presentations last week on Wednesday. I was so impressed with the PowerPoint presentations and how you presented your projects. I can’t wait to see more! We will continue on Monday and Tuesday, June 8 & 9 at 1:30pm on Zoom. Please sign up on Grid Method Division 9 to choose your day. For the single point rubric (criteria), please click here. It can also be found in OneNote > Content Library > Passion Project. If they are finished their Passion Project, they can begin a new one!

For Math last week, we focused on just the division facts. The goal of this week will be to understand concepts of division (e.g., sharing, grouping, repeated subtraction) while continuing to improve in our fluency in facts.

Exciting news! Rushil just published his first e-book on Amazon! If you would like to purchase a free copy, click here (limited time offer). We have some other exciting news to share about another published author in our class but we will wait until after she presents her Passion Project before we share with parents.

Report cards are due in the office on June 10. I only have a handful of pictures submitted so far. Please send me a photo of your child holding on to something they are proud of so I can include it on their report card. If it’s their Passion Project PowerPoint and I have access to it on OneDrive, then just let me know and I’ll copy the title slide and insert that. I will also need one sentence that goes with the picture about what they are proud of too, please. Thank you so much for your support with this! Note: It is best if you can send me the picture as an attachment. Thank you.

I have always appreciated your support at home and continue to feel so grateful for you. Thank you for your help, parents and thank you to all my students who have continued to work so hard at home!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

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