Family Literacy Week – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Family Literacy Week

| Posted in Class News, Core Competencies, We are readers.

We launched Family Literacy Week on Tuesday with guest readers from our local fire department. Students enjoyed listening to Firefighter Riley read us a storybook about the many different jobs they do. Before he could finish reading, they were unexpectedly called away to respond to an emergency. Fortunately, they were able to come back shortly after to give us a tour of the fire truck. Thanks to Firefighter Greg, they learned a lot about the many parts and tools on the truck. We are grateful for the firefighters for coming in to read and share a part of their knowledge with us!

On Wednesday, we dressed up as a character from a book. In our class, we saw Alice in Wonderland, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and students and teachers from Stephanie’s Ponytail to name a few. Thanks for making the effort to dress up!

During our Family Literacy Week assembly on Thursday, we enjoyed a variety of sharing from many primary classes. We read our haikus about snow. Maybe that might summon the snow next week! We felt proud of how they presented their poems and love to take opportunities to showcase their learning. We came back to class and shared some core competency statements: “I can feel proud of my haiku. I can feel confident in front of the school.” We have really been focussing on “I can” statements and hope that this language will be built into their regular speech at home. The more they can recognize their strengths and what they “can do”, the more they can build on their success and further develop in the areas of communication, thinking, and personal and social competencies. To learn more, go to BC Curriculum on Core Competencies.

It was neat and interesting to see the choices in books that students brought to school to read. They each had an opportunity to share a little something about their book. Although they have had many opportunities to read since the beginning of the year, there seemed to be something extra special during the times they had to Drop Everything And Read today. We always appreciate seeing parents come in during Family Read. Sorry, we know not all of you can but know that your child is still enjoying reading with another parent, a teacher, or their friends during that time.

Thank you for participating in the Family Literacy Week Bingo activities. Parents and students, what literacy activities did you enjoy doing most with your family? What did you think about our Family Literacy Week activities? What suggestions might you have for next year’s Family Literacy Week? Feel free to write a comment on our blog. Thank you!

We have access to a free online resource with hundreds of popular, animated, and narrated stories that have music and sound. To access, go to University Highlands website, hover over Library page, and click on Library Catalogue. Under Reading & Writing section, click on Tumblebooks. You will NOT need to login with a password if you go through this route. Enjoy the stories!


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