Exploring, Experimenting, and Engaging: Highlights from Our Week 12 Together!
Dear families,
What a wonderful week full of learning! We are so very blessed to be your child’s teachers. They truly bring us SO much joy each day!
We are writers.
We read a story called If I Built a House by Chris Van Dusen. Click here to watch the animated story on YouTube. Then both Ms. Kim and I worked together to support their writing development. First, Ms. Kim demonstrated writing that had little detail. Then she showed them the same piece of writing but with lots of detail that included the five senses. We noticed there were words that came up again and again that really helped us add details and visualize to paint a picture of what we imagined in our minds. Examples: like, when, with, and, so.
Students brainstormed by creating a web of all of the things they would add to their house if there were no limits. Here are some examples:
Students worked so diligently when they described their house. We felt so proud of their imagination and how hard they worked. When they were finished, they were encouraged to DYRIO and read over their writing three times.
This one strategy really helps them look for ways to make their writing better. We have noticed that students are catching themselves to add capitals at the beginning of sentences and finding where they need to add a period to end their sentences. What we love to see are the changes they are making when they are doing their second reading: Read it over like a revision expert. They actively look for ways to add more details or improve your message. This is such an effective way of helping them become better written communicators.
Ways to support at home: When your child practices writing at home, remind them to DYRIO: Read it over three times. Each time for a different purpose.
We are athletes.
Students LOVED their skating experience at Bill Copeland! Thank you to all the parents who came out to support us!
We are mathematicians.
We continued our learning about number concepts and place value. We learned there is a difference between a digit and what makes a number. There are also different ways to represent numbers.
We worked in groups of three to practice these four ways:
(1) standard form: 235
(2) written on a place value chart with hundreds, tens, and ones
(3) represented pictorially with a hundred shown as a square, tens as a line, and ones as a dot so 928 would look like this:
(4) expanded notation: 200 + 30 + 5 + 235
Here are some of our examples when we worked diligently and cooperatively in our groups! Can your child find their examples below?
How to support at home: Use a dice or deck of cards to create random 3-digit numbers like 537, 386, 187. Ask your child to show you the 4 ways to represent these numbers.
Math Fact Fluency
We created our own random numbers chart. It looks like this:
On one side, we have the digits 0-9. On the other side, 10-20. We will be using this to help us systematically learn strategies to add and subtract quickly. These will be practiced and reinforced so that it becomes automatic. We hear from many teachers in grade 4 and above that Math would be easier for students if only they knew their facts. It does take extra time and practice at home so we appreciate your support. We will be teaching them games as well to help reinforce.
To help you understand better, I recorded a video that explains how to use this Random Numbers Chart at home. CLICK HERE to watch. The video shows 0-20 on one side but since making that video, I found it more effective to have 0-9 on one side and 10-20 on the other side. One student decided to write the odd and even numbers in different colours and I thought that was absolutely brilliant! So I will be changing that when I teach this next year! (Thanks, Lara!)
Quick recall is in the grade 3 curriculum:
- At the end of Grade 3, most students should be able to recall addition facts to 20. We will provide opportunities to recall subtraction facts from 20 as well.
Last week, we learned about the commutative property, properties of zero, and properties of one. When adding or subtracting one, I don’t really want them calculating (adding or subtracting). To help with automaticity, I want them thinking what is the number that comes after (+1) or before (-1); in other words, counting on by 1s or backwards by 1. You will see more of these little strategy papers coming home in the future. I recommend you keep them all so your child can refer to them when needed. It’s a good reminder for you so you can remember the strategies too!
Ways to support at home: Ask your child to create one to practice at home. Then ask them to review or make it fun by doing it together.
We are scientists.
We finished our learning about thermal energy this week. We reviewed the three ways that heat is transferred: by conduction, convection, and radiation. To reinforce this learning, we watched a video. Click here to watch it at home.
We finished our Matter and Thermal Energy booklets by doing some self-reflection on our learning. We recorded (1) what we are proud of (2) what we would do differently next time (3) what we learned about matter and thermal energy OR what we learned about ourselves. They are excited to bring their booklets home to show you soon!
We are readers.
Our reading groups are well on their way now. Each group is working well together in supporting each other. We have been learning phonic rules that help us learn how to approach words that we find more challenging to sound out.
Upcoming Fun Community Opportunities
- Friday, December 6 at 5 to 8 PM – CARNIVAL hosted by Burnaby North’s Christmas Cheer Club. This is an annual event full of games, concessions, arts & crafts and more. To learn more, click here.
- Location: Burnaby North Secondary School
- Sundays, December 1-22 at 10 to 11 AM – STORYTIME & CRAFTS at Brentwood Mall: Enjoy a family friendly program with festive music, games, and holiday fun!
- Location: The TAB LAB located on Level 1 of the Interior Centre, across Telus.
- Every Saturday & Sunday from December 7 – December 22 – MOVIES ON THE PLAZA: Showings start at 3pm. Movie Schedule:
- December 7 and 8: Arthur Christmas
- December 14 and 15: Frozen
- December 21 and 22: Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Live Action)
- Location: Brentwood Plaza