Chunk Spelling has started – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Chunk Spelling has started

| Posted in Class News, We are authors., We are readers.

On Monday, your child was introduced to our new spelling program called Chunk Spelling. They all enjoyed discovering the new words they could make with the “at” ending while using their sound boards. It also helped them think critically when they came to a beginning sound that sounded like a word but wasn’t one or was a word but it didn’t have the same sound as in the word family. For example, dat (not a word) or what (has “at” at the end of the word but makes a “uht” sound rather than “at” sound).

Week after week, students will be introduced to a new word family to create words with different consonants, blends and digraphs. They record their words in a notebook in three columns: first column are words with just consonants, second column are words with blends and digraphs, and the third column is where they challenge themselves to think of larger fancy words with the word family. Some examples of bigger words were: scatter, flatten, and attic.

The homework pamphlet that went home is to be completed during the week. Every Monday, they will be given a spelling check and a new set of words for a new word family. Typically, grade ones will have five words and grade twos will have up to ten words.

Click here to learn more about the program.

Please ask if you have any questions. Thank you for your support at home!

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