We are readers. – Page 6 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: We are readers.

Dear families,

Happy Lunar New Year! We read a story called Sam and the Lucky Money. If you’d like to learn a little more about some of our traditions as well as to listen to the story, check out this video:

Anyone interested in ringing in the new year of the rabbit, Brentwood Mall will have a lion dance at 1pm (today) on Saturday, January 21 starting at 1pm in the Upper Centre Court. They will go through the Skybridge into the Grand Lobby for the second act and end at the Plaza.

We are readers.
I love finding authentic and real reasons to read and write. This past week, we scoured through many joke books from our school Library. Students chose a few that we enjoy to share over the PA next week during Literacy week. Some students will have an opportunity to read their jokes. Please have your child practice their jokes at home so they can read it fluently with expression and enthusiasm! It’s all in how a joke is delivered! Everyone has a joke to practice at home so just in case someone is away, they can be the backup person. Thank you for your help and encouragement!

We are authors.
We continued to develop our characters for our story by considering what they look like, their character traits and what they can do, and their core values and beliefs. Then we moved along with our storyboards. We thought about how our stories would begin, what the problem would be in the story and how it is resolved. I love how enthusiastic they are to work on and tell their stories!

How you can support at home: Ask your child to tell you all about their character(s). Have them explain what happens in the beginning of the story, what the problem is, how the problem might get worse before it gets better, how it is resolved, and then how the story has a satisfying ending. The more they practice telling their story verbally, the easier they will find writing it down!

We are scientists.
We were body scientists learning about our private body parts. How you can support at home is to have conversations to solidify what they learned and to answer any questions they have.

This week, we dove into learning more about oceans. We learned about our 5 oceans with some facts about each one. One of the things that resonated with many was pollution in our oceans and how that is affecting our wildlife in the oceans. We practiced taking notes during our learning. This will help prepare us for when we do our own research!

We all logged in!
Thank you so much to parents who helped their child memorize their usernames and passwords. It really helped to make the lesson run more efficiently and helped them have a better first experience. For the students who are still trying to memorize, please continue to support at home. Thank you! We were all so proud of ourselves to learning how to log in successfully! We practiced it a few times!

The next step next week will be to learn how to log in to Office 365. Since your child has a school account, they can download O365 onto your computer at home or just use the web version in a browser. Want to give your child a head start? Practice logging into O365 at home so they will be proficient the next time we use laptops! Please feel free to go to the Gilmore website and click on Office 365 (2 options):

A new login box will appear:

Type in the username@edu.burnabyschools.ca so it will look something like this:

#######@edu.burnabyschools.ca [no spaces]
The number is the same one they were memorizing. It’s their pupil number.

They will need to be taught where to find the @ sign. Teach them to press down the “SHIFT” key while they press on the number 2.

When students can’t login successfully, most of the time it is because they forget the “edu” at the beginning or they spell “burnabyschools” wrong. As you know, every letter, number, and symbol of the username and password has to be accurate or they cannot log in successfully.

Once they login, you are welcome to explore but the key point is just to learn how to log in to O365. So, practice logging in, teach how to log out, and practice logging in again.

I have to say that everyone was very patient and understanding especially when they had to wait their turn to receive their username and password. Great resilience! Proud of how quickly they learned!

Thank you!

We are grateful for your continued support at home. Thank you for your time to extend learning and to discuss what they learned at school. We appreciate your consistency with bringing planners to and from home too.

It’s not too late to bring gently used books for the book swap this Thursday! Looking forward to a fantastic Literacy Week!

Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

With love and gratitude, Ms. Chan (and Mrs. Paulich)

January New Year

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Dear families,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break with friends and family! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to all of the stories and fond memories shared.

We are authors.
For the past two weeks, we dove into our inquiry about what makes a good story. I am a firm believer that learning should be meaningful and relevant. The more we engage learners as active participants who are given time to question, explore, analyze, and eventually create, the more invested they are in their learning. When we move beyond the lower level thinking tasks that include basic recall and  instead, stretch our brains to think more critically with reflection, learning is more rich and fun!

We started with talking about the “hook” we generally find at the beginning of books we read. It is an opportunity for an author to entice a reader to want to flip the page and read on because they are excited to learn what happens next. So in partners, we studied a minimum of five books to analyze and evaluate the story beginnings that did just that. Then as a whole class, pairs had to justify why the books they chose met the criteria of having the “hook” and they had to explain why. [Higher level thinking skills on Bloom’s Taxonomy]

Next, we did various character studies by describing their appearance, traits and things they can do, core values, and beliefs. The more we learn about traits, core values, and beliefs, the better they will begin to see themselves reflected in various characters. The more they learn about themselves, the more self-aware they become about their strengths, who they are, and what they stand for.

A couple years ago, we had an author visit to teach my class about the importance of building characters in our story. Prior to that, I hadn’t placed much value on understanding our characters in our minds before we wrote our stories. We have to spend time envisioning and nurturing our main character in order to develop a strong story around them as they interact with other characters. So, students have been diligently working on creating their ideal character in their quadrant: Details on what they look like / character traits and what the character can do / core values / beliefs. I love watching them discover who their main character is and the excitement of seeing their character come to life on paper!

Today, we started building a brainstorm bank of ideas for different problems and solutions to use in our stories. Again, students were given an opportunity to work in pairs to search for the problem and solution in different picture books. They were so motivated to read and were so engaged as they recorded and added to our chart. We will continue to add to our list so they can be inspired by various problem-solution combinations. However, I will be encouraging them to be use it as inspiration to be even more creative!

I am very excited about how our inquiry into what makes a good story is turning out so far! Stay tuned!

Literacy Week
We have a fun week of activities planned for Literacy Week next week! There is one event new at Gilmore: A Book Swap! Many families have books they no longer read. This is a great opportunity to share well-loved stories with others! Please choose books published after 2010 and in good or excellent condition. Children can bring them in anytime this week.

Date of book swap: Thursday, January 26!

Grade 2 Mathematicians BUT applies to Grade 3’s too!

We reviewed even and odd numbers. They LOVED this catchy song: Even or Odd. 😉 Have a listen!

Your child should have come home with a piece of paper with random numbers (0-10) on one side and (0-20) on the other side. This is their random numbers chart. They are learning their addition and subtraction math facts. So far, they have practiced +/- 0, +/- 1, +/- 10.

This is how it works: If your child is practicing +1, use their finger to tap on the random number. Say the sum. We are aiming for this to be automatic. They are not actually calculating or adding 1 to the number, they are simply thinking and saying the next number up. Click here to watch a video of me explaining it.

If they are practicing +10, then use the (0-10) only. If they are practicing -10, then use only the numbers above 10 on the (0-20) side.

We will be moving on to +/-2. Click here to watch a video on me explaining this. Skip counting by 2s will be great practice!

We are also practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s forwards and backwards, starting at ANY number. Please feel free to have fun practicing this as you walk home, in the car, or at home! You can use a deck of cards to have random numbers to start.

Listen to these skip counting songs: We’re Counting by 2’s.  Let’s Count by 5s.  10s Lift Off! More catchy songs!

If you haven’t checked out our Mathematician’s Play page recently, take a look!

With Mrs. Paulich, the grade 2s have been learning about measurement.

With Ms. Pears, the grade 3s have been learning about increasing patterns and being able to describe them: For example: “Start with one red & one black cube. Add one more red cube to the right each time.” Have fun practicing at home!

We are scientists.
Scientists in our room have been learning about sources of water: oceans, lakes, rivers, wells, and springs. As scientists, we are always learning to be curious! So after some basic knowledge about each of the water sources, we got into groups to be curious and record our wonderings on large chart paper. Each group started at a different water source. After a few minutes, they traveled to the next water source. They had to read the questions first before coming up with new questions to add. Then, we moved again to another water source to read all the questions and to add more. This strategy is called carousel because they move from station to station around the room like a carousel. They loved working collaboratively and seeing the questions their classmates came up with prior to them coming to the station! Next up will be reviewing the questions and learning about relevant questions and what makes a deep thinking question versus one where they can easily find the answer on Google, for example.

Computer IDs and passwords
Thank you so much for helping your child memorize their computer IDs and password. This will make their experience of logging in far less stressful when they know it by heart. My goal this term is to have them become proficient with logging in, sending an email in Outlook, composing a document in Word, and creating one slide in PowerPoint. Ambitious? Yes, but I think it’s possible! Consistent in our lessons will be talk about being responsible digital citizens who THINK before we post or share. More will be shared next time about this.

Gratitude & Joy
My heart is always filled with gratitude for your support at home. Please continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment and include some time to talk about what they read and to make connections. For students who have writing as a goal to improve, please encourage your child to practice writing at home too.

My time spent in the classroom brings me such joy! If you’d like to listen to me share on a couple recent podcasts that I was a guest to get a better glimpse into my teaching philosophy, experiences, and what it might feel like to be in our class, please feel free to have a listen. I love sharing about how teaching and your children bring me joy! The things I share can apply to your life as an adult and parent too. There are multiple takeaways to help you live a better life. If you listen, I would absolutely love to hear what resonated with you. I would greatly appreciate it!

Teaching Champions with Brian Martin – EP 152

Wisdom & Productivity with Efrain Martinez

With sincerest gratitude AND joy, Ms. Chan

Dear families,

It has been such a fun-filled delightful last two weeks of school!

Thank you to everyone’s support and donations for our annual Jingle Bell Walk yesterday! We appreciate Charlotte’s mom and Jeremy H.’s mom for joining us on our walk. We are also grateful to Xavier’s dad for being our driver to help us bring the items back to the school. Your time and help is very much appreciated! There were over 80 parent volunteers who helped on our walk, collection, and serving of hot chocolate! We are so blessed to live in such a generous and caring community!

We are readers.
We were the very first class to visit the Scholastic Book Fair almost a couple of weeks ago. What an exciting time to shop and get excited about books! Thank you for all of your support! If you ordered books, they have arrived. You will receive them this week.

We are continuing with our daily silent reading and reading groups. Here, children are put into groups to read with others who are at similar levels. We talk about effective strategies I see them using (I notice, name, and nurture.) and what other things great readers do. Letter sound combinations are reviewed and we practice breaking up unfamiliar words with decoding strategies. We listen to and support each other as we read out loud to practice our fluency and expression. We talk about our background knowledge and make predictions before and while we read. Students make connections to their experiences, other books/movies, and encouraged to wonder by asking questions about what is happening in the story. Many of these strategies are to help children gain a better understanding of what they read and engage with the text on a deeper level.

Ways to support at home: As you read with your child, we encourage you to follow the same strategies for pushing their critical thinking and reflection skills as they read. One of the most important ways to supporting your reader at home is to talk about what they are reading before, during, and after to help them make sense of what they read. Comprehension and connection is key! Another important piece is to help them recognize what their strengths are as a reader so they know what to continue doing. When you notice them using a reading skill or strategy, be specific to name it so you can nurture it. We need to make it explicit what “good” reading looks like, sounds like, and feels like so they understand what they are working towards. Nurture the joy of reading!

If you have any questions and would appreciate a 1:1 conversation about how to better support your child specifically with reading or writing, please let me know and let’s make it happen! I am happy to support you and your child! 🙂

Communicating our Learning in Science
Your child should have come home with the Matter booklet and a letter with how they were to communicate their learning. They had fun pretending to be a parent as they listened to their partner practice explaining all of the concepts page by page as review. To see the concepts taught, click here to go to our We Are Scientists page. We hope you had fun doing the matter exercise around the house with the sticky notes!

We have an exciting in-class “field trip” on Mon. Dec. 12: Metro Vancouver Watershed Water Cycle. Here are the details on the workshop:

For over a decade, Skye Consulting and Metro Vancouver have provided watershed education to grade 4/5 classrooms across the region but NOW we are extending that to grade 2 classrooms. Metro Vancouver provides clean, safe drinking water to 2.7 million residents everyday, all thanks to our amazing water cycle. They are pleased to offer to your classrooms a fun and hands-on classroom workshop that brings the watershed to you! This is free of charge.

Discover the treasures of Metro Vancouver’s watersheds through an engaging, curriculum connected, in class workshop where our facilitator visits your school with a series of activities and videos to bring the watersheds alive in your classroom. We will explore how the water cycle provides our drinking water, what makes watershed ecosystems important, and concepts of water use and sustainability. Once you’ve experienced this workshop, you’ll be reminded every time you turn on the tap!

We are communicators.
I wish you could have been there to witness their sheer delight and excitement when we received letters from our pen pals from Brentwood Park’s Division 12!! Each one came in their own decorated envelope addressed to them! This past week, we focused on communication through letter writing. We learned the standard form of letters and how to add details about a personal fact that we really wanted our pen pal to know. I am so proud of their overall writing development since the beginning of the year! Our reflective journal writing is progressing well too!

As a class, one area that needed review was: What makes up a sentence? Some students are still learning and some are working on their consistency.

Teaming with Ms. Kapusta, our ELL teacher, we brainstormed what all sentences have. Then we taught them that every sentence has two parts besides it starting with a capital letter and ending with proper punctuation. It has also a subject and predicate.

We had a super fun activity where they each received a subject and a predicate on separate slips of paper. Then they went around the room choosing different partners to make silly sentences. Big smiles and laughter all around! 🙂 We ended the lesson by playing charades. Students chose a predicate and the rest of the class had to make up a complete sentence after it was acted out!

Ways to support at home: Encourage your child to write for real reasons and to cultivate the joy of writing. Keep a journal to record what they did each day. A gratitude journal is a great way to count our blessings! Write a letter or list. Many students love to write stories. Have them create a book!

Last week, we had a number of students away due to illness. We dearly miss your child when they are away. Thank you so much for keeping your child at home when they are sick. Our wish is that they feel better very soon so they can return. When they do feel better at home but aren’t well enough to come back to school just yet, here are some suggestions for what to do, if you wish, and of course, only if they are up to it:

  • Snuggle up and read together on EPIC. Your child has access from 7am to 3pm. Use the suggestions mentioned above to talk about the book.
  • Wonder together. Think of things they are curious about. Do some research together!
  • Practice writing by finding a real reason to write. Perhaps write a note or letter to someone like a grandparent or me! I LOVE receiving letters from students!
  • Make something together! Be creative. Use random materials to see what you can come up with!
  • If you work from home while your child is recovering, these are all things they can do on their own too!

Always such a joy to see your child’s face and smile when they do return feeling better! 🙂

Winter Concert
We have been working hard to prepare for a delightful winter concert next week! Here are some details you will need to know:

  • You will receive TWO tickets on Monday. There are two tickets per child. Please bring your tickets with you to the performance.
  • What to wear: a light blue, silver or grey top with dark pants, black socks, and black shoes
  • Dress rehearsal on Wed. Dec. 7 at 1:00pm. If you have other family members or younger children, this is the best time to watch! No tickets necessary.
  • Please have your child wear their outfit for the dress rehearsal too.
  • Wed. Dec. 7 – Arrive at 6:15pm. Report to our classroom. Please not earlier than 6:15pm. Thank you.
  • Parents will leave the gym through the outside doors.
  • After the concert, please meet your child OUTSIDE at the doors they always line up and leave from. This is where they will be dismissed.

Communicating Student Learning
We are excited to provide you with your child’s learning update on Friday, December 9th! As you read through their progress report, please understand that this is a strength-based document. There are many areas of learning to celebrate. Focus on and recognize their strengths as you sit side by side to read it with them. They are written with a lot of care, love, encouragement, and a supportive heart. I really do enjoy working on these because it gives me dedicated time to deeply reflect and think about your child, their strengths, goals, and next steps in all areas of their learning and development. What a joy and a blessing it is to be your child’s teacher this year! I feel so much gratitude in my heart every day that I get to spend time with your precious children. What a gift they are to each other and our community.

These are written to your child because I believe it helps them take ownership over their learning AND with their voice included, they can see themselves as a big part of their goal setting and progress.

Just like in reading as mentioned above, they need to know what they are doing well so they know what to continue doing. This is a snapshot of how they are doing at this time.

Please refer to this as you look through the different subject areas:

Proficiency Scale   

Emerging   Developing   Proficient   Extending  
The student demonstrates an initial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected meaning.   The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.   The student demonstrates a complete understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.   The student demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.  

You will not be receiving a written overview of what we covered in the first term from me. The purpose of the overview is to inform you as to what we learned. Instead, please review the blog posts since the beginning of the year and the We Are Learners pages on our blog to learn more about what we covered since September. Thank you!

We look forward to seeing continued growth as we all work together in their learning! Please know that we recognize that their development doesn’t happen without your valued support at home. We deeply and sincerely are grateful for your time and effort. Please review the “Goals” and “Next Steps” section to specifically learn how to best support your child at home too. Let’s continue to work together to support your child in the joy of learning! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or would like further details. We’re partners!

We appreciate all feedback we receive from you and your child as to how much they enjoy coming to school. We do make an effort to making it a fun, engaging, meaningful, and novel experience for them! If you would like to be more involved in our class, please let me know what area of expertise or interest you have and let’s make it happen! We’d LOVE to have you come into our class to teach them something new! It doesn’t have to be something new either. Your presence and your story will enrich our lives and it would be such a gift to learn from you. If you’d like to share something from your culture, for example, or come in to read a book as a guest reader, we welcome that too! Share your ideas with us! If you feel that this is in your stretch zone, what better way to model how you find courage to overcome discomfort and expand your comfort zone! Nudge nudge. 😉

Have a most delightful rest of your weekend! I love and appreciate you and your children!

With warmth and gratitude, Ms. Chan (and Mrs. Paulich)

Week 10 Enjoyment

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Dear families,

We hope you are enjoying your weekend so far! We had another great week together! Students have continued to work hard and show kindness to each other. I so love my time with them!

We can reflect.

Two of our core competencies are critical thinking and reflective thinking. We reflected on our learning, experiences, work, and progress and set some goals too!

We read a story called Sorry! by Trudy Ludwig and Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns It’s OK to Back Away (animated story). Then children reflected on their experiences with the word “sorry” and backing away from conflict. Then we wrote about our connections for each story. READ MORE !

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