We are communicators. – Page 27 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: We are communicators.

Process of Inquiry


During last Friday’s assembly, students had an opportunity to proudly showcase our process of inquiry on various sea creatures. It all began with asking questions and lots of them. Then with access to resources like books, websites, videos, and a visit to the Vancouver Aquarium, students researched information together with a partner. They took notes on paper and then organized them using Kidspiration:

Click to enlarge.

which helped them publish their writing:

Click to enlarge.

and eventually, supported their formal presentation. Here is one by Isla on Starfish (click on image):

Pacific White Sided Dolphin

Click on image to view Owen’s presentation.

Click on image to view Riley’s presentation.

Our grade 1 and 2 students have worked very hard on their re-creation of the water cycle with their partners and were really excited and engaged in their learning. With practice and repetition, they became more and more confident with their explanation of the water cycle and the moving of the sun, clouds, and precipitation at the same time. Not an easy task! We are very proud of how they improved in their communication skills as they worked as partners negotiating their shared vision while exercising their creative thinking and critical thinking skills in order to pull this off! 

Children have had opportunities to share “I can” statements before and after they worked on their shows again and again. Today, they worked on their final reflections. They really understand their strengths! Click here to read all of their “I can” statements.

Enjoy our Water Cycle shows that we made using Puppet Pals! Hint: Might want to pop some popcorn first. Sorry, videos do not play on iPhones or iPads but play fine on Androids and computers.

Tobee & JeanBenoit

Sasha & Charlotte

Farbod & Lucas

Isla & Dustin

Fisher & Myel

Jeffery & Ronan

Manoj & Priscilla


Leo & Riley


Avia & Sonia


Charlotte & Katherine

Gabby, Hanna & Kailan

Owen & Zachary

Olivya & Mehr



Made with Puppet Pals

Dear students (and parents),

What do you think about your friend’s shows? Please feel free to offer two stars and a wish or write a comment about why you enjoyed working on this project. What are you most proud of? What appreciations might you have for your partner? If you were to do it again, what would you change? Thank you.

Thoroughly enjoy your spring break, everyone! Looking forward to seeing you on April 1st. We have had such a wonderful year so far with you and your child. Thank you for your continued support at home. We appreciate you!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan & Ms. Cowan


Big Buddies Time


Yesterday, we met with our big buddies from Division 1 for the first time! Big and little buddies got to know each other by recording their similarities and differences on a Venn diagram based on the Buddy Interview questions. They were encouraged to come up with some of their own questions to ask of each other as well.

What we saw were genuine smiles. We heard lots of chit chat with giggling and laughing too. With some students away, not everyone was with the buddy they have been assigned to but they all had a good time getting to know someone new. 

We worked on one of our core competencies: communication. Click here to view.

We are already looking forward to our next big buddy time next Thursday!

Cup Challenge


Last week, groups of students were tasked with the challenge to move plastic cups from one location on the table to another. They were given a number of cups and one elastic band with four attached pieces of string. Each group member was responsible to control one string. No hands were to touch the cups!

Upon first attempts, they realized how much there was a give and take with controlling the elastic band in the middle. It was more difficult than it first appeared so they had to use their communication and critical thinking skills. Their first task was to move all of the cups from one side of the table to the other side. Once successful, they were to try the challenge of stacking cups like a pyramid. I wish you were there to see how happy they were to work together, how well they persevered when they weren’t successful yet, and how elated they were when they were eventually successful. A few were jumping up and down excitedly and one exclaimed as she jumped in celebration, “We did the challenge! We did the challenge!” What a positive bunch of children with great communication and teamwork skills! 

During our debriefing, we discussed what went well in our groups as teammates and the strategies to get the work done:

  • Myel: We did planning.
  • Mehr: We stayed focussed.
  • Olivya: We talked a lot and tried to communicate a lot.
  • O: We communicated with other people.
  • Priscilla: Being nice with your words.
  • Sasha: We used tools properly.

It helps when we use positive language to support and encourage our teammates. These were some examples of what we heard:

We can do it! Good work! Yay, we did it! Good teamwork! Go team!

Isla summed it up nicely: We enjoyed learning through playing.

Core Competency – Communication: I can work with others to achieve a common goal; I do my share.

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