We are artists. – Page 11 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: We are artists.

We are Stars!

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Dear families,

Wow! What a show! We are Hip Hop stars! The kids have worked hard during their Hip Hop lessons with Flo Jo for the last two weeks, learning their dance moves and the routine. They enjoyed transforming their black shirts into skeletons! They had opportunities to watch themselves so they could self-reflect, receive feedback, and make changes to improve their personal performance. The Hip Hop Show is truly a memorable one year after year.

We have continued to learn about early contact between First Peoples and European peoples through visual imagery. Then students were split up into small groups to practice some perspective taking. Each table had a question about different stakeholders and how they may have felt during that time. For example, “Discuss how you think the families of the explorers/sailors felt before they embarked on a long voyage with the possibility of no return?” I am looking forward to further discussions and learning here.

In Math, the grade 3’s continued to learn about linear measurement (mm, cm, m, km) and measuring capacity (mL, L). Next is measuring mass. Please feel free to review these concepts at home to reinforce learning. The grade 4’s reviewed polygons before learning about measuring the perimeter of polygons. They quickly created a new book using the Book Creator app to capture their understanding. Those that completed their books uploaded it to OneDrive so feel free to ask your child to login to view.

In Science, we have continued to learn about landforms. They seemed to really enjoy learning about glaciers and icebergs this week. Some asked if we will continue to learn about more landforms because they are really enjoying it! They have become more confident using the Explain Everything app too. I just love their enthusiasm and have enjoyed learning alongside them as I am creating my very own landforms project on my iPad too; I have learned so much about these landforms that I never knew before! In particular, I love it when someone has researched and found a unique fact and shared it with the class as they look for answers to their own inquiry questions. They certainly are getting better at asking and recording questions on their “I wonder” slide.

In Art, Mr. Baumann has continued to do guided drawings. They have worked on drawing a dog. See some of our examples from Ana, Anna, Tyson, and Yoyo. I love how even though Mr. Baumann walks them through, they all look creatively different!

We have some exciting news to share. Next Monday, we have a student teacher from SFU that will be spending time with us. Her name is Ms. Grewal. The main purpose of the week is to observe, get to know the students, and to learn about the daily operations of the school beyond the classroom. After the week, Ms. Grewal will return to SFU for three weeks and then come back for another four weeks total before and after spring break. Please feel free to ask should you have any questions.

Brentwood Park’s Talent Show will be on February 24. Anyone interested needs to sign up for auditions. This is a great opportunity to showcase creativity! 

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

Welcome back!

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Dear Families,

I apologize for the late update. In our last week in December, we performed “Your Welcome” at the Winter Showcase. I videotaped them each time the previous week and showed them the video so they could self-reflect on how they can improve. They were keen to watch themselves – well, most of them. I was proud to see that each time they practiced, they looked better and better. Hope you enjoyed their performance too! Thank you to our amazing music teachers for putting on a fantastic show and for the other staff and students who dedicated countless hours to prepare the choir, props, practices, etc. We also appreciate the parents who helped with the Winter Raffle and Pancake Breakfast. Our school is blessed to have such dedicated parents!

During the week, students worked hard to finish their Christmas stories with a partner. First, they used a story frame to brainstorm their ideas and then used storyboards to develop their scenes. Most were partnered with someone they did not know very well. I was so very proud of how every partnership worked so well and so hard together as they brainstormed, shared ideas, collaborated with patience and kindness, took turns, and successfully completed very creative and very different stories. So much laughter I heard as they diligently worked. These puppet shows using Puppet Pals have been uploaded to their OneDrive account. To view, ask your child to login to O365. Go to OneDrive and click on their story projects. Also look for your child’s written reflection on how they worked as a partner and some core competencies, “I can” statements, too.

As you are in your child’s OneDrive, take a look at some of their other work that has been uploaded. You will find their Time and Fractions & Decimals books, and toucan art, among other things. Consider this your child’s e-portfolio. We will be adding more key samples of work with reflections on our learning or core competencies.

In Math, we worked on probability and the likelihood of simulated events. Please check We are Mathematicians page for what was covered. We will continue this week but will move to Measurement soon.

Students have been coding away in Tynker. To make things easier, I have changed their passwords and will share with them when they return. If you wish and your child is interested, they can continue to code or play Prodigy Math at home. Please ask should you have any questions about either of these opportunities.

Some exciting news… we are welcoming two new students to our class! Please help us welcome them to our school family. We sadly say good-bye to Sophia who has returned to Korea though. We will surely miss her kindheartedness and warm smile and wish her well. 

I hope you have had a wonderful break! I am excited to see your children first thing in the morning!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

Week 14 Learning

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Dear families,

During our community circle time, we started the day sharing what we appreciate most about water. Then we read a story called The Water Walker written and illustrated by Joanne Robertson about a grandmother who walks to raise awareness about the importance of protecting water for life on our planet and for generations to come. Students wrote thoughtful reflections on what they appreciate about water, what they can do to protect or conserve, and their hope for how others will use water responsibly. 

Pukana /ˈpuːkənə/ game is a traditional Maori (Indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand) hand game that Ms. Innes taught them last week. When I asked them about it, they said they wanted to play again so they taught me how. I couldn’t find anything online that is exactly the same as how we played but this video gives you a sense. They had so much fun playing this. Ask your child about it!

On Monday, grade 4 students wrote their decimals test. The package of tests were sent home for parents to review. If your child still has their tests at home, please return to school on Monday. The re-test will be on Monday, December 16th. If you need a copy of the study guide, please go to We Are Learners page – Mathematicians.

For our new Math, we are learning about probability. First we watched a video that taught us about equal, likely, unlikely, certainly, and impossible and we practiced with some examples:

Then we watched an animation video that further reviewed these concepts. To learn more about the learning outcomes for grade 3’s and 4’s, go to our We Are Learners – Mathematicians page.

Students have been given Prodigy accounts to learn and practice Math concepts or if they had an existing account, it has been linked to our classroom. It’s a responsive online Math program that is tailored to your child’s needs based on the accuracy of their answers. Click here to learn more or sign in to play. For students, they need to click on the white button: Play Prodigy. They brought home their login information today.

This week, students started writing a Christmas story with a partner. I am always so pleased to see that no matter who I match up, each partnership works so well together. They look forward to this story writing time. We will continue with these stories next week.

I was noticing that there was an overuse of conjunctions in their writing or situations where using a conjunction would have been effective so Ms. Tas and I did a lesson on what a conjunction is and how to use. Students were either given a subject, conjunction, or predicate to start. Then they had to move around the room to find different people to create sentences that make sense. Students enjoyed themselves and laughed at some of the silly sentences that were put together.

Mr. Baumann has been teaching Division 9 art since the beginning of the year for a half hour a week. Recently, they have been working on winter and Christmas art but I wanted to share their toucans completed earlier in the year. If you have your child log in to their O365 account, their individual toucans have been uploaded for you to enjoy. I love seeing their creativity come alive as they produce different art pieces even though they are given the same instructions. I also appreciate the perseverance they show with the various art projects too.

Students have been practicing their song every day this week in preparation for the Christmas concert next Tuesday night. I videotaped them each time and they self-assessed so they could think about how to improve. They look better and better each time! If your child did not bring concert clothes in a labelled bag yet, please send to school on Monday. On the night of the concert, please have your child return to school before 6:30 pm. They will report to Ms. Walji and Ms. Basso’s classroom – Room 6. Please arrive on time. Thank you.

We had a great time today decorating gingerbread cookies with your big buddies today. We also enjoyed our last session of yoga with Ms. Gomes in the afternoon. We both noticed an improvement from last week in the way that they were able to be calm and practice yoga postures. She gave them a mini book to take home. Thank you for the support from PAC that made these sessions possible.

Ice skating forms are due on Thursday, December 19th. To learn more, go to our Field Trips page. 

In preparation for Breakfast with Santa on Friday, December 20th, please have your child bring a reusable plate, fork, and knife in a labelled bag to school. Students can bring these items in starting on Monday.

We are collecting food for the Food Bank all of next week. Please bring non-perishable food items. Thank you.

Our Week 13 Stories

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Dear families,

It’s hard to believe there are only two more weeks left before the winter break! I feel happy to spend my days with your children because they make me smile and laugh with the things they say, what they do, and how they positively interact with each other. Also, the improvements I see as they work towards their goals in listening, speaking, work habits, reading, writing, math, etc. make it a rewarding day every day. For example, when I see students begin to use or incorporate new learning in their writing, it really fills me with great joy and fills my heart with excitement. Admittedly, sometimes I am so overjoyed that I spontaneously clap with excitement like a little child. Yes, the children look at me strange but it’s like I cannot contain my giddiness over the improvements I see. It actually feels more exciting than opening any present. Here are some things we learned about last week:

Ms. Innes was our TOC again on Monday. This is a write up from her: We talked about the history of First Nation’s Peoples’ in B.C. The discussion flowed into the residential school system. Then we read “When We Were Aloneby David Robertson. This picture book was delivered through a story basket containing many objects to connect students deeply to the concepts of residential schools. They then recreated a page from the book and wrote a reflection on why that page was chosen and what their favourite part was.

Ms. Innes also taught them how to say, “[Name] is my name” from the language of the Squamish Peoples’ called Sḵwx̱wúmesh Sníchim. It looks like this: Ms. Innes ḵwi un sna. There were also signs that went with each word. Please ask your child to demonstrate. 

So as an extension lesson, students were introduced to the alphabet in American Sign Language. They learned how to ask another what their name was by signing, “Your name what?” (The syntax is different than in English.) Then they responded by signing, “My name ______” followed by signing, “Nice to meet you.” They had an opportunity to practice over and over again as they greeted each other. 

Based on what we were seeing with student’s writing, we learned about what makes a sentence = subject and predicate. We then practiced with some examples on the whiteboard. After that, the real fun began. Students each received four strips of paper to write down two subjects and two predicates. We paired up and matched our subjects to our partner’s predicates. What ensued was lots of laughter because of the silly sentences that were put together as we moved from partner to partner. One of Steven’s favourite sentences was: Ms. Chan fell down a rabbit hole. There were some very creative and interesting sentences put together!

We watched the story How to Catch a Star (video link) and then students had a choice to retell the story providing the main parts or to write a sequel to the story. I so enjoyed reading their writing because of their creativity and they enjoyed writing part two to the story.

Over the next couple days, we watched the story Olive the Other Reindeer (video link) and The Elves and the Shoemaker (video link). Students were given the choice to write a prequel or sequel to the story. I so loved the creativity I saw in their writing again. They love listening to the sequels written by their classmates as we showcase word choice, use of dialogue, and creativity, for example. 

Students are really responding to the writing lessons and have continued to improve in this area. After they finish writing, they have an opportunity to conference with me. During this time, we read their writing together to learn about what they are doing well (strengths so they know what they need to continue doing) and to learn from the errors (some of these errors become our new goals). This valuable discussion provides each student with feedback on their personal learning goals so they can improve from exactly where they are as they are offered next steps in how to improve. If there is a clear area of opportunity, children are asked to take that opportunity to re-write or add on to their writing that day for immediate practice in exactly the area they need to improve. I wish you could see their faces when they come back to show me their changes – just full of pride.

We had our first Christmas concert rehearsal in the gym on Thursday. I can’t wait for you to see them perform! A reminder that your concert ticket orders are due on Monday, December 9th. There will be an afternoon performance at 1:30 pm and an evening performance at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, December 17th. 

On Friday, we walked with our little buddies to put their letter to Santa in the mailbox. I so loved hearing the chatter and laughter as they walked and talked with their little buddies. Next week on Friday, we will be decorating gingerbread cookies with our big buddies. Please send candies for our gingerbread cookies starting on Monday. Reminder that NO food products with nuts can be brought to school. We have life threatening allergies. Thank you.

We had our second session of yoga with Ms. Gomes. They learned a little about the history of yoga postures, the importance of breathing, and practiced some new postures to challenge our bodies. We have one more session this coming Friday. Please have your child wear comfortable clothing. Thank you.

Throughout the week, we reviewed fractions and decimals in preparation for their Math test on fractions. Thank you for your support at home to help them review. The decimals study guide went home on Friday. Click here to view. Grade 4’s  Math test on decimals will be on Monday; some grade 3’s wanted to challenge themselves by learning about decimals too but please know that this is not expected for grade 3’s. To find out about what the learning outcomes are for this Math unit, this information can be found on our We Are Learners – Mathematicians page.

Continue to bring in new socks for our Sock It to Poverty campaign. We will be collecting food for the Food Bank starting too.

Forms to return and make payments: Christmas concert, gingerbread cookies, and breakfast with Santa

Bring in clothing for Christmas concert in a labelled bag by Wednesday, December 11th. Thank you.

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