We are artists. – Page 10 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: We are artists.

Dearest Division 6 families,

Happy Father’s Day! Hope you are enjoying your special day!

Each week I have with your children, I thoroughly enjoy! As I reflect, this has been such a fantastic year of personal growth, building relationships with each other, and stretching ourselves outside of our comfort zone because we know this is where the growth happens.

We started reading a book written by Sean Covey: The 7 Habits of Happy Kids (same author as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People which some of you may know). It begins with a story about a character who finds himself bored and looks to others to help him find something to do; the character discovers that it is his responsibility to be proactive and not rely on others to “fix” his problem. Here are the first two habits covered so far:

  1. Be Proactive – take initiative
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – focus on goals

Click here to learn more about the 7 habits we will be learning about.

Public Speaking

For our speeches, we co-constructed our criteria. Click here for the PDF. All students were asked to bring home their copy of the single-point rubric. I have loved guiding their writing each week!

Guest Reader on Zoom

On Thursday, my best friend from Florida, Jillian DuBois read two of her stories to us: Road to Awesome, which was co-authored by the publisher of my book, Darrin Peppard. He wrote a book for educational leaders with the same title and Jillian felt strongly that children needed to hear a similar message so that’s why they wrote a picture book together! Students sketchnoted what resonated with them. Click here to view Sketchnotes for Road to Awesome

Thursday was an exciting day for Jillian because it was the very first day that her 3rd picture book, Look at YOU, Piper Lou! was released on Amazon! We were the very first class she read her new story to! It’s about the puppy she fostered and then adopted. It is such a heartwarming story and I loved how students were able to experience Jillian’s passion for telling her stories, reading them, and illustrating.


Division 6 Authors!

Speaking of authors, we have two newly published authors in our class! The Burnaby School District has a special writing contest every year where they ask for submissions from students from K-12. This year, we had two pieces of writing chosen to be included in the Words anthology! Congratulations to Olivia H. who wrote a story called Stranded in a Snowstorm and to Rasul who wanted to share his One Word writing about Mindset. To learn more about the writing project, click here.

On Friday, we had the privilege of learning from people’s Passion Projects! We learned about rattlesnakes from Ethan, the black panther from Princeton, and all about different species of dogs by Miles and Brodie.


As Mathematicians, we learned about the difference between prisms and pyramids. We also learned about probability and statistics. We did a cool experiment where each student spun a paper clip and tallied the number of times it landed on a particular number. Then we totalled it all up to discover that the chances that it actually landed matched the probability it landed on. It was so cool to see how it all matched!

We are continually grateful for your support at home. The message for this week until the end will be that we finish off strong. Just like in a marathon, we may be tired but our mindset sets the stage for how we complete the year. They hear this message often. When they have been working away on an assignment, they are pushed to finish off that work time with the mindset that they can finish off strong. We practice perseverance and an “I can” attitude.

Gratefully, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

Dearest Division 6 family,

I so appreciate you for your time to read my blog posts every week and your interest to stay informed. It is hard to believe we are finished another month and more than halfway through the year! These updates are for you so I’m looking for feedback on these weekly posts. What is something you really enjoy? What would you like to see more of? What suggestions do you have to make this space more beneficial to you? Thank you for your feedback! Please comment on the blog or send me an email at Livia.Chan@burnabyshcools.ca. Thank you for your time!

Last week, students worked hard on their self-assessments and reflected on what they are proud of. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of their responses. I felt so proud to read their thoughts. Reflection is such an important part of learning.

We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey

To understand the importance of reflection, it was ADDED to our revised curriculum in our Core Competencies under Thinking – Critical and Reflective Thinking. I recently found an article on FreshGrade’s website about reflection. You will see some of their reflections in their report cards in the Student Voice section. They were so honest and open!

I also took this opportunity to have my students write a “report card” for me! I asked them for feedback on what I am doing well and what I could be doing better. Their honest feedback was so appreciated. I firmly believe in the power of reflection, the power of voice, and self-advocacy. If there is something I can change to make their school experience a better one, I am open to listening and we can co-create the curriculum in response!

This past week, we continued to work on our stories that Ms. Lee, Oscar’s mom, encouraged us to write. On Thursday, we were on Zoom with Ms. Lee again! She taught us some valuable tips on overcoming the fear of sharing our writing and speaking. Thank you to Olivia H., Quinson, and Rasul who pushed themselves outside of their comfort zone to read their stories. They were so SO good! I would have loved to see more students dive into their stretch zone to read their stories. Please encourage your child to find the courage to share, thank you! We SO appreciate her time and for sharing her expertise with us! Ms. Lee also wrote and shared her own story based on the collective brainstorming they did last week. The story was so engaging! We were SO blessed to have her teach our class! Thank you so much, Ms. Lee!

Students finished some window art and thank you to Ms. Paulich, it beautifies our windows! I loved seeing the different designs and colours. It’s always so amazing to me that students are given the same instructions but the final results are so varied because of the creativity in their brains!

Coming up, we will begin to learn about multiplication so if your child does not know their multiplication facts, please have them practice at home. We will learn some games they can play at home to review too so get a deck of cards ready to have some fun and you practice your math facts with them!

As always, we really appreciate your continued support at home. At any time, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for being partners in your child’s learning.

Remember, I’m looking for feedback on what you like and what you’d like to see more of in these blog posts, so please share!

We also have some exciting news! We have a new student named Dante who will be joining our class in the morning! He comes from a nearby Vancouver school. Welcome, Dante, and your family! We are thrilled you will be joining our school family!

With a heart full of appreciation, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

Dear Division 6 family,

Wow, how is it already February? Time flies when you’re having fun, right? January was a great month with great learning and February started off that way too! Thanks to Nicholas, this was his celebration!

One Word
As you know, on Fridays, it’s our celebration day… not that we don’t celebrate every day but we officially celebrate on Fridays. Many of our celebrations centered around a feeling of great satisfaction in completing our One Word canvases, recording their message in front of a green screen (What’s my One Word? Why did I choose this word? How will I live my One Word this year?), and putting it all together in short videos. Ms. Paulich and I are so very proud of how hard they worked from start to finish! Here was our process again:

  • Listened to a storybook about One Word
  • Brainstormed, searched for and chose One Word. Some chose more than one and that was okay! I love to offer choices to students!
  • Complete some writing around our One Word. Some wrote a paragraph and some wrote a few paragraphs! Here, they took a deep dive into why they chose this word and how they will live their One Word this year. I liked how some students chose to turn their One Word into an acrostic so each letter represented something to do with their One Word to make more meaning for them.
  • Planned out their canvas on paper. Drew and painted their One Word.
  • Learned to summarize their paragraph into main points they wanted to express in their video in front of a green screen. They were so diligent in practicing over and over again.
  • Learned so many things throughout the whole process! Had fun!

A special thank you goes out to Gabriella and Iman who became our student leaders as they supported others in teaching them how to create and edit videos! I couldn’t have finished it on time without them! I so appreciate you, Gabriella and Iman! And I so appreciate everyone for their hard work, determination, and respect. In a busy classroom, everyone was so cooperative. The girls would say, “Quiet on the set!” and then there was silence for their classmate to record their piece. I am so very proud of them all!

Virtual Celebration of Learning
I am so very excited that some of the videos will be submitted for our Gilmore Virtual Celebration of Learning (COLA) that will air on Friday, February 12. Viewing will be for a limited time only so look out for the email with the link! Unfortunately, I will not be able to include all of the videos because each class was given a time frame. Please understand that as much as you may wish to see your child in the COLA, some of your children made a request not to be included so I have respected their wishes. If you haven’t received it yet, I will send you an email so you can view your child’s One Word video or you can wait for their reflections in their digital portfolios. Enjoy!

Digital Portfolios
I hope you enjoyed reviewing your child’s learning in their Digital Portfolios last week! They will continue to add to it throughout the year. If you need the invite for FreshGrade again, please let me know. Thanks!


“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

– Albert Einstein

As mathematicians, we have been working on creating videos teaching others how to add with regrouping including videos. I love having students explain their understanding. This really helps me see if they understand it well enough. I love what I have seen so far!

As scientists, we have continued to learn about our digestive system. Many were interested to see a real camera scope into our bodies starting from food entering our bodies through our mouths. Here are some videos if you would like to watch with your child at home:

TedEd How Digestive System Works

3D real life digestive system at work

Mr. Binoc Digestive system explained

Journey Inside Your Body

This week was an exciting week because we started our Book Club! Each student chose from a list of books. While they read, they are asked to record their connections, any questions, and/or effective word choice by the author. They will read and meet in groups to discuss. Next week, they will be introduced to some phrases to help make more meaningful conversations. Please take a look at the image and begin to use these statements in your conversations at home – whether you are discussing the book they are reading or current event issues or any conversations, the more they can practice using these at home, the better they will be at using the same language at school. Thanks for your support!

Understanding Self
I firmly believe that children need to know what their strengths are as part of their self-discovery and learning about their identity. Yesterday, they wrote a poem with a list of statements to describe their strengths. “I am…” We will continue to dive deeper into understanding themselves next week. Recently, I had to deal with some adversity but understanding myself, anchoring into knowing who I am, and knowing my strengths and core values really helped me through it. I also believe that children need to know what their strengths are because that is their foundation of who they are while seeing this as a starting place to build on those strengths too. I speak about this on a recent podcast that I had the great honour to be a guest on with Dr. Dan KreinessLeader of Learning, watch Episode 99 or listen.

Some upcoming dates:

  • Friday, February 12 – Virtual Celebration of Learning
  • Monday, February 15 – Family Day
  • Wednesday, February 24 – Pink Shirt Day

Please read the letter from Ms. Perez that was sent home via email regarding bringing items for Valentine’s Day. Please do not bring any food items for your child to hand out. Thank you.

Celebrate Learning by Reading Blog Posts Together
If you aren’t in the habit to read these blog posts with your child, I highly recommend it because it is a great opportunity to further engage in your child’s learning. The discussion you have brings attention to the importance of their learning at school and how you value it. Ask your child what their highlight of the week was. Ask how they helped others. Ask what they are most proud of. This will give you a great segway to sharing how proud you are or how hard they are working and their accomplishments. Try to focus more on the process of learning rather than the final product and focus on how they feel about their growth and strengths rather than how it pleases you. This encourages intrinsic motivation (feeling proud of self) versus extrinsic motivation (praise).

Looking for Feedback
What have you enjoyed learning about through our blog posts? What would you like to see more of? What suggestions might you have to add more value to you reading it? We’d love to hear! Please send me an email or write a comment on this post. Thank you for your feedback!

I get so much pleasure from writing these weekly blog posts! It’s a great way for me to reflect on the great learning that we are doing as a class. Thank you for your continued support at home. Should you have any questions, please reach out. We are your partners in your child’s learning! We are happy to connect!

With much gratitude, Ms. Chan and Ms. Paulich

Dear Division 6 family!

I so love our community! I love how we uplift each other, how we show care, how inclusive we are, and how kind they are to each other. As you know, on Thursday, it’s Thankful Thursday! This week, we shared what they are grateful for in our school community. So many expressed the kindness they see. I daresay it’s the kindness they feel in their hearts, too. I reminded them that they play a large role in the kindness they experience. They are the ones that choose to treat each other in the way they do.

We are community builders. I always feel so blessed when I can pull out the popsicle sticks with their names on it to choose random pairs or small groups. We have a tradition they love. They love doing a drumroll on their desks before each group is announced and we cheer! Every time, I am truly amazed and thankful about how well they work together. It doesn’t matter who I place them with. In addition to this, when I need a volunteer mentor to work with other classmates, there are always people who not just volunteer, but they do a phenomenal job of explaining with patience. I am so grateful and blessed to be their teacher and I know Ms. Paulich feels the same way! Actually, it was just on Monday that as I was leaving my office at lunch, I exclaimed to Ms. Perez as I passed by her office, “I love my job!” and then scurried off upstairs to the classroom.

We are Authors. We had another fabulous week full of learning opportunities. I love our Friday celebrations when I hear students choose to celebrate how we had a great week or fun week of learning. This week, they were excited to receive letters from our little grade 1 buddies in Ms. Sokugawa’s class! We initially wrote them a letter before Christmas. In response, we worked on writing a story back to them! Their stories had to include something from the letter they received back. For example, Miles wrote a story about a dinosaur and a cat because his buddy’s letter included these two things!

Our lesson started with listening to a story about a boy who decides to have a story stand instead of a lemonade stand. He listens to his friends who come to him and he trades them for a story that cleverly incorporates something about them. They really enjoyed working on these stories. I love it when I tell them we need to move on to something else and they just want to keep working on it! Love their motivation, enthusiasm, engagement, and work ethic! Some of them have uploaded it to their digital portfolios so you can check it out.

We are Mathematicians. We reviewed subtraction with regrouping with decimals this week. Please review this concept with your child at home to reinforce their understanding. Thank you! A gentle reminder that they always have access to Khan Academy so they can review any concepts online. The link to Khan Academy can always be found on the right-hand side. Their username and passwords can be found in OneNote under Handouts. Students can ALWAYS be practicing their basic math facts fluency – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

We are doctors in training. We continued to learn more about our respiratory system. We learned that we can live with only one lung, that lungs can float, our right lung is slightly larger than our left, and how much our lungs weigh. I brought up weights to put in a ziplock bag so they can feel how heavy their lungs are. It surprised us all how heavy they felt! They have been working hard on their sketchnotes with facts.

We are artists. This week, students started painting on their canvas for their One Word. I am so looking forward to sharing with you their finished products!

We are passionate about our personal projects! This week, we had some people present their second Passion Projects with us! I love seeing the growth and improvements from the last time they presented which was just before winter break! There were many who worked hard over the break, thank you. I love the excitement I hear when it’s Passion Project time! They actually cheer!

To inspire them, I read them the story that my student from last year published back in November 2020. It was her second book called Gardeners of the Jungle. They loved looking for the hidden snails on each page! To learn more about her story, click here to go to her website. She was recently interviewed on CBC New live in Toronto and people all over the world are connecting with her to speak to their students! We will have an opportunity to listen to her share about her Passion Project during our Literacy Week on January 26 to 29. I am so looking forward to it!

We are grateful. It’s been such a great two weeks back so far. We are grateful for a smooth transition back to school. Please continue to be vigilant to do the daily morning health checks and talk about masks at school. Last week, we watched a Mystery Doug video called Do Masks Really Stop the Coronavirus? They have really enjoyed watching these videos week after week. Also, a reminder to send your child to school ready for inclement weather. We have outside recess even when it rains.

Ms. Paulich and I are always so grateful to be your child’s teacher. They are an awesome group of kids! Knowing them makes me feel so very hopeful for our future! Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We always appreciate comments on our blog posts so feel free to comment! Thank you to those who have on our past posts!

With a heart full of gratitude, Ms. Chan and Ms. Paulich

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