Social Emotional Learning – Page 18 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: Social Emotional Learning

Week 2 Updates

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Dear families,

We have had another fantastic week getting to know each other better, learning how doing small things make a difference to others and our community, how having perseverance and a growth mindset helps us overcome obstacles, how we need to be brave sometimes to step out of our comfort zone, and how using our cooperation and group work skills lead to great effective partnerships. All of our activities are followed by reflections on our experiences – some verbal and some written.

“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey

To give you a glimpse into some activities, here are the tweets I posted this past week with some extra comments:

MONDAY: Got to know each other better with inside outside circles. Ex “I can…” statements: I can listen to other people when they are talking. I can share my own ideas and speak clearly. I can give the gift of attention. Students noticed how communication improved with repetition. To learn more about Inside Outside circles, click here

We also learned about comfort zones and how being in our “Stretch Zone” is most ideal for learning and personal development. When asked, this was a new concept for all of them. We discussed how it is important to get out of our comfort zone and how they will be gently pushed into their stretch zones for various areas like critical and creative thinking, communication skills, personal and social/emotional development, for example.

TUESDAY: “The key to creating or transforming community, then, is to see the power in the small but important elements of being with others.” -Peter Block. We used yarn to create a spider web. Students took turns to share an example of a small yet simple act that would make someone’s day brighter. #Interconnected

I asked one person to shake the yarn in the web (which represents one kind act) then asked another to do same and another until all did so they can see the positive effect of each small kind act for building community. Then we did the opposite. Doesn’t take much if one person does or says one negative thing to affect all in the community. #PowerfulVisual 

Click here to check out Isaac and Yunsoo’s reflections on our spider web activity!

WEDNESDAY: Class community coming together wonderfully. Each day, we have 1-2 community building activities. Today, we got to know each other better by finding commonalities using @poppletny. All shared an appreciation for why partnership worked well. Ex: took turns, shared ideas, cooperated, laughed with me.

We also wrote a reflection after our final tennis lesson. Click here to read Eva and Liliana’s reflections!

THURSDAY: A simple thing but offering choice makes quite a difference to some students. Used these picture prompts. Used Milling to Music strategy for many opportunities to share story ideas first. I can tell we are going to have a blast writing creative stories this year! To learn more about Milling to Music, click here.

We started our day taking turns to share appreciations for each other and those in our school community. Read a book called Louder, Lili about finding your own voice and being courageous to speak up.

FRIDAY: Talked about importance of brain breaks. Had tons of fun playing a version of rock, paper, scissors but instead bear (roar with hands up like claws), salmon (bloop bloop with hands together like a fish), mosquito (bzzz with two index fingers together). Start by saying hi and name first. Stand back to back. Count 3-2-1, turn to face, action plus sound. Then find a new partner. Check out podcast to learn more examples of brain breaks.

Notes for Parents

Donations: Please continue to collect donations for the Terry Fox foundation. On Thursday, September 26th, we will have a Celebration of Learning and our Terry Fox run will follow. Please have your child dress appropriately for the weather. They are encouraged to bring a water bottle.

Earbuds: Please send earbuds with a microphone to school in a labelled Ziploc sandwich bag. It generally has a volume control with a little small hole on the back; that’s the mic. The microphone will help your child record their learning without picking up ambient noise in the classroom. You may find it at a dollar store. No need to buy an expensive pair. Thank you.

Shoes: Send a pair of inside shoes, please.

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