Field Trips – Page 12 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: Field Trips

Week 12

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Dear families,

On Monday, we had a visit from the tooth fairy. Tanya came by to teach us quite a few things. Students had an opportunity to practice holding and flossing false teeth! We also learned about how to take good care of our teeth along with the various parts of our teeth like how enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body. Here is a message from her:

I had the privilege and an amazing opportunity to share with your children my passion and the importance of taking care of their dental hygiene health. My name is Tanya (the tooth fairy) and I am a Registered Dental Hygienist and owner of Olive Branch Dental Hygiene and Teeth Whitening. My goal is to educate your kids on the importance of preventative dentistry to achieve the best overall health and wellness for their smiles. We talked about the importance of flossing before brushing, brushing twice a day for 2 minutes, choosing water as a main drink throughout the day, and incorporating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables into their daily routines. If you are interested in more information on keeping your kid’s teeth healthy or on what we discussed, please feel free to call our office at 604-918-5420 at 4658 Hastings Street.

Every morning, we gather together to meet in our Community Circle. It is often a time to share something about ourselves like what we did on the weekend or how we are feeling. On Tuesday, they finished the starter: “I feel happy when…” and the next day, “I feel on top of the world when…” There were some really endearing ideas shared like:

  • when I get to spend time with my dad/mom/family. *This one melted my heart every time I heard the different reasons why.
  • when I play with my friends.

As a review, here are the habits covered so far:

  1. Be Proactive – Take initiative. You’re in charge!
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – Focus on goals and have a plan!
  3. Put First Things First – Work first, then play!
  4. Think Win-Win – Everyone can win!
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Listen before you speak!

#6: Synergize – Together is Better

Synergy: “valuing differences and then working together to create a better solution than what anyone could do alone. It’s when 1+1 = 3 or more.” This last statement lead to some interesting conversation. At first they couldn’t get over the literal and mathematical aspect of the equation but after further discussion, I believe they understood it better. TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More so we talked about how our class is very much like a team and how we all work together to support each other each day.

Here is Tyson’s reflection: Teamwork is a very important skill. For example, most of the characters were individual groups in the soccer game. When they worked as a team they tied the game and won. For my example, I played a hockey game and I made great passes to my teammates and we won. After the hockey game, I felt proud of my team for helping my team win. Teamwork is a very important skill because you could get lots of things done faster and better.

#7: Sharpen the Saw – Balance Feels Best

“We all feel better when we are balanced, when we take time to renew the four parts of who we are: body, heart, mind, and soul.” The main lesson here was about how it’s important for us to give attention to and balance our time with our activities so that we do not do too much of the same thing. Examples: You use your heart when you play with your friends, your body when you exercise, your soul when you find something quiet to do that makes you feel fresh inside (like going out into nature and thinking about what makes us happy), and your mind when you read.

Click here to learn more about the 7 habits.

Students wrote a Math test to show what they know about Fractions and Decimals (grade 4). Tests are just one way for teachers to find out how well students understand concepts; it informs me of which concepts may need more time. We will review this week. Click here to learn about the learning outcomes on our Mathematicians page under We are Learners.

Thursday was fun with Young People’s Concert in the morning and a featured game at the World Ringette Championships. Click here if you want to learn more about the game or watch a video produced by Ringette Canada. Ringette is truly a Canadian-born sport created by Sam Jacks in 1963. Now, there are over 30,000 players who play across Canada and in different parts of the world.

Each student received a bandana to wear or wave and keep as they cheered on the Czech team or Team USA. The final score was 17 -3 for Team USA so they got to see a LOT of goals scored! Thank you again to the parents of Kyle, Yunsoo, Max, Lucas L., and Liliana for driving us to and from the rink.

On Friday, they had their first session of yoga with Ms. Gomes. I am looking forward to participating with them next Friday!

We had the privilege of having Ms. Innes as our TOC on Thursday and Friday. She was one of our Indigenous Education support teachers who I worked with on our District Staff Development team. She will be our TOC on Monday again as I will be away. I asked her to share her personal stories and knowledge. I wish I could be there so I can learn from her too.

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

Please continue to support the Sock it to Poverty campaign by bringing in new warm socks for those in need. Thank you.

Week 11 Review

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Dear Parents,

Your child brought home their report cards today. I thoroughly enjoyed my first time writing report cards like this as it is quite different at other schools because it included their own reflections on how they are doing in the areas of work habits and attitude, personal awareness and responsibility, and social awareness and responsibility. I also thought it was unique approach to write it directly to my students rather than traditionally, about them. It makes it much more of a personal document that focuses on their strengths and ending with next steps. Each of them had an opportunity to read over their report cards and sign them. You may be used to receiving an extra sheet called an Overview. This was a document that outlined what was covered over the course of the term. Since you have been informed frequently each week on our class blog, please refer to our past blog posts for this information and refer to our We Are Learners pages for the curricular competencies that were covered.

On Monday, I introduced the idea of having “focus students” as an opportunity for them to share something about themselves, a chance to formally speak to the class to develop their communication and presentation skills, and to have regularly scheduled individual teacher time. This is not to say that they do not receive teacher time during other days. Here is the schedule:

If your child’s day lands on a holiday or a Pro-D day, their turn will be the next day. For example, Eva and Kiana’s day is supposed to be tomorrow but instead, will be on Monday, November 25. Since we did not begin “Focus Students” until Tuesday, Ana and Alex will also be on Mon. Nov. 25. For our first time, students were asked to bring an artifact to share and talk about. They are to include details including thoughts and feelings. During their teacher time, we have reviewed their progress and set goals for their public speaking skills as well as how they are doing as a listener. I have also listened to them read and provided direct feedback including reading strategies that will help them progress, and we reviewed their goals in reading. As we move along, the focus each week may be different but every other week, your child will have an opportunity to speak in front of classmates. The feedback they receive will inform them of their strengths (so they maintain them) and their areas of opportunity (so they know what to work on to improve).

Also new on Monday, response journals were introduced. A response journal is a type of writing where students make connections to what they read (text to text, text to self, or text to world). Their sheet of paper is divided into half. On the left-side, they record a summary of “What happened” and on the right-side, they record “My thinking”. Here, they not only practice the important skill of summarization, they have an opportunity to respond to text as they are encouraged to question, analyze, relate, respond, and interpret to gain new understandings or at least that is where we are headed!

Starting on Tuesday, we saw our first sets of focus students come up to share. It is not easy to be one of the first but they presented very well. As an audience, we are working on the skill of listening by looking at the speaker, being engaged by absorbing their message in our hearts and minds, and responding by asking pertinent questions afterwards. I have enjoyed learning more about each student already and am looking forward to the rest!

We returned to our book The 7 Habits of Happy Kids to learn about two more concepts. As a review, here are the first three habits covered so far:

  1. Be Proactive – Take initiative. You’re in charge!
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – Focus on goals and have a plan!
  3. Put First Things First – Work first, then play!
  4. Think Win-Win – Everyone can win!
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Listen before you speak!

Click here to learn more about the 7 habits we will be learning about.

During our Reading time, students were introduced to a new app called Voice Record Pro [Free app to download]. It’s a basic app that allows them to record their voice. They practiced their reading and then recorded a reading sample and uploaded it to OneDrive. We will be looking for growth over time.

We have been working with Ms. Tas every Wednesday afternoon in our classroom. We noticed that some were overusing apostrophes or placing them incorrectly so based on the common errors we are seeing in student’s writing, we had a couple lessons on the proper use of quotation marks for contractions and possessive nouns. Again, based on the students’ inexperience with using quotation marks, our focus this time was on proper use of quotation marks – why we need them, where they go, and where we place commas and question marks within a quotation. Students were partnered up randomly and worked well with each other as they put the words together with punctuation to form a complete sentence. Once done, they rotated to a different station with a new sentence to put together. They loved the hands-on learning experience! They also enjoyed seeing their own names used in these sentences.

Students had an important lesson on digital citizenship today as we discussed the allure of the internet. Information can be at our fingertips within seconds but we need to learn to exercise our self-control, decision making, and critical thinking skills. With opportunities, these skills can be developed over time as they grow and learn to be discerning critical thinkers who make good decisions about what they search, how to decipher whether it is true, and what sites are trustworthy, for example. It is natural for children this age to be curious about many things. The internet offers many opportunities to learn. However, as much as there is good information, there is also negative, harmful, and false information available. Over time, they will learn that what we see on the internet is not all true. Ultimately, one of our goals is that their integrity will stand up so they will make good decisions about how they access and use the information available at their fingertips.


Guest speaker: On Monday, we have arranged for a dental hygienist to come for a classroom visit to teach us about taking care of our teeth.

Thursday: Young People’s Concert & World Ringette Championship game. Thank you to the parents of Kyle, Max, Liliana, Lucas L., and Yunsoo for volunteering to drive! We appreciate you.

Yoga: Next Friday, November 29th, we will begin our first of three yoga sessions with Ms. Gomes. Please have your child wear comfortable clothes and to bring a water bottle. Thank you to Jillian, Brentwood Park PAC and executives in supporting the yoga program. The most important aspect of yoga for children and families are:

  • self care
  • mindful breathing
  • body awareness
  • positive thinking
  • honour and respect for oneself, others and nature

School Blanket Drive at Brentwood Park: Please support. We are collecting gently used or new blankets or sleeping bags, warm clothing, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, new socks and underwear. Click here for more details.

Report card envelopes: Please sign and return your child’s report card envelope next Monday. Thank you.

Week 10 More Learning

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Dear families,

Wednesday was World Kindness Day. We talked about the different ways we can choose to be kind – simple things like choosing to say hello with a smile or choosing to hold the door for someone or showing your appreciation to others. In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind. Feel free to watch and listen to the story we enjoyed:

After the story, Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed, we were inspired to spread our kindness by writing appreciations for at least five people. Many wrote many more! When they were finished, they were like little elves delivering their kindness notes to people all over the school. Some wrote notes to their previous teachers, some to their siblings, big and little buddies, and some to Mr. M, our custodian. You should have seen the big smiles they had on their faces when they returned to the classroom! One student walked back in the door proclaiming, “I feel so happy!” It was a real life lesson to learn that when they spread kindness, they also gain happiness. I don’t think they realized how happy they were going to feel when they started writing these notes. Here are some of their reflections:

  • Zia: It warmed my heart because Kiana made one for me and when I read it, it made me feel happy.
  • Liliana: I feel so happy because when we went to the custodian to give him the letters, he felt appreciated and the smile on his face made me feel happier.
  • Eva: I felt happy because when we went to Ms. Yap’s class, she was so happy and she gave us a hug and that made me feel happy.

THURSDAY: During our regular activity breaks, we have been doing various stationary exercises. To change things up today, I made exercise strips for students to choose a random exercise for the rest of the class to do. They got to choose how many we did too! They loved the choice and the challenge. Their jumping jacks definitely look way better than in the beginning of the year!

We continued to talk about kindness after we watched a video about how sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference in other people’s lives. Sometimes it is a small sacrifice and sometimes it’s a bigger one but it is a choice we make to be kind. The result? It’s varied but one common result is the happiness we gain as we discovered for ourselves or an unexpected effect because of our kindness. We spent some time writing about what kindness means to us. Click here to read reflections by Lauren, Jeyvion, and Yoyo.

FRIDAY: Students are really enjoying using O365 Word for their story writing. One student exclaimed today, “My writing keeps getting better and better!” They really enjoy reading the descriptive feedback on their writing. Students always working so hard during these writing blocks. Loving it!

The kids were introduced to an image that would help them share how they were feeling. This is called the Blob Tree. It was interesting to see who they chose and why to represent their feelings. Our class goal is for everyone to become more comfortable at speaking in front of the class. They each had their turn to go up and share their feelings. Next week, we will start our Focus Students rotation. Stay tuned to learn more!

For our kindness video today, click here.

We currently do not have enough volunteer drivers for our field trip to watch the World Ringette Championships on Thursday, November 28th. We plan to leave the school at around 12:10 pm. If you can help drive us to and from but not stay, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much!

Enjoy your weekend!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan



Week 8 Updates

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Dear families,

Your children make work such a joyful place to be. Sometimes I really can’t believe that I have a job that allows me to smile and laugh so often throughout my work day! One thing I am noticing is how new friendships are developing; I am seeing different people spend time with others. Thank you for your continued support at home. I learned this past week that some of the kids have been reading the weekly updates too. What a great real life reason to read!

MONDAY: Last week, students were introduced to numbers with decimals. Since learning about fractions helps with learning about decimals, we dove into fractions this week and will eventually return to decimals next week. I have updated our Mathematicians page to include the learning outcomes for fractions and decimals as outlined in BC’s curriculum so click here to learn more. This page also includes the learning outcomes from the units covered since the beginning of the year.

TUESDAY: In preparation for our Literature Circles, students were taught the “Say Something” strategy. Together, we read a poem about loosing teeth and the tooth fairy (something we all can connect to!). They were encouraged to notice their thinking as they read – their connections, questions, or images they see in their mind. Then they were asked to “say something” to respond to the text. It can be something that reminds them of another personal experience, something that surprised them or an interesting part, an I wonder statement, or comment on how certain words helped create a visual for them (like a movie in their head), for example. This is a great strategy to practice at home so that they become accustomed to sharing thoughts, feelings, opinions, and participate in less structured conversations.

WEDNESDAY: We listened to a story called Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds and created our own! Which one scares you the most? Coincidentally, today was the same day that the school veggie program delivered baby carrots. How fitting! I love this program because students may be introduced to fruits or veggies they may have never tried before. We actually had one student who tried a carrot for the first time!

THURSDAY: Hallowe’en Day. After listening to another story by the same author, Aaron Reynolds, called Creepy Pair of Underwear, students were introduced to a new story telling app named Puppet Pals. Working in pairs, they created stories using their own creepy carrots as characters. Such a fun time working in partners being creative and playful with telling their story. In the afternoon, we shared our creative stories with the class.

If you have an iPad, Puppet Pals can be downloaded for free with limited capabilities or purchase Puppet Pals Director’s Pass for a few dollars to have the ability to add your own characters and settings.

Thank you to everyone for bringing in healthy snacks to share! I enjoyed listening to the stories of their Hallowe’en nights.

FRIDAY: Today, we welcomed Ms. Taylor as a volunteer who will be supporting us. I have known her for years through my ringette community because she is also a coach. Last year, she volunteered in my class too. Ms. Taylor has applied to SFU’s Education program to become a teacher.

We met with our little buddies for the second time. So love watching your child practice their leadership and communication skills with little ones!

The District purchased Tynker licenses (coding) for two intermediate classes per school. We are fortunate to have one of these licenses. Some students were interested to take home their account and password information to try out. On an iPad, you can download the Tynker app. Then have your child sign in with their credentials (username and password). I have asked them to download the course named Programming 101 only because this is a beginner course that will help develop their coding skills. Alternatively, Tynker can be accessed on any browser (like Chrome or Safari), tap Sign In, and enter their credentials (username and password).

Dear students,

We have been together for 8 weeks now. What are your favourite activities or lessons so far? What would you like to do more of? Please feel free to write a comment on this blog post.

Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

An update on Grade 4 FSA testing: Most students have completed the two online and three written portions on reading, writing, and numeracy.

I have added some new pages to We Are Learners tab. To learn more about what has been covered in the curriculum, please check it out!

  • Comprehend and Connect (new)
  • Creators and Communicators (new)
  • Mathematicians (updated)
  • Core Competencies (I am still adding to this page.)

Field Trip to World Ringette Championships on November 28th. If you have not done so already, please click here to go to the online permission form to fill out. Thank you. To learn more about the field trip, click here.

I recently found out that our Young People’s Concert will be on the same day at 10:45 AM. We should be back shortly after 12 noon and will head to Bill Copeland sooner after. Thank you to parents who have already indicated that you can drive us and help supervise.

Enjoy watching Creepy Carrots and Creepy Underwear at home!

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